Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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So no more cheering for the death of Ruth Ginsberg or other "libs" you hate??
RBG is a self-hating American.
in other words, you get to decide when its ok to cheer for the death of someone?? cool...

Well, at least you can hope that she dies before Rush does....whatever gives you comfort......

So to recap -- when yo bitch ass clutched your pearls at people not giving a fuck about Rush having cancer, that makes you a hypocrite...right?
She is a cancer on civilization.
It’s apparent you don’t listen to Rush gushing over the Free Market and Globalism
Yeah, I do listen quite a bit. Those of us who do, know you dont know what you're talking about.
I know lots of people who “listen” to Rush and when I ask them what Rush spoke about, they can’t quite give an answer.
Rush is a Globalist Free Market snob.
I’ll go with Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Steve Hilton over Rush any day.

Do you remember what Rush said within the first 10 minutes of his show the first day of Obama’s Presidency?

The far-left Progressives here sure seem desperate to show their ugliest side.

I wonder how they manage to get through each day filled with so much hate. How can they get out of bed and breathe?
What comes around, goes around.

The evil piece of shit made a living out of lying to the feeble minded masses on the right.

Thousands of Trumpettes will wonder aimlessly without their college dropout druggie telling them what to think.
Your dim witted envy and maliciousness is easily apparent.
Are you jealous because Limbaugh actually has built something of value, and has millions of people that will pray for him
in a time of need?

While you? Not so much at all.
No link

he just made the announcement on his radio show
I called this years ago when I heard the change in his voice from his normal smooth "dulcet tones" to his raspy gravelly cigar voice.

EDITED below: It's Roswell Park Medical in Buffalo that has the collaboration with Cuba's Centro de Inmunología Molecular.

If it's non-small cell lung cancer/stage 4 he's toast. He's got maybe 6-8 months.
This is the most common form of lung cancer, and also the most common form of cancer on the planet due to smoking.
Just had a friend die from this last year.

Roswell Medical in Buffalo, NY.
They adopted a drug developed in Cuba that keeps stage 4 patients alive. Not kidding.
If you're a fan, send him the link.

CIMAvax Lung Cancer Vaccine

My friend couldn't qualify for the trial because he had already sought treatment and had too many steroids in his system. Their drug conflicts with steroids, which is usually the first thing a cancer doc prescribes.
Rush, the arch-conservative taking a commie Cuban drug to stay alive? That would certainly peg the irony meter.
I hope they caught it early....
He says he only has shortness of breath as a symptom. But “Advanced” has me believing that it wasn’t caught early.
Stand by for the Left to swarm this thread with ghoulish celebration...
Yup. Sounds like stage 4. 5 year survival rate on stage 4 lung is less than 5%. Hopefully he will surprise everyone.

Fake News CNN’s Reza Aslan responds to the horrific news that Rush Limbaugh was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer by tweeting, “Ask yourself this simple question: is the world a better place or a worse place with Rush Limbaugh in it?”
Wow! I went to the link. Even in the Twitter universe this unknown clown is taking a beating and twitter is Far left.
Well Hell's Bells you are restoring my confidence in humanity! I appreciate you taking the time to check and then reporting back!


Seeing each others humanity is the key
I can see why the left would celebrate.

When Chris Matthews announces he has lung cancer, I won't cry (it will have to lung or pancreatic cancer.....there is no way he can get brain cancer (have to have a brain) or testicular cancer (he has no balls)....or maybe he will get prostate cancer as he is pretty much the biggest ass on TV.

Either way....I don't wish it on him....but I won't be sad when it happens. He's been a liar and a pariah for a couple of decades.
Years of cigars and disregard for common sense health precautions.
His pushing cigars constantly on his show reminds me of Morton Downey Jr (who he replaced) pushing cigarettes but I doubt Russia will have the same death bed epiphany.
"Would that you were next" and that is what you are defending as legible?
You can't let go of that can you?

Yeah, I defend it on the grounds that it's syntax is sound. It's a touch archaic but it just means you wish you were next.
"It is the shortening of a old fashioned British idiomatic phrase: "Would that I could, but I can't, so I shan't." It means "I wish that I could, but I can't so I won't."

And it sure as hell is "legible". But that's still don't understand that word, do you?

You could have looked any of this up yourself, dumb ass.
Don't be an asshole, though I realize you can hardly help it.
Tens of millions die every year from cancer. I suppose they all have it coming.
It's a direct consequence of his years of smoking. It isn't as though the dangers of smoking haven't been widely publicized for decades. He knew the dangers of smoking but did so anyway. Now he is paying the price. Hope his fancy cigars were worth it to him.
Fuck Rush.
People lost their jobs, careers, homes and families and he touted how great the economy was.
Thoughts & prayers! :boo_hoo14:
This has become the new Don Lemon slogan of the regressive "elites" Thanks for contributing to the next conservative victory
It's a toss up between Rushblow & Lumpy Hannity who has spewed more hate in their careers. Hopefully, Hannity will be next. Think they'll be able to buy their way in?

Hannity will probably get butt cancer. A result of his special relationship with trump.

And you'll die of oral cancer.....

You keep losing.

You keep sucking on it.
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