Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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No link yet. Just saw it on TV.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but I'm sure we will have some here celebrating this.

i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.

That's funny you saying something like that with the many on this forum wishing obama, hiilary , schiff and many other's on the left death. What goes around comes around.

I have yet to see anyone wish death on a particular person except for Trump.....plenty of people have called for his death, his beheading, blowing him up, shooting him in the head, beating him to death....Nah....all that shit comes from the left wing. I will admit to offering to piss on McCains grave though....but I'm a conservative and so was he not sure if that counts.

If it's going to help at all it has to be RSO and he either has to prepare it himself or go to a state that actually sells it strong enough at. Has helped some and not other's. You tube Rick Simpson Oil
Never heard of this. Looks interesting. I'm tempted to joke about "snake oil," but I wont. I actually have little faith in the medical "industry," though individuals in the profession do good work.

Rick Simpson Oil for Cancer: Does It Work? Claims, Research, and
I have to wonder that if he availed himself of cannabis or the treatment out of Cuba if he would even be able to own up to it.

It would be sad ending commentary if he did and it helped (even temporary) and he was unable to own up to it.
i won't celebrate, but do wish he gets all the oxy he wants to make him pain free & that he passes asap.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.

That's funny you saying something like that with the many on this forum wishing obama, hiilary , schiff and many other's on the left death. What goes around comes around.

I have yet to see anyone wish death on a particular person except for Trump.....plenty of people have called for his death, his beheading, blowing him up, shooting him in the head, beating him to death....Nah....all that shit comes from the left wing. I will admit to offering to piss on McCains grave though....but I'm a conservative and so was he not sure if that counts.


I'd be happy if Trump stroked out. Looked like he was going to in Wildwood.

Fox News Quickly Cuts Sound As Donald Trump Slurs Speech At 1st Rally Since Impeachment Trial Began

A Fox News broadcast of Donald Trump's Tuesday night rally in New Jersey quickly cut away as he once again tripped over a commonly used word.

I wont even dignify that with a response.

Only to quote it so it can't be history can see what utter filth you are!

<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Stay classy, fuckwit
Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.

That's funny you saying something like that with the many on this forum wishing obama, hiilary , schiff and many other's on the left death. What goes around comes around.

I have yet to see anyone wish death on a particular person except for Trump.....plenty of people have called for his death, his beheading, blowing him up, shooting him in the head, beating him to death....Nah....all that shit comes from the left wing. I will admit to offering to piss on McCains grave though....but I'm a conservative and so was he not sure if that counts.


I'd be happy if Trump stroked out. Looked like he was going to in Wildwood.

Fox News Quickly Cuts Sound As Donald Trump Slurs Speech At 1st Rally Since Impeachment Trial Began

A Fox News broadcast of Donald Trump's Tuesday night rally in New Jersey quickly cut away as he once again tripped over a commonly used word.

.'s going to happen sooner or later......but I'll bet he gets to replace Ginny first...LOL...

Too bad he didn't get it 30 years ago
How much pain did Rush Limbaugh cause? This nation is massively more to the left then it was 30 years ago. If he was ever over the top he may have been. But to warn about ruining traditions that are good has fallen to death ears. He made a good buck off of it that is to be sure. Men and women who warn about what a civilization is doing or heading to are always demeaned or worse. As one example... In pure terms today we have put gays and lesbians in front of hetero married couples with families. Whether a child is gay is not the issue. Most of the people who screwed with gays are hiding under their rocks now. But they did their damage. Other issues/agendas have reduced our footprint in global competition. Our location in the world has saved us up to now.

lol... oxyboy was married 4x. so much for 'traditional' marriage 'eh? he tore sandra fluke apart for 3 straight days, calling her a slut because she testified about making birth control a mandated covered expense by insurance companies. pretty pathetic given that ED is covered & el rushbo was caught down in the dominican republic with a ton of it.

He's an asshole, there's no doubt. But this is a horrible way to go. He'd better have some docs on his side and a shitload of good weed.

If it's going to help at all it has to be RSO and he either has to prepare it himself or go to a state that actually sells it strong enough at. Has helped some and not other's. You tube Rick Simpson Oil
Never heard of this. Looks interesting. I'm tempted to joke about "snake oil," but I wont. I actually have little faith in the medical "industry," though individuals in the profession do good work.

Rick Simpson Oil for Cancer: Does It Work? Claims, Research, and

There's a group on FB I believe it's called RSO cured my cancer, newly diagnosed go ask questions and they refer them to his you tube video's or to the administrator who survived cancer with RSO. Some do along side with immunotherapy.
Sad, but the guy is almost 70 years old, used to smoke cigarettes, and for years has been a big cigar smoker. It's finally caught up to him.

Like I said in another thread. I thought people didn’t inhale cigar smoke, so I thought one can only get oral cancer from them?

Couldn't find if he smoked cigarettes but it seems he was not against it, here's a transcript of him and a caller about smoking.

We Really Should Thank Smokers
I remember when he gave up cigarettes some time ago. He seemed to be one of those who thought cigars were "safe."
Rush had no political power, he spoke about what was on his mind. Judging by the triggered Progressive responses to this announcement, you'd think Rush was a Progressive hero with real power, much like like their founding fathers Mao, Hitler or Stalin.

Rush spoke, Progs trembled

I'm afraid him not being here will do damage to the conservative movement. I don't know how many times I've heard people call up claiming to be a former leftist until they heard his show.
Go piss on yourself.
Go get a dictionary and stop being such an ignorant obnoxious asshole!
You could have corrected your ignorance when this first was pointed out to you.
But you're too fucking stupid and sure of yourself for that.

Probably too busy wishing cancer of Limbaugh, like the squalid little prick you are.
One wrong never makes a right but I'm not sure anyone can say anything worse than what Rush said about Robin Williams death.

I don't wish death upon anyone but Rush isn't exactly one that will draw a lot of sympathy based upon his past remarks and actions.

Condemning drug abusers while being a drug abuser is another example that comes to mind.

Rush Limbaugh Says Robin Williams Killed Himself Because Leftists Are 'Never Happy'

That was a pretty shitty thing for him to say. I've been kind up to now, but fuck the bastard...rot in the hell you deserve, Limpballs.

For the TENS OF MILLIONS he gave from his own pocket for leukemia research?

$5 million he raised for the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, with the Betsy Ross t-shirts.

No other radio personality I know of has been so generous.

Wait a minute...You're confused between "raised" and "donated".

He often MATCHED donations as far as leukemia goes. TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM HIS OWN POCKET. Not sure about the other charity, but he did use his show to help all these people pay off their entire mortgage. We're gonna lose a truly GREAT man.
my grandfather suffered immensely with it for a year before he died.

My sincere condolences. My grandmother died of bone cancer. At the end she was literally screaming -morphine only paused the pain about 15 minutes at a time before she finally passed.

cancer is truly the devil. it doesn't care who you are. & if he's got 'advanced' cancer, then it's only a matter of time. wasting away in pain & can't breathe is truly hell.

Advanced probably meaning stage 4.
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