Rush Limbaugh: “This One’s For You, Mary Jo”

My father always said: "put your mind in gear before you put your mouth in motion."

I don't think this was off the cuff, I think it was planned out. I hope Brown does not do an interview with this putz. Fuck him and his ratings grabs.

Brown seems to be pretty astute.

As much as I hate the loss, he worked his ass off for the win and Coakley apparently though she was just going to waltz into the seat.

She deserved the loss as much as he deserved the win.

She took a three week vactaction during the christmas holiday. Dumb dumb dumb. She will go down in history as the one who lost that seat.

Brown will go down in history as the one who kicked the dems in the butt enough to get this bill signed faster.
I guess Peter isn't the only one to deny Christ 3 times in a short period of time.

Make your point, you bigoted piece of shit.

I think we can all see who the bigot and liar is.

But, my point is...if you were a Christian, I thought that Christians believe that sinners are punished for their crimes in the next world. If you were a Christian, you would believe that Kennedy is now being punished for his murder of Mary Jo. Punishment IS being dealt out by the Ultimate Judge. But it looks like you don't believe that. That's why 'people' like you and Rush get your rocks off using a murder victim to beat people and political parties over the head with. People and political parties that had nothing to do with the murder.

Either you are too stupid to get that...or you do get it and don't care about decency at all.
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LOL, Rush sure knows how to push the lefties buttons..yet Olbermann can say what ever hateful thing he wants about a sitting President, a woman Governor, an incoming state Senator..and all we hear from the left is, So?:eusa_whistle:

You see? There it is. It's not about caring for Mary Jo K. This has nothing to do with concern for her or her's about dragging her out to push buttons and score points with dittoheads. Thanks for the honesty.
I guess Peter isn't the only one to deny Christ 3 times in a short period of time.

Make your point, you bigoted piece of shit.

I think we can all see who the bigot and liar is.

But, my point is...if you were a Christian, I thought that Christians believe that sinners are punished for their crimes in the next world. If you were a Christian, you would believe that Kennedy is now being punished for his murder of Mary Jo. Punishment IS being dealt out by the Ultimate Judge. But it looks like you don't believe that. That's why 'people' like you and Rush get your rocks off using a murder victim to beat people and political parties over the head with. People and political parties that had nothing to do with the murder.

Either you are too stupid to get that...or you do get it and don't care about decency at all.

What does that have to do with being disgusted with murderers in this life? The assumption that "good" Christians don't worry about justice on earth, or will not point out people who defend murderers as pieces of shit, is just...wrong.
It is enlightening to see who the Rush butt kissing ghouls are on this message board.

Yeah, And this coming from some mullet sporting pinko hag who's head is buried so far up Obama's ass that you can taste his breakfast.

:eusa_whistle: ~BH

Now them's fighting words! :lol:

Besides that...we know you're willing to kill in order to defend Limbaugh no matter what. So, you don't surprise me at all.

Now Bod, Even you know that's a load of bULLcRAP? You should be aware after all these years online that BH don't follow Rush. He's far too moderate for me.

:cool: ~BH
LOL, Rush sure knows how to push the lefties buttons..yet Olbermann can say what ever hateful thing he wants about a sitting President, a woman Governor, an incoming state Senator..and all we hear from the left is, So?:eusa_whistle:

You see? There it is. It's not about caring for Mary Jo K. This has nothing to do with concern for her or her's about dragging her out to push buttons and score points with dittoheads. Thanks for the honesty.

yeah but, the left could use the dead body of Kennedy to try and win a Government seat or to pass a health care bill..that is just ducky your righteous sermons..Kennedy was involved with this woman dying, that ain't' ever going to be erased from his soul, because he never had a soul to begin with.
The only payback for Mary Jo is that Kennedy is finally going to hell where he belongs.
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Shhh...we're not supposed to ever refer to the fact that she was murdered because that's disrespectful to HER!
Make your point, you bigoted piece of shit.

I think we can all see who the bigot and liar is.

But, my point is...if you were a Christian, I thought that Christians believe that sinners are punished for their crimes in the next world. If you were a Christian, you would believe that Kennedy is now being punished for his murder of Mary Jo. Punishment IS being dealt out by the Ultimate Judge. But it looks like you don't believe that. That's why 'people' like you and Rush get your rocks off using a murder victim to beat people and political parties over the head with. People and political parties that had nothing to do with the murder.

Either you are too stupid to get that...or you do get it and don't care about decency at all.

What does that have to do with being disgusted with murderers in this life? The assumption that "good" Christians don't worry about justice on earth, or will not point out people who defend murderers as pieces of shit, is just...wrong.

Kindly point out which candidate for MA Senator this week was the murderer. TIA
LOL, Rush sure knows how to push the lefties buttons..yet Olbermann can say what ever hateful thing he wants about a sitting President, a woman Governor, an incoming state Senator..and all we hear from the left is, So?:eusa_whistle:

You see? There it is. It's not about caring for Mary Jo K. This has nothing to do with concern for her or her's about dragging her out to push buttons and score points with dittoheads. Thanks for the honesty.

yeah but, the left could use the dead body of Kennedy to try and win a Government seat or to pass a health care bill..that is just ducky your righteous sermons..Kennedy was involved with this woman dying, that ain't' ever going to be erased from his soul, because he never had a soul to begin with.
The only payback for Mary Jo is that Kennedy is finally going to hell where he belongs.

I think this is what is really going on. You guys are going thru early withdrawal symptoms of not being able to mention Kennedy/Mary Jo when talking about Massachusetts and all Democrat Senators. You can't bash Kennedy anymore because he's dead and is now dealing with the Ultimate Judgement over his crime. can't handle not having him to kick around you drag Mary Jo out like some prop....or at least you support a right wing fat ass who is doing the dragging.
Yeah, And this coming from some mullet sporting pinko hag who's head is buried so far up Obama's ass that you can taste his breakfast.

:eusa_whistle: ~BH

Now them's fighting words! :lol:

Besides that...we know you're willing to kill in order to defend Limbaugh no matter what. So, you don't surprise me at all.

Now Bod, Even you know that's a load of bULLcRAP? You should be aware after all these years online that BH don't follow Rush. He's far too moderate for me.

:cool: ~BH

OK then. My bad.
I guess Peter isn't the only one to deny Christ 3 times in a short period of time.

Make your point, you bigoted piece of shit.

I think we can all see who the bigot and liar is.

But, my point is...if you were a Christian, I thought that Christians believe that sinners are punished for their crimes in the next world. If you were a Christian, you would believe that Kennedy is now being punished for his murder of Mary Jo. Punishment IS being dealt out by the Ultimate Judge. But it looks like you don't believe that. That's why 'people' like you and Rush get your rocks off using a murder victim to beat people and political parties over the head with. People and political parties that had nothing to do with the murder.

Either you are too stupid to get that...or you do get it and don't care about decency at all.

First of all... Illustrate who is the Bigot and Liar, or be Defined as one yourself.

Secondly, those who Voted for and Supported Ted Kennedy for 5 Decades are Responsible for his Actions also...

Supporting a Murderer in Deed... Liberals will Rationalize ANYTHING if Means a Safe Seat in the Senate.

I wonder if the Next DemocRAT in MA were to be Scott Ritter... I could see the Left Defening and Excusing a Pedophile... Who am I Kidding, their ACLU already does! :rofl:

And their First "First Black President" let a DemocRAT Pedophile out of Prison as one of his Last Acts in Office...


LOL, Rush sure knows how to push the lefties buttons..yet Olbermann can say what ever hateful thing he wants about a sitting President, a woman Governor, an incoming state Senator..and all we hear from the left is, So?:eusa_whistle:

Addicts lose significant cognitive function that affects their ability to participate in abstract reasoning.

And yet, you guys still listen to him.

Oh must you resort to such a cheap shot the very week when you should be thinking positive. I wonder what Rush's PC pick would be in the Saints and Vikings game.

Good luck big easy.
This thread has been very enlightening as to how far some people will go to defend Rush as he drags Mary Jo out one more time (lets hope no more for her family's sake) for his little dog and pony show about evil Democrats. even tho NEITHER candidate in yesterday's race was involved in her murder in any way shape or form.
It's not whether or not he was prosecutied. It's the nauseating hypocrisy of the left, who claim to be all about protecting the little people.

Not if little people get in the way.
There was never any prison time for Laura Bush's accident either.. Someone was killed there as well.

Rush Limbaugh saying what he did is laughable. As if he gives a shit about Mary Jo.
If I recall the Obama was a doper in college..why in the world would you still be listening to him?:eusa_whistle:

Because there is a big difference between smoking the occasional doobie and being addicted to prescription opiates (the street name for the same pharmacological agent is heroin) to the extent of disregarding the law to get your pills.

In fact, disregard for authority in order to get your "fix" is a hallmark of addiction.

The Obama didn't do the "occasional doobie" he snorted cocaine (which if you recall is still against the law ) along with pot. it's amazing the excuses you can make some and not others, why is that?

Good God!!! Do you know what an addict is?? It is not somebody who did occasional drugs in college.
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

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