Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.
No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.
He dedicated his life to tearing this country apart. May he have as much oxy as he can dream of until it's time to croak.
No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.
You do realize that if you call an honest man a liar, that you imperil your immortal soul to eternal judgment, right?
Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago
How much pain did Rush Limbaugh cause? This nation is massively more to the left then it was 30 years ago. If he was ever over the top he may have been. But to warn about ruining traditions that are good has fallen to death ears. He made a good buck off of it that is to be sure. Men and women who warn about what a civilization is doing or heading to are always demeaned or worse. As one example... In pure terms today we have put gays and lesbians in front of hetero married couples with families. Whether a child is gay is not the issue. Most of the people who screwed with gays are hiding under their rocks now. But they did their damage. Other issues/agendas have reduced our footprint in global competition. Our location in the world has saved us up to now.
I didn’t know you can get lung cancer from smoking cigars. I thought that gives you oral cancer only

Prayers up
No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.
He dedicated his life to tearing this country apart. May he have as much oxy as he can dream of until it's time to croak.
I didn't know that promoting patriotism, defending national sovereignty, respecting the flag, The Rule of Law, the anthem, our Constitution, Rights Endowed by our Creator, Upholding Traditional American Values & giving God Glory for his talent, could ever be viewed as "tearing America apart"!

Oh, wait, I'm sorry, you are a Godless Heathen, who lies every day of his life and Embraces the Death Cult of Communism-Socialism-Globalism.

My Bad, because to you trying to urge Americans to hold America together is to you, "tearing it apart"

Whatever you say Beelzebub.

Omar is that you?
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he just made the announcement on his radio show
I really dislike the guy and what he's done to this country but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. I'm rooting for a recovery.
Sure it isn't ass cancer?
You are why the country hates Democrats.
The brainwashed speaks.
nothing to do with being brainwashed you left wing piece of dog shit .... we dont wish what he's got on anybody whether they are on the left or the right ! i would assume by your extreme hate that you are a socialist between the age of 21 to 30 !
I remember first hearing about him back in the late 80's. I was working for a university in Texas and wasn't really political. I had voted for a Democrat once, and that was the only time I had ever voted.

There were a some people, some who worked for me as faculty assistants. A small group of them seemed a little different that most of the other students. They were more polite, more studious, and seemed to be more interested in politics, which I cared nothing about at the time.

Those students were part of a college conservative organization and up until then, I had never even heard of a conservative. I overheard a couple of them discussing someone named "Rush Limbaugh" and at some time, accidentally tuned into his radio show. The more I listened to what he was saying, the more he was making sense and the more I understood what the Democrats were trying to do to this country.

His announcement today was quite a shock. No other news commentator has his insight and ability to see through the BS that's happening in this country. He has truly been right 99.7 percent in his assessments.
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