Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Just a question what happened to the 99 weekers the democrats we're crying about when the program got cut off ??
Well, if you were informed at all, you would know the UE rate has to drop below a certain threshold BEFORE the extensions are cut off, so the 99 weekers got jobs first in an improving economy and then afterwards the extension was cut off when it was no longer needed.

It seems you were the one not informed dingle berry.

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits - World Socialist Web Site

Nearly one million US workers cut off unemployment benefits
By Patrick Martin
18 June 2010

With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30.


(CNN) — Senate passage of long-term unemployment benefits appeared in doubt on Tuesday following the failure of two procedural votes, leaving the fate of emergency government assistance to more than 1 million people in limbo.

The votes come after fits and starts in negotiations involving Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and eight Republican Senators.

All parties said they hoped the talks would continue but several acknowledged the bill is now on a back-burner as the Senate scrambles to deal with other pressing legislation before a week-long recess.

One Democratic source said this would be a “cooling off period” after emotional debate.

Talks broke down over policy and process.

The White House said it was disappointed in the development, blaming Republican

Extending unemployment benefits stumbles in Senate

Except UE had declined from 15,352,000 at the height of the Bush Depression, to 10,280,000 when the GOP decided to screw 1 million Americans in a desperate attempt to damage the recovering economy. The extensions that brought UI to 99 weeks had already ended when the UE rate fell below 7.5%, well before your Jan 2014 article, and the extension delayed in your June 18, 2010 article was passed July 1, 2010.
Soros is a fucking scumbag who's goal is to destroy this country. He has stated that many times. Soros owns Media Matters which has been trying to destroy Rush for years.
That's the lie Perpetual Victim MessiahRushie tells his stupid sucker DittoTards who mindlessly swallow that bullshit whole.
Soros is a fucking scumbag who's goal is to destroy this country. He has stated that many times. Soros owns Media Matters which has been trying to destroy Rush for years. The fact that your head is so far in rectal defilade that you can't see anything but brown is on you. Not me.

Can you cite where Soros has actually said he wants to destroy America?


I'm sure you have a link to this.

Follow the links. Have fun though I doubt you will even look knowing how you support everything he does.

"New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person."

George Soros - Discover the Networks
And you're a tweaker.
Get people off food stamps by incentivising them to get off their asses and get to work.

And how do we do that, exactly?

"I know, I'll cut their welfare payments and then they'll have to work!"

Oh, wait. NO, there aren't enough jobs out there for the people who want them.

Now, I'd have no problem if we replaced welfare with workfare. But the people who really run your movement would.
I made my own job. I employ 7 people. Others are more than welcome to do the same.
YES cut their welfare payments and freeze benefits to 3 children. More rug rats does not necessarily mean more food stamps. I don't advocate letting anyone starve, but collecting checks.... letting others fulfill YOUR responsibilities, SHOULD be somewhat painful. These people should be ashamed to accept benefits without giving back something in return. You are promoting sloth, Joe. I am promoting independence and responsibility.
What shit is that? Committing crimes? Having kids they can't afford? Dropping out of school? Using drugs? Expecting others to pay for their bad decisions?
You're damned right, Joe. I WOULDN'T last a week. I'd rather die than live that life.

Again, this is a wonderful example of a white guy being born on third base and thinking he hit a triple.

So let's talk about one example you cited. "Using Drugs".

Hey guess who used drugs? That's right, the VERY GUY this thread is about.

But unlike a black kid who did a little blow, Rush Limbaugh got himself a nice fancy lawyer, went to a private rehab clinic, filed a bunch of motions and finally cut a deal with a prosecutor that involved no jail time. He took no responsibility for his bad decisions.

But some poor black kid. Man put him in jail and make him work for a big corporation for $10.00 a day in a prison industry.
Very rarely is your poor black kid going to face time for a first offence drug charge. If he does it is because he pissed off a judge or has a history of drug abuse. You're a loser, Joe. I can rebut anything of substance you have in your bag of talking points. I suggest you get off the damned meth and let your head clear before you play this game.
And you're a tweaker.
Get people off food stamps by incentivising them to get off their asses and get to work.

And how do we do that, exactly?

"I know, I'll cut their welfare payments and then they'll have to work!"

Oh, wait. NO, there aren't enough jobs out there for the people who want them.

Now, I'd have no problem if we replaced welfare with workfare. But the people who really run your movement would.

Just a question what happened to the 99 weekers the democrats we're crying about when the program got cut off ??

Some went on disability, some to welfare and some even got jobs. If obama hadn't overridden the clinton/Gingrich welfare reform, more of the lazy would be working.
Can you cite where Soros has actually said he wants to destroy America?


I'm sure you have a link to this.

Follow the links. Have fun though I doubt you will even look knowing how you support everything he does.

"New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person."

George Soros - Discover the Networks

So... um where's the part where he said, "I want to destroy America, Bwhahahahaha!!!" ?

Okay, seriously, though. Soros did make a big deal about oppossing Bush, but frankly, given how much Bush fucked up everything he touched maybe we should have listened to him.
Very rarely is your poor black kid going to face time for a first offence drug charge. If he does it is because he pissed off a judge or has a history of drug abuse. You're a loser, Joe. I can rebut anything of substance you have in your bag of talking points. I suggest you get off the damned meth and let your head clear before you play this game.

We lock up 2 million people, most of them people of color. Your denial of reality isn't an argument.

so white people get rehab, black people get prison.

Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get a pass. Jamal gets prison.

That's all kind of fucked up.
I made my own job. I employ 7 people. Others are more than welcome to do the same.
YES cut their welfare payments and freeze benefits to 3 children. More rug rats does not necessarily mean more food stamps. I don't advocate letting anyone starve, but collecting checks.... letting others fulfill YOUR responsibilities, SHOULD be somewhat painful. These people should be ashamed to accept benefits without giving back something in return. You are promoting sloth, Joe. I am promoting independence and responsibility.

No, guy, you are promoting mean-spiritedness.

Do you cheer for Mr. Potter when you watch "It's a Wonderful Life"?
Very rarely is your poor black kid going to face time for a first offence drug charge. If he does it is because he pissed off a judge or has a history of drug abuse. You're a loser, Joe. I can rebut anything of substance you have in your bag of talking points. I suggest you get off the damned meth and let your head clear before you play this game.

We lock up 2 million people, most of them people of color. Your denial of reality isn't an argument.

so white people get rehab, black people get prison.

Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get a pass. Jamal gets prison.

That's all kind of fucked up.

First time offenders usually get no jail time. Repeat offenders will get jail time.
Can you cite where Soros has actually said he wants to destroy America?


I'm sure you have a link to this.

Follow the links. Have fun though I doubt you will even look knowing how you support everything he does.

"New York hedge fund manager George Soros is one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s in particular, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades. Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person."

George Soros - Discover the Networks

So... um where's the part where he said, "I want to destroy America, Bwhahahahaha!!!" ?

Okay, seriously, though. Soros did make a big deal about oppossing Bush, but frankly, given how much Bush fucked up everything he touched maybe we should have listened to him.

What... are you retarded? Look at the groups he supports and what their goals are. One plus one equals two. But, like I said, you support it so you ignore it. No biggie there are plenty of others who are stunned by what he is doing.
Very rarely is your poor black kid going to face time for a first offence drug charge. If he does it is because he pissed off a judge or has a history of drug abuse. You're a loser, Joe. I can rebut anything of substance you have in your bag of talking points. I suggest you get off the damned meth and let your head clear before you play this game.

We lock up 2 million people, most of them people of color. Your denial of reality isn't an argument.

so white people get rehab, black people get prison.

Limbaugh and Cindy McCain get a pass. Jamal gets prison.

That's all kind of fucked up.
We lock up people for breaking the law. Yes, sometimes people who can afford better representation do get a better deal from the courts.
The overwhelming majority of drug offenders in our prisons are in there for sales or repeat offences. Even Jamal isn't going to do time for having oxicontins in his luggage, unless he has a bushel and plans on selling them.
You are so stupid, Joe. Is it painful?
I made my own job. I employ 7 people. Others are more than welcome to do the same.
YES cut their welfare payments and freeze benefits to 3 children. More rug rats does not necessarily mean more food stamps. I don't advocate letting anyone starve, but collecting checks.... letting others fulfill YOUR responsibilities, SHOULD be somewhat painful. These people should be ashamed to accept benefits without giving back something in return. You are promoting sloth, Joe. I am promoting independence and responsibility.

No, guy, you are promoting mean-spiritedness.

Do you cheer for Mr. Potter when you watch "It's a Wonderful Life"?
Me? promoting mean spiritedness? For wanting people to be able to take care of themselves?
You, sir, are promoting slavery without the cotton. No tote that barge, lift that bale, only vote Democrat every other year.
Some went on disability, some to welfare and some even got jobs. If obama hadn't overridden the clinton/Gingrich welfare reform, more of the lazy would be working.

Guy, people who want to work can't find jobs. Isn't this your argument when you are whining about illegal immigrants.

Try to make a consistent argument, okay, Cleetus.
Links to me making that argument? Joe! Spouting lies and assumptions is intellectually dishonest, as if you have the capacity to be intellectually anything...
First time offenders usually get no jail time. Repeat offenders will get jail time.

Is that your story.

Not so much. Here's a woman who was a non-violent offender, first offense.

How a first crack cocaine offense led to a life sentence

Saranda Jones — prisoner 33177-077 — struggled to describe the moment in 1999 when a federal judge sentenced her to life in prison after her conviction on a single cocaine offense.

She was a first-time, nonviolent offender.

“I was numb,” Jones said in an interview at the Carswell women’s prison here. “I was thinking about my baby. I thought it can’t be real life in prison.”

Jones, who will turn 48 next week, is one of tens of thousands of inmates who received harsh mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses during the crack-cocaine epidemic, and whose cases are drawing new attention.
What... are you retarded? Look at the groups he supports and what their goals are. One plus one equals two. But, like I said, you support it so you ignore it. No biggie there are plenty of others who are stunned by what he is doing.

Even looking at your nutter site, the groups he supports includes "Human Rights Watch" and the ACLU.

I realize these are groups YOU don't like, but frankly, a lot of them are just addressing wrongs in this country.

Such as the sentencing project, that thinks a single mother should get the same sentence for a first time drug offense as a fat radio loudmouth.
What... are you retarded? Look at the groups he supports and what their goals are. One plus one equals two. But, like I said, you support it so you ignore it. No biggie there are plenty of others who are stunned by what he is doing.

Even looking at your nutter site, the groups he supports includes "Human Rights Watch" and the ACLU.

I realize these are groups YOU don't like, but frankly, a lot of them are just addressing wrongs in this country.

Such as the sentencing project, that thinks a single mother should get the same sentence for a first time drug offense as a fat radio loudmouth.

Wrongs according to whom? You? You think a business doing the right thing means doing it your way with their money. Not for you to determine.
First time offenders usually get no jail time. Repeat offenders will get jail time.

Is that your story.

Not so much. Here's a woman who was a non-violent offender, first offense.

How a first crack cocaine offense led to a life sentence

Saranda Jones — prisoner 33177-077 — struggled to describe the moment in 1999 when a federal judge sentenced her to life in prison after her conviction on a single cocaine offense.

She was a first-time, nonviolent offender.

“I was numb,” Jones said in an interview at the Carswell women’s prison here. “I was thinking about my baby. I thought it can’t be real life in prison.”

Jones, who will turn 48 next week, is one of tens of thousands of inmates who received harsh mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses during the crack-cocaine epidemic, and whose cases are drawing new attention.

And in the story it tells how the Supreme. Court made that obsolete. It was sentencing guidelines and judges now have more leeway.

So you have a rare case. I said first offenders usually get no jail time. And I'm still correct.

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