Rush on FOX News! Awesome! Rush Exposes the Deep State Again!

Rush Limpdick..BWAHAHAHAHA

Republicans claimed for years that no one listens to him.

Are they liars?
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
Unlike hannity I never seen rush be rude to someone or talk over them.
I give him credit for that.

Evidently, you've never heard their shows.
Colbert, Conan, Kimmel and Fallon make up for all of the radio hosts on their shill monologues.
The deep state is Trump's code word for the rule of law. Trumpbots trot out that deep state bullshit every time Trump's imperial urges run up against the rules.
and leftists just stereotype everything and pretend they never do anything wrong.
The amount of damage that talk radio has inflicted on this country is incalculable.
cnn is a, lot worse.

CNN had a big hand in getting Trump elected by giving him hundreds of hours of free advertisement. They reported every stupid thing he said, as if all of it was true. They never pointed out how many of his stupid remarks were just stupid lies.
fncceo, did you watch the interview? Please do so and indicate what he states is incorrect.

He was incorrect in the first is not an emergency and it is not an invasion.
The deep state is Trump's code word for the rule of law. Trumpbots trot out that deep state bullshit every time Trump's imperial urges run up against the rules.
and leftists just stereotype everything and pretend they never do anything wrong.
Constant expansion of executive power is a republican thing then they bitch if a democrat uses those new-found powers. Face it, your man wants to be king of America and I am not certain you would object to him trying.

An awesome agent of Russia. Might as well call the republican party the party of the Kremlin these days. Attack allies and praise enemies. Way to be conservative. Do not just attack allies but our own iintellegence service, news casters, the FBI, and any Republican brave enough to speak out. What peices of trash!

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