Rushing To Reverse Everything Trump Did Just Bit Joe In The Rear


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) was created during Trump administration

The Biden administration moved in June to dismantle a system designed to protect American citizens trapped abroad — just months before the Taliban took over Afghanistan, stranding thousands of Americans in the Central Asian country.

Way to go, Joe!

EVERYTHING he does hurts this nation and Americans...he is a complete failure.
He beat the shit out of Drumpf. He will always be legendary for getting that fuckup out of office.

He stole the election. The shithead was a failure in everything he ever did but he he was able to steal the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Of course it was probaly his Chicom buddies that gave him the plan to steal the election. You know, the one that made his family filthy rich. I doubt he was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
He stole the election. The shithead was a failure in everything he ever did but he he was able to steal the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Of course it was probaly his Chicom buddies that gave him the plan to steal the election. You know, the one that made his family filthy rich. I doubt he was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
Yep. Joe stole that election.
You know what's really funny?
You dumbasses let him do it.
GA, AZ, WI, MI all controlled by the GOP and you failed to stop Joe from stealing your election.

What a bunch of maroons!
He stole the election. The shithead was a failure in everything he ever did but he he was able to steal the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Of course it was probaly his Chicom buddies that gave him the plan to steal the election. You know, the one that made his family filthy rich. I doubt he was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
Know what he stole? Your mind, that can't wrap itself around the fact that Biden beat Trump's ass by millions of votes. Wiped the floor with him. Sent him packing.

Right up until Fox called Arizona for Biden, your boy thought he had it in the bag. Actually Biden had Trump's ass in a sling. Sucks to be you.
He beat the shit out of Drumpf. He will always be legendary for getting that fuckup out of office.
Abandoning 40,000 Americans to the Taliban in Afghanistan destroys a stolen election, snowflake.


But once again Biden deliberately takes actions that hurt the American people.
Kiss Biden's ass all you want. He's never going to sniff your hair. You're far too old.
Biden served his purpose. He got that fat fuckup out of office so you can suck Drumpfs dick all you want to now.
Know what he stole? Your mind, that can't wrap itself around the fact that Biden beat Trump's ass by millions of votes. Wiped the floor with him. Sent him packing.

Right up until Fox called Arizona for Biden, your boy thought he had it in the bag. Actually Biden had Trump's ass in a sling. Sucks to be you.
But he is a failure.
Biden only hurt your feelings by beating Drumpfs ass.

Why is it SO hard for people like you to simply admit the truth?

What just happened in Afghanistan was a major failure in policy, decision-making, an execution.

You can not seriously, legitimately deny this, especially if you want to be taken seriously.

If you believe both President Biden's military advisors and his CIA, they both informed the President that Afghanistan would be lost QUICKLY, far faster than they originally believed. Not only this, if you believe them, they informed Biden of this several months ago, before he told the American people what would NOT happen. Knowing what his advisors had told him, there are only 2 options for why he told the American people what he did: Either he lied to the American people - because everything he said would not happen DID happen, or his dementia played a part in his misleading the American people.

President Biden publicly stated that he KNEW leaving Afghanistan would turn into 'Chaos'. Despite knowing there were tens of thousands of Americans in Afghanistan that would have to be evacuated, despite knowing (according to the President) that getting them out would be a near-impossible task, he STILL dismantled a program created by former President Trump that was specifically designed to help rescue / evacuate Americans abroad during situations like the one in Afghanistan.
- WHY would any sane person, who claims to know in several months they would be faced with such a situation, dismantle a program specifically designed to help get Americans out?

Between Gen Milley and President Biden, the decision to not only pull American troops out of Bagram in the middle of the night but making the decision to abandon the bases so quickly that they left a treasure trove of weapons, specially-modified Humvees, tanks, aircraft, etc... was a MASSIVE FAIL. The decision to close 11 bases and pull the military out of Afghanistan while more than 40,000 Americans remained unprotected was even more of a disastrous decision. The military should have remained to assist in the evacuation of every American citizen in Afghanistan.
- The swiftness of the Taliban advance could have been immediately stopped by the President TELLING (not asking) them they would halt their advance while the US pulled our people out or face swift kinetic retribution. Instead, Joe allowed our terrorist enemy ro literally run the military out of the country, leaving behind approx 40,000 unprotected US citizens.

The fact that President Biden SENT 5,000 TROOPS BACK INTO AFGHANISTAN, instead of leaving them there to begin with to help with the evacuation and protection of US civilians, was an admission by this administration that they had made a mistake.

Several Liberals on this board have tried to declare a 'win' for Biden by pointing out 'the evacuation is still going on'. They ignore these facts:
- President Biden, WH Spokeswoman Psaki, Gen Milley, and Biden's State Department Rep have all said THEY HAVE NO PLAN TO RESCUE AMERICANS NOT IN KABUL. There are some 30,000 Americans outside of Kabul. Biden and his administration has told those Americans, 'YOU must get YOURSELVES' to the Kabul airport - we will not help - you are on your own. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND A MAJOR FAIL! You seriously can not deny that!

Biden declared his administration - with all the power of the United States Govt, can not help those 30,000 get out of Afghanistan....yet a retired SpecOps Army Ranger went to Afghanistan when he heard a family he knows was sheltering in place and being told by the Biden administration they could not help - and this lone retired military member HIMSELF got the family out.
- You can not reasonably deny that this one man doing what Biden said his entire administration can not do is an EMBARRASSING BLACK EYE to the Biden administration.

Everything Biden said would not happen did.

Either he or his military advisors & CIA are lying about what Joe was briefed/knew.

Having no serious plan to evacuate US citizens was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Dismantling the 'Civilian Evac' program Trump created was politically motivated & STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Pulling the military out before you got all US citizens out was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Abandoning 11 bases, billions of dollars in weapons, vehicles, drones, aircraft, etc... was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Biden declaring he would ensure Afghanis interpreters, those who helped us in the war, and their families get out and ordering millions of dollars be immediately allocated to help them settle in the US BEFORE GETTING EVERY US CITIZEN OUT OF AFGHANISTAN, WHILE TELLING AMERICANS 'YOU ARE ON YOUR ON - WE HAVE NO PLAN TO COME RESCUE YOU - IF YOU WANT OUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT TO KABUL' WAS STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'.

You and anyone else who wants to lump themselves in with you, those who are defending Biden and claiming he did nothing wrong are LIARS, denying this was a major FAIL based on your own political views. Hell, if Trump - or any other politician / political leader had done something this heinous I would be screaming for him to be removed from office.

You can still be a loyal Democrat and still admit this Afghan disaster was a major failure. When your political bias causes you to defend the absurd and be unable to accept reality then you are past the point of being 'political' and are into the 'fanatical' zone.

This exit from Afghanistan has been extremely, poorly executed. Can you at least admit that?

Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) was created during Trump administration

The Biden administration moved in June to dismantle a system designed to protect American citizens trapped abroad — just months before the Taliban took over Afghanistan, stranding thousands of Americans in the Central Asian country.

Way to go, Joe!

EVERYTHING he does hurts this nation and Americans...he is a complete failure.
There are already like three threads on this. You kids swallow fake news without a blink.

THis agency Never actually existed. It was one of Pompeo's kooky ideas and never got beyond the planning stage. State department already has plans for this kinda thing.

You fell for the fake news.

He stole the election. The shithead was a failure in everything he ever did but he he was able to steal the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Of course it was probaly his Chicom buddies that gave him the plan to steal the election. You know, the one that made his family filthy rich. I doubt he was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
More fake news.

You kids just don't know when to quit.
Funny that Joe Dufus cancelled every agreement that Trump made while in office but didn't cancel the Afghanistan withdrawal agreement.
Biden has declared he knew the exit out of Afghanistan was going to be CHAOS (only if poorly managed and allowed to be chaotic, Joe), IMHO, Joe did not cnx/change the agreement because he wanted to be able to blame President Trump...but he can't. What has happened is NOT on Trump:
- Biden ignored his military & CIA advisors.
- Biden dismantled the Evac Program Trump created.
- Biden pulled out the military, leaving 40,000 Americans behind w/no plan to rescue them
Abandoning 40,000 Americans to the Taliban in Afghanistan destroys a stolen election, snowflake.


But once again Biden deliberately takes actions that hurt the American people.
Wow, 40,000 now?

Are you shipping more people in just to be able to say bad things about Joe?
The quickest estimate was for 90 days.
His military and CIA advisors have said in the last few days they warned Biden it was suddenly going to be much faster...and he ignored them.
- Perhaps they are just trying to cover THEIR asses
- At the very least, Biden & his team did not plan for worst case scenario

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