Rush Limbaugh ....Hurricane Denier

Just like they faked the moon landing. All those pictures of devastation from Hurricane Irma are just made up to sell climate change

Yeah just like the moon landings. I sat two weeks and watched it. The news gins it up, and the stores love it. Can you guess what Cabelas is all out of? Boats. Can you guess what's for sale all over Craig's list? Yup, boats. There were a few areas that took a beating here, matter of fact, still are, yet no news. They to busy getting ratings from pictures of dead kids and whipping Florida into a panic. Harvy saved the news industry.
Oh boy we've got a live one here

Mom, why is the sheep staring at me? Because Jr, all it knows how to do is sit there until it's told it's time to eat.
Well there's your first problem -- time to move out on your own, kid, and stop relying on mom for answers

Lame. Especially from a past member of the rep circle jerk. I know it's hard hearing your a whitless sheep, but it's just like the alchoholisem thing you had, once you recognize it's a problem, you did it one step at a time. First step for you would to know what you are talking about, not what you google up on huffpuff.
Sure thing, clown. Tell us again how the US faked the moon landing :rofl:
Yeah just like the moon landings. I sat two weeks and watched it. The news gins it up, and the stores love it. Can you guess what Cabelas is all out of? Boats. Can you guess what's for sale all over Craig's list? Yup, boats. There were a few areas that took a beating here, matter of fact, still are, yet no news. They to busy getting ratings from pictures of dead kids and whipping Florida into a panic. Harvy saved the news industry.
Oh boy we've got a live one here

Mom, why is the sheep staring at me? Because Jr, all it knows how to do is sit there until it's told it's time to eat.
Well there's your first problem -- time to move out on your own, kid, and stop relying on mom for answers

Lame. Especially from a past member of the rep circle jerk. I know it's hard hearing your a whitless sheep, but it's just like the alchoholisem thing you had, once you recognize it's a problem, you did it one step at a time. First step for you would to know what you are talking about, not what you google up on huffpuff.
Sure thing, clown. Tell us again how the US faked the moon landing :rofl:

You are a dumb fuck. Hopefully you are a cut sheep. The world is fucked enough without retards like you breeding.
Limbaugh's dismissal of Irma 'panic' riles forecasters

Rush Limbaugh has created a storm of his own by suggesting that the "panic" caused by Hurricane Irma benefits retailers, the media and politicians seeking action on climate change.

The conservative radio personality's swerve into meteorology had Al Roker, the "Today" show weatherman, saying Wednesday that Limbaugh was putting people's lives at risk.

Limbaugh's lengthy soliloquy on his radio show the day before was apparently set off by seeing a rush on supplies of bottled water in south Florida, where he lives. The powerful Hurricane Irma is still in the Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters warn it could affect Florida by the weekend.

"There is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it," Limbaugh said. "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and dangerous."

Hey....Rush sets the Conservative agenda on science, economics, education....why not the weather?

What Rush is really thinking:

"I know that the magnitude and frequency of hurricanes this season proves that climate change is very real, but in order to save my job, I'm going to continue to take advantage of the very, very stupid people that believe what I say and try to politicize these hurricanes - after all if they're stupid enough to believe that climate change is a political issue, they'll believe that hurricanes are as well!"

They believe whatever Rush says. Rush never graduated from college yet he is an expert on climate change, hurricanes, the economy, sports and whatever else he wants to pontificate about
Limbaugh's dismissal of Irma 'panic' riles forecasters

Rush Limbaugh has created a storm of his own by suggesting that the "panic" caused by Hurricane Irma benefits retailers, the media and politicians seeking action on climate change.

The conservative radio personality's swerve into meteorology had Al Roker, the "Today" show weatherman, saying Wednesday that Limbaugh was putting people's lives at risk.

Limbaugh's lengthy soliloquy on his radio show the day before was apparently set off by seeing a rush on supplies of bottled water in south Florida, where he lives. The powerful Hurricane Irma is still in the Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters warn it could affect Florida by the weekend.

"There is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it," Limbaugh said. "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and dangerous."

Hey....Rush sets the Conservative agenda on science, economics, education....why not the weather?

Going to the OP, 24 hour news coverage of a disaster, all the advertising is for certapro, Home Depot and Walmart , plywood go's up 2 bucks an hour water in bottles dries up, ice cost 3 bucks for an20 pound bag and every politician from county judge to the school board is on TV? Rush is dead on. Hurricanes are nothing more then blank checks to polititions and insurance companies.
If Rush is so bunched up over the coverage that some media outlets are giving the hurricane,

he should do what most people do with his show,

don't listen to it.

Better yet

Let Rush do a show from the Florida Keys this weekend
Limbaugh's dismissal of Irma 'panic' riles forecasters

Rush Limbaugh has created a storm of his own by suggesting that the "panic" caused by Hurricane Irma benefits retailers, the media and politicians seeking action on climate change.

The conservative radio personality's swerve into meteorology had Al Roker, the "Today" show weatherman, saying Wednesday that Limbaugh was putting people's lives at risk.

Limbaugh's lengthy soliloquy on his radio show the day before was apparently set off by seeing a rush on supplies of bottled water in south Florida, where he lives. The powerful Hurricane Irma is still in the Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters warn it could affect Florida by the weekend.

"There is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it," Limbaugh said. "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and dangerous."

Hey....Rush sets the Conservative agenda on science, economics, education....why not the weather?

What Rush is really thinking:

"I know that the magnitude and frequency of hurricanes this season proves that climate change is very real, but in order to save my job, I'm going to continue to take advantage of the very, very stupid people that believe what I say and try to politicize these hurricanes - after all if they're stupid enough to believe that climate change is a political issue, they'll believe that hurricanes are as well!"

They believe whatever Rush says. Rush never graduated from college yet he is an expert on climate change, hurricanes, the economy, sports and whatever else he wants to pontificate about

Na, can't stand Rush. Hannity makes me nauseous. Na, talk radio ain't my thing.
Oh boy we've got a live one here

Mom, why is the sheep staring at me? Because Jr, all it knows how to do is sit there until it's told it's time to eat.
Well there's your first problem -- time to move out on your own, kid, and stop relying on mom for answers

Lame. Especially from a past member of the rep circle jerk. I know it's hard hearing your a whitless sheep, but it's just like the alchoholisem thing you had, once you recognize it's a problem, you did it one step at a time. First step for you would to know what you are talking about, not what you google up on huffpuff.
Sure thing, clown. Tell us again how the US faked the moon landing :rofl:

You are a dumb fuck. Hopefully you are a cut sheep. The world is fucked enough without retards like you breeding.
Meltdown imminent

Standby for full retard mode
Limbaugh's dismissal of Irma 'panic' riles forecasters

Rush Limbaugh has created a storm of his own by suggesting that the "panic" caused by Hurricane Irma benefits retailers, the media and politicians seeking action on climate change.

The conservative radio personality's swerve into meteorology had Al Roker, the "Today" show weatherman, saying Wednesday that Limbaugh was putting people's lives at risk.

Limbaugh's lengthy soliloquy on his radio show the day before was apparently set off by seeing a rush on supplies of bottled water in south Florida, where he lives. The powerful Hurricane Irma is still in the Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters warn it could affect Florida by the weekend.

"There is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it," Limbaugh said. "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and dangerous."

Hey....Rush sets the Conservative agenda on science, economics, education....why not the weather?

Going to the OP, 24 hour news coverage of a disaster, all the advertising is for certapro, Home Depot and Walmart , plywood go's up 2 bucks an hour water in bottles dries up, ice cost 3 bucks for an20 pound bag and every politician from county judge to the school board is on TV? Rush is dead on. Hurricanes are nothing more then blank checks to polititions and insurance companies.

Rush is full of shit and dangerous
Yes, there is profit made in selling supplies in preparation of a hurricane. That in no way proves that Hurricane Irma is any less a threat.
Rush is irresponsible to tell his listeners who actually believe everything he says that the hurricane is exaggerated and not as big a threat as they say
Mom, why is the sheep staring at me? Because Jr, all it knows how to do is sit there until it's told it's time to eat.
Well there's your first problem -- time to move out on your own, kid, and stop relying on mom for answers

Lame. Especially from a past member of the rep circle jerk. I know it's hard hearing your a whitless sheep, but it's just like the alchoholisem thing you had, once you recognize it's a problem, you did it one step at a time. First step for you would to know what you are talking about, not what you google up on huffpuff.
Sure thing, clown. Tell us again how the US faked the moon landing :rofl:

You are a dumb fuck. Hopefully you are a cut sheep. The world is fucked enough without retards like you breeding.
Meltdown imminent

Standby for full retard mode

Not even close. Just sit there and makenfart sounds Jr.
Limbaugh's dismissal of Irma 'panic' riles forecasters

Rush Limbaugh has created a storm of his own by suggesting that the "panic" caused by Hurricane Irma benefits retailers, the media and politicians seeking action on climate change.

The conservative radio personality's swerve into meteorology had Al Roker, the "Today" show weatherman, saying Wednesday that Limbaugh was putting people's lives at risk.

Limbaugh's lengthy soliloquy on his radio show the day before was apparently set off by seeing a rush on supplies of bottled water in south Florida, where he lives. The powerful Hurricane Irma is still in the Atlantic Ocean, but forecasters warn it could affect Florida by the weekend.

"There is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it," Limbaugh said. "You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don't need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and dangerous."

Hey....Rush sets the Conservative agenda on science, economics, education....why not the weather?

Going to the OP, 24 hour news coverage of a disaster, all the advertising is for certapro, Home Depot and Walmart , plywood go's up 2 bucks an hour water in bottles dries up, ice cost 3 bucks for an20 pound bag and every politician from county judge to the school board is on TV? Rush is dead on. Hurricanes are nothing more then blank checks to polititions and insurance companies.

Rush is full of shit and dangerous
Yes, there is profit made in selling supplies in preparation of a hurricane. That in no way proves that Hurricane Irma is any less a threat.
Rush is irresponsible to tell his listeners who actually believe everything he says that the hurricane is exaggerated and not as big a threat as they say

Translation, " Rush is right, but I hate him". Wasn't that easy ?
Does anyone have a recording of these comments?
My Analysis of the Hurricane Irma Panic
Sep 5, 2017

Rush:The hurricane is what I want to lead off with, folks. And I’ve gotta be very careful here because I am not a meteorologist, and nothing I say today should be considered to be a forecast or a prediction. I am not the National Hurricane Center. I am not a climatologist or meteorologist. All I do is analyze the data that they publish. Just as I am the go-to tech guy in my family and here on the staff, when it comes to a hurricane bearing down on south Florida, I’m the go-to guy.

The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works. Now, I don’t mean this to be a personal attack on anybody, but the one thing that’s undeniable throughout our culture is that everything has been politicized. And in that sense much of our public information system, including from the government, from the Drive-By Media, has been corrupted. It has been corrupted by the individual biases and whatever present bigotry of the people who hold these positions.

You can see it in the way the Deep State deals with Trump. You can see it with the way the intelligence community and the Washington establishment deal with Trump. So in the case of a hurricane, what happens? Well, there are many levels here. When a hurricane pops up — and we can’t forget Hurricane Harvey because Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.

Now, in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Algore is correct when he has written — and he couldn’t be more wrong — that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes. And, of course, when Harvey hit, it was the first hurricane that had hit in 12 years. There haven’t been more hurricanes and no more dangerous than any others in previous years.

But it doesn’t matter because the bias is built in. So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.

Now, how do you do this? Well, any number of ways. Let’s take south Florida television, for example. There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.

And in that sense, folks, I mean, look, it’s the way the world works. I’m not accusing anybody of anything illegal here, it’s just the way the world works. I don’t want mention brand names because that’s not the point. Let’s call it Basement Depot. Basement Depot huge, huge business, Basement Depot spends gazillions of dollars every year in local advertising in hurricane forced areas.

Here comes a hurricane, local media goes on the air, “Big hurricane coming, oh, my God! Make sure you got batteries. Make sure you got water. It could be the worst ever. Have you seen the size of this baby? It’s already a Cat 5. Oh, my God, oh, my God, it’s bigger than the island of Haiti. Oh, my God.” People run to the stores, they stock up everything, and they hoard. And they end up with vacant stores, nothing there. And it’s a big success. TV stations got eyeballs, the advertising businesses have sold out of business, gotta restock, and the cycle repeats.

This is exactly what’s happening. You cannot find a case of bottled water here in Palm Beach. You can’t. Miami, probably even worse. Now, a hurricane center. How does this work? Well, there are a lot of things involved in this. The models for computer hurricanes come from meteorology departments all over the world. The U.K. meteorology office has a bunch of computer models. There’s whole bunch of people. Universities have them. And these model runs happen four to five hours apart, six hours apart multiple times a day.

The models are publicly available. Anybody who knows how to log on to hurricane websites can see the models. And you can track which way the hurricane center, which models they believe and which ones they don’t believe.

Now, my theory — and it’s only a theory — is that because of the biases, because of the politicization of everything, because you have people in all of these government areas who believe man is causing climate change, and they’re hell-bent on proving it, they’re hell-bent on demonstrating it, they’re hell-bent on persuading people of it. So here comes a hurricane that’s 10 to 12 days out and here come the initial model runs, and if it’s close — sometimes it’s not close, sometimes the hurricane will turn to the north out in the mid-Atlantic and there’s no way you can fake that. But if, if they are going to approach a hit on the U.S., you will note that early tracks always have them impacting a major population center.

Unlike UFOs which only land in trailer parks, hurricanes are always forecast to hit major population centers. Because, after all, major population centers is where the major damage will take place and where we can demonstrate that these things are getting bigger and they’re getting more frequent and they’re getting worse. All because of climate change. I’ve got the audio sound bites to support. I can’t tell you the number of media people and elected officials all talking about this hurricane, Hurricane Irma, it’s no doubt due to climate change. And it never ends, it just never ends


My Analysis of the Hurricane Irma Panic.
Great, thanks.

Now, what part annoys you?

that he can't relent about anything that could possibly be scientific fact.
Rush is doing what he always does, predicting how the left are going to do. In a week or two he will play a montage of the left doing exactly what he predicted they would do, in this case using the hurricane to foam at the mouth about climate change.

scientists have been speaking out against all the wetlands & marshes being paved over for quite awhile.... that's where a good deal of flooding occurs. that's backed up by facts deary.

You environment hating liberals pave over the environment obliterating it in your Dem run big cities, FACT! Then you gather hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewage and spill that into public waterways untreated each year FACT! Then you haul about a billion tons of garbage out of your inner city garbage spewing pits and foul the land and sea with that. Any other liberal environment obliteration you wish to discuss? No I thought not.
Does anyone have a recording of these comments?
My Analysis of the Hurricane Irma Panic
Sep 5, 2017

Rush:The hurricane is what I want to lead off with, folks. And I’ve gotta be very careful here because I am not a meteorologist, and nothing I say today should be considered to be a forecast or a prediction. I am not the National Hurricane Center. I am not a climatologist or meteorologist. All I do is analyze the data that they publish. Just as I am the go-to tech guy in my family and here on the staff, when it comes to a hurricane bearing down on south Florida, I’m the go-to guy.

The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works. Now, I don’t mean this to be a personal attack on anybody, but the one thing that’s undeniable throughout our culture is that everything has been politicized. And in that sense much of our public information system, including from the government, from the Drive-By Media, has been corrupted. It has been corrupted by the individual biases and whatever present bigotry of the people who hold these positions.

You can see it in the way the Deep State deals with Trump. You can see it with the way the intelligence community and the Washington establishment deal with Trump. So in the case of a hurricane, what happens? Well, there are many levels here. When a hurricane pops up — and we can’t forget Hurricane Harvey because Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.

Now, in the official meteorological circles, you have an abundance of people who believe that man-made climate change is real. And they believe that Algore is correct when he has written — and he couldn’t be more wrong — that climate change is creating more hurricanes and stronger hurricanes. And, of course, when Harvey hit, it was the first hurricane that had hit in 12 years. There haven’t been more hurricanes and no more dangerous than any others in previous years.

But it doesn’t matter because the bias is built in. So there is a desire to advance this climate change agenda, and hurricanes are one of the fastest and best ways to do it. You can accomplish a lot just by creating fear and panic. You don’t need a hurricane to hit anywhere. All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.

Now, how do you do this? Well, any number of ways. Let’s take south Florida television, for example. There is symbiotic relationship between retailers and local media, and it’s related to money. It revolves around money. You have major, major industries and businesses which prosper during times of crisis and panic, such as a hurricane, which could destroy or greatly damage people’s homes, and it could interrupt the flow of water and electricity. So what happens?

Well, the TV stations begin reporting this and the panic begins to increase. And then people end up going to various stores to stock up on water and whatever they might need for home repairs and batteries and all this that they’re advised to get, and a vicious circle is created. You have these various retail outlets who spend a lot of advertising dollars with the local media.

The local media, in turn, reports in such a way as to create the panic way far out, which sends people into these stores to fill up with water and to fill up with batteries, and it becomes a never-ending repeated cycle. And the two coexist. So the media benefits with the panic with increased eyeballs, and the retailers benefit from the panic with increased sales, and the TV companies benefit because they’re getting advertising dollars from the businesses that are seeing all this attention from customers.

And in that sense, folks, I mean, look, it’s the way the world works. I’m not accusing anybody of anything illegal here, it’s just the way the world works. I don’t want mention brand names because that’s not the point. Let’s call it Basement Depot. Basement Depot huge, huge business, Basement Depot spends gazillions of dollars every year in local advertising in hurricane forced areas.

Here comes a hurricane, local media goes on the air, “Big hurricane coming, oh, my God! Make sure you got batteries. Make sure you got water. It could be the worst ever. Have you seen the size of this baby? It’s already a Cat 5. Oh, my God, oh, my God, it’s bigger than the island of Haiti. Oh, my God.” People run to the stores, they stock up everything, and they hoard. And they end up with vacant stores, nothing there. And it’s a big success. TV stations got eyeballs, the advertising businesses have sold out of business, gotta restock, and the cycle repeats.

This is exactly what’s happening. You cannot find a case of bottled water here in Palm Beach. You can’t. Miami, probably even worse. Now, a hurricane center. How does this work? Well, there are a lot of things involved in this. The models for computer hurricanes come from meteorology departments all over the world. The U.K. meteorology office has a bunch of computer models. There’s whole bunch of people. Universities have them. And these model runs happen four to five hours apart, six hours apart multiple times a day.

The models are publicly available. Anybody who knows how to log on to hurricane websites can see the models. And you can track which way the hurricane center, which models they believe and which ones they don’t believe.

Now, my theory — and it’s only a theory — is that because of the biases, because of the politicization of everything, because you have people in all of these government areas who believe man is causing climate change, and they’re hell-bent on proving it, they’re hell-bent on demonstrating it, they’re hell-bent on persuading people of it. So here comes a hurricane that’s 10 to 12 days out and here come the initial model runs, and if it’s close — sometimes it’s not close, sometimes the hurricane will turn to the north out in the mid-Atlantic and there’s no way you can fake that. But if, if they are going to approach a hit on the U.S., you will note that early tracks always have them impacting a major population center.

Unlike UFOs which only land in trailer parks, hurricanes are always forecast to hit major population centers. Because, after all, major population centers is where the major damage will take place and where we can demonstrate that these things are getting bigger and they’re getting more frequent and they’re getting worse. All because of climate change. I’ve got the audio sound bites to support. I can’t tell you the number of media people and elected officials all talking about this hurricane, Hurricane Irma, it’s no doubt due to climate change. And it never ends, it just never ends


My Analysis of the Hurricane Irma Panic.
Great, thanks.

Now, what part annoys you?

that he can't relent about anything that could possibly be scientific fact.

Well if you posted some.....
If Rush is so bunched up over the coverage that some media outlets are giving the hurricane,

he should do what most people do with his show,

don't listen to it.

His show is the most listened to show in America with 26,000,000+ listeners... sooooooooo.....

And coming a close second in Rachel Madcow with 1,600,000+ viewers. :lmao:
Last edited:
What is the fascination for lefties about Rush Limbaugh? He is just a voice on the radio. For some perspective, CBS tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents and Dan Rather still gets big bucks for a speech. Lefties should be praising Rush for trying to alleviate the water crisis. The freaking taps still work and if you are going to tough it out fill the freaking bath tub with water and freeze about ten gallons or whatever you can fit in the freezer. If you are going to evacuate fill whatever container can be sealed with tap water.
Rush is doing what he always does, predicting how the left are going to do. In a week or two he will play a montage of the left doing exactly what he predicted they would do, in this case using the hurricane to foam at the mouth about climate change.

scientists have been speaking out against all the wetlands & marshes being paved over for quite awhile.... that's where a good deal of flooding occurs. that's backed up by facts deary.

You environment hating liberals pave over the environment obliterating it in your Dem run big cities, FACT! Then you gather hundreds of millions of gallons of raw sewage and spill that into public waterways untreated each year FACT! Then you haul about a billion tons of garbage out of your inner city garbage spewing pits and foul the land and sea with that. Any other liberal environment obliteration you wish to discuss? No I thought not.

lol.... save it jr. any argument you think you have regarding environmental protections hold no creedence given the fact that your mango madman appointed scott pruitt to head the EPA with his reputation & the rollback of regulations he climaxed over since being appointed....

btw it was a (R) that created the EPA.

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