Russell Wilson vs. Peyton Manning - Can Wilson Best Manning's Legacy?

trolls pooper and disinfo agent rightwinger hate the truth bring told and seeing Gatsby being taken to school here by Blue Phantom.:asshole:

Not suprising THEY are the ones doing the agreeing ignoring the facts how Phantom won the chess game every time taking him to school.:biggrin::laugh:

Why do you always have to be a moron and bring politic into play. I think you are the least respected poster on this thread as your stupid name implies.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.
trolls pooper and disinfo agent rightwinger hate the truth bring told and seeing Gatsby being taken to school here by Blue Phantom.:asshole:

Not suprising THEY are the ones doing the agreeing ignoring the facts how Phantom won the chess game every time taking him to school.:biggrin::laugh:

Why do you always have to be a moron and bring politic into play. I think you are the least respected poster on this thread as your stupid name implies.

Look who's the moron.the jerk who refuses to look at an opposing view different than his own whether its the truth about 9/11 or the rams coming back to LA, doesn't

oh and hate to break the news to you as well that agent troll rightwinger is the most disrespected poster at USMB.

I have seen literally over a hundred people call him out in the years I been here on his outright lies he makes up all the time avoiding when he is proven wrong.

kinda like you and many others have who have recently made up outright lies that they never said the rams wouldn't be coming back.then when I cornered them and showed their previous posts when they DID say that,they of course changed the subject just like you always do when your cornered.:rolleyes-41:

this site seems to draw in the biggest trolls. thank god other message boards,sports fans aren't anywhere near the stupidity as the likes of people like you,pooper,and rightwinger since unlike you three,they would look at the facts back then I posted that the rams indeed are coming home THIS year which you probably still are going to say isn't happening just like you kept saying no team in the NFL would be coming back to LA anytime soon in the future.:lmao:

you need to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron,someone who ignores expert witness testimony and facts that proved the rams were coming home.:lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::haha:

waits to watch you try and weasel out of it and CLAIM you never said it just like so many others have recently as I knew they would.:lmao:

I KNEW several months ago all the idiots that kept ignoring my facts the rasm are coming back would then try and weasel their way out of it and claim they never said they were nto coming back cause they are too arrogant just as you are to admit when they have been proven wrong by me so you will do the same thing of course as they did and deny you never said that which is bullshit.

I called those posters out who claimed they never said that reposting their bs and of course they changed the subject or ran off as you did when I proved you wrong recently.
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Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Don't bother him with facts. He'll have none of it.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Don't bother him with facts. He'll have none of it.

True, he is just a troll, look at his la lambs thread, nothing but pages and pages of blah blah blah!
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Doesn't that just mean that they were behind a lot? ;)
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Don't bother him with facts. He'll have none of it.

Yeah I kinda discovered that about him way back this fall when I took him to school on the Rams coming back just to watch him change the subject everytime I cornered him on that.:up:

He is really losing it now.Dont know where he came up with that absurd comment I was bringing politics into this discussion.sure I did when I mentioned bill Clinton but that was only AFTER he said that.Before then, I was talking strictly about sports.:wtf:

this is what you end up doing when you try and have any kind of discussion with him.:cuckoo:

that seems to be a common trait among seahawks fans.arrogant and wont look at facts.Blue Phantom being the exception of course..

I see you live in California.I never noticed that before.:dance::thup: Oh man I am so jealous of you.That was why I became a Rams fan in the first place was because they were based in California which is my favorite state so even I who have lived here in the Midwest my whole life,was depressed when they moved away even though they were much closer to me.anything other than the name LOS ANGELES in front of the name Rams,i don't want no part of.I turned to the chargers after they left.

you LIVING in California and all,i figure you might be interested in this.if you are,mark your calendars for these dates.feb15th which is a month from tomorrow and march 1st.those are the key dates to look for. on the 15th of that month is when the announcement is expected from the rams that they are moving back to LA this year.

then on march 1st,the owners will vote on it.that's the real key date because goddel has no say in this whatsoever contrary to what some fools around here actually believe such as him.:rolleyes-41:

what matters is if the owners approve the move and I guarantee you,they will vote in favor of knoenke and he will easily get the 24 of the 31 votes needed by them to relocate,they all want it to happen except for that idiot spanos of the chargers.

you got to remember,27 of the 30 owners opposed the move from LA to saint Louis in 95,they only changed their votes in majority favoring AFTER the bitch threatened to sue,fools like him around here don't get it though that goodel is powerless to stop the move.that he doesn't want an anti trust lawsuit against him.

talking to someone like him about that and others around here though,you might as well be talking to a brick wall .USMB seems to attract the most ignorant sports fans.:rolleyes-41:

this sports message board I post at ,they are FAR more knowledgeable,open minded and objective about the rams coming back to LA than most here at USMB are.

so what part of California you live in? you being right there in the state its all happening in,you probably are on top of it almost as much as I am and know as well as I do its a done deal they are coming back THIS year am I right?
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Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Doesn't that just mean that they were behind a lot? ;)

BTW I am being a smart ass, but I stole that from John Elway. I saw a great interview with him once where the reporter was asking about all his 4th quarter come back victories and he asked Elway to what he attributed all of them and what advice he would give to young quarterbacks about a 4th quarter rally. Elway said (paraphrasing) "well I attribute it to the fact that we were usually losing and I would tell young quarterbacks that the only thing better than a 4th quarter comeback is not being behind entering the 4th quarter". :lol:
Point 1: if you think Clayton and Duper were ordinary WRs and you had to look them up to remind yourself of their existence, you weren't paying attention to the Fish in the '80s.

Peyton Manning was born with a genetic defect that causes his neck airways to constrict in the month of January. In other words, he's a choker. HOF, sure, how can u keep him out? Top 5 all time? No forking way! I don't buy that hype. If you want to point to a Denver QB who did more with less, look at Elway's one man teams.

SF almost beat Seattle last year. It was Wilson's escapability that made the diff. Seattle went on to embarrass Manning in the SB. SF would have crushed Denver and laughed at Manning's wounded duck passes just the same.
Manning is good at saying Omaha and making audibles, and he usually has an accurate arm.
But Wilson never suffers from Manning's choking disease.
Point 1: if you think Clayton and Duper were ordinary WRs and you had to look them up to remind yourself of their existence, you weren't paying attention to the Fish in the '80s.

Peyton Manning was born with a genetic defect that causes his neck airways to constrict in the month of January. In other words, he's a choker. HOF, sure, how can u keep him out? Top 5 all time? No forking way! I don't buy that hype. If you want to point to a Denver QB who did more with less, look at Elway's one man teams.

SF almost beat Seattle last year. It was Wilson's escapability that made the diff. Seattle went on to embarrass Manning in the SB. SF would have crushed Denver and laughed at Manning's wounded duck passes just the same.
Manning is good at saying Omaha and making audibles, and he usually has an accurate arm.
But Wilson never suffers from Manning's choking disease.

that's why I keep saying this thread title should read can Wilson beat Bradys legacy since Wilson is much more like him.calm and cool under pressure and doesn't get scared in big games.manning is the clone of Marino who made an art of stinking it up in Big games.
True, he is just a troll, look at his la lambs thread, nothing but pages and pages of blah blah blah!

I don't know about being a troll.... I think he just has a severe case of homerism. Seriously, a year plus ago he'd have been arguing that Kafernick was better than Marino or Manning had he been a Niners fan. That's how bad he's got wood for Wilson. Seriously, Phantom see a doctor if an erection lasts for more than four hours!
Point 1: if you think Clayton and Duper were ordinary WRs and you had to look them up to remind yourself of their existence, you weren't paying attention to the Fish in the '80s.

Peyton Manning was born with a genetic defect that causes his neck airways to constrict in the month of January. In other words, he's a choker. HOF, sure, how can u keep him out? Top 5 all time? No forking way! I don't buy that hype. If you want to point to a Denver QB who did more with less, look at Elway's one man teams.

SF almost beat Seattle last year. It was Wilson's escapability that made the diff. Seattle went on to embarrass Manning in the SB. SF would have crushed Denver and laughed at Manning's wounded duck passes just the same.
Manning is good at saying Omaha and making audibles, and he usually has an accurate arm.
But Wilson never suffers from Manning's choking disease.

Re: 'Marks Brothers'

Ordinary? Mmm__ that or a tad above average. Let's just say that they played with arguably the greatest QB in a pass first offense and still didn't end up in the HOF for a reason.

Re: Manning

And as fan, I've always been more of a Manning hater than advocate. I believe that the media robbed Favre of his 4th MVP in 09 and gave their golden boy Manning his fourth MVP instead. And maybe Manning won't go down as that great of a big time player. I think people like to put single games or quarters or drives too much in a vacuum when there's a ton of factors that contribute a team's success. Realistically, by the eyeball test, Manning is probably top five or ten of all-time period. All the choke talk, that's hater talk from one hater to another. LOL.
True, he is just a troll, look at his la lambs thread, nothing but pages and pages of blah blah blah!

I don't know about being a troll.... I think he just has a severe case of homerism. Seriously, a year plus ago he'd have been arguing that Kafernick was better than Marino or Manning had he been a Niners fan. That's how bad he's got wood for Wilson. Seriously, Phantom see a doctor if an erection lasts for more than four hours!

Well that's fine advice there TGG. I will certainly keep that in mind if the day ever comes that I require medication for erectile dysfunction. Of course, as I am sure you are aware, that medication doesn't work for a certain percentage of the population. Thankfully, if I ever run into the issue, I know who to come to for further advice.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Don't bother him with facts. He'll have none of it.

Yeah I kinda discovered that about him way back this fall when I took him to school on the Rams coming back just to watch him change the subject everytime I cornered him on that.:up:

He is really losing it now.Dont know where he came up with that absurd comment I was bringing politics into this discussion.sure I did when I mentioned bill Clinton but that was only AFTER he said that.Before then, I was talking strictly about sports.:wtf:

this is what you end up doing when you try and have any kind of discussion with him.:cuckoo:

that seems to be a common trait among seahawks fans.arrogant and wont look at facts.Blue Phantom being the exception of course..

I see you live in California.I never noticed that before.:dance::thup: Oh man I am so jealous of you.That was why I became a Rams fan in the first place was because they were based in California which is my favorite state so even I who have lived here in the Midwest my whole life,was depressed when they moved away even though they were much closer to me.anything other than the name LOS ANGELES in front of the name Rams,i don't want no part of.I turned to the chargers after they left.

you LIVING in California and all,i figure you might be interested in this.if you are,mark your calendars for these dates.feb15th which is a month from tomorrow and march 1st.those are the key dates to look for. on the 15th of that month is when the announcement is expected from the rams that they are moving back to LA this year.

then on march 1st,the owners will vote on it.that's the real key date because goddel has no say in this whatsoever contrary to what some fools around here actually believe such as him.:rolleyes-41:

what matters is if the owners approve the move and I guarantee you,they will vote in favor of knoenke and he will easily get the 24 of the 31 votes needed by them to relocate,they all want it to happen except for that idiot spanos of the chargers.

you got to remember,27 of the 30 owners opposed the move from LA to saint Louis in 95,they only changed their votes in majority favoring AFTER the bitch threatened to sue,fools like him around here don't get it though that goodel is powerless to stop the move.that he doesn't want an anti trust lawsuit against him.

talking to someone like him about that and others around here though,you might as well be talking to a brick wall .USMB seems to attract the most ignorant sports fans.:rolleyes-41:

this sports message board I post at ,they are FAR more knowledgeable,open minded and objective about the rams coming back to LA than most here at USMB are.

so what part of California you live in? you being right there in the state its all happening in,you probably are on top of it almost as much as I am and know as well as I do its a done deal they are coming back THIS year am I right?

LOL - I wouldn't necessarily classify BP as 'arrogant.' I think he genuinely believes or wants to believe what he's saying. It's just a really bad case of homerism as I said.

I was a Rams fan and Raiders hater in 94ish when they left...Yes, we still had the Chargers, but that was like yea, the Chargers.

Most people stopped caring about whether LA has a team tbh. Once we hit the five year mark, we were just like well if the NFL doesn't want a team in the second biggest market then that's their problem. There's not a shortage of entertainment options otherwise.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

So you are going to penalize Wilson for NOT being behind in the fourth qtr as often as Marino or Manning?

Also you bring up a silly stat that primarily can only be held by someone like Marino that was an NFL QB for 17 years.

Laughable !
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

Don't bother him with facts. He'll have none of it.

Yeah I kinda discovered that about him way back this fall when I took him to school on the Rams coming back just to watch him change the subject everytime I cornered him on that.:up:

He is really losing it now.Dont know where he came up with that absurd comment I was bringing politics into this discussion.sure I did when I mentioned bill Clinton but that was only AFTER he said that.Before then, I was talking strictly about sports.:wtf:

this is what you end up doing when you try and have any kind of discussion with him.:cuckoo:

that seems to be a common trait among seahawks fans.arrogant and wont look at facts.Blue Phantom being the exception of course..

I see you live in California.I never noticed that before.:dance::thup: Oh man I am so jealous of you.That was why I became a Rams fan in the first place was because they were based in California which is my favorite state so even I who have lived here in the Midwest my whole life,was depressed when they moved away even though they were much closer to me.anything other than the name LOS ANGELES in front of the name Rams,i don't want no part of.I turned to the chargers after they left.

you LIVING in California and all,i figure you might be interested in this.if you are,mark your calendars for these dates.feb15th which is a month from tomorrow and march 1st.those are the key dates to look for. on the 15th of that month is when the announcement is expected from the rams that they are moving back to LA this year.

then on march 1st,the owners will vote on it.that's the real key date because goddel has no say in this whatsoever contrary to what some fools around here actually believe such as him.:rolleyes-41:

what matters is if the owners approve the move and I guarantee you,they will vote in favor of knoenke and he will easily get the 24 of the 31 votes needed by them to relocate,they all want it to happen except for that idiot spanos of the chargers.

you got to remember,27 of the 30 owners opposed the move from LA to saint Louis in 95,they only changed their votes in majority favoring AFTER the bitch threatened to sue,fools like him around here don't get it though that goodel is powerless to stop the move.that he doesn't want an anti trust lawsuit against him.

talking to someone like him about that and others around here though,you might as well be talking to a brick wall .USMB seems to attract the most ignorant sports fans.:rolleyes-41:

this sports message board I post at ,they are FAR more knowledgeable,open minded and objective about the rams coming back to LA than most here at USMB are.

so what part of California you live in? you being right there in the state its all happening in,you probably are on top of it almost as much as I am and know as well as I do its a done deal they are coming back THIS year am I right?

LOL - I wouldn't necessarily classify BP as 'arrogant.' I think he genuinely believes or wants to believe what he's saying. It's just a really bad case of homerism as I said.

I was a Rams fan and Raiders hater in 94ish when they left...Yes, we still had the Chargers, but that was like yea, the Chargers.

Most people stopped caring about whether LA has a team tbh. Once we hit the five year mark, we were just like well if the NFL doesn't want a team in the second biggest market then that's their problem. There's not a shortage of entertainment options otherwise.

Actually if you go back and look at the OP I wasn't arguing that Wilson was a better QB than Manning. Neither did I title the thread "Wilson HAS bested Manning's Legacy" or "Wilson WILL Best Manning's Legacy". While I think there are some things Wilson does better than Manning the reality is that I was not making the argument that he currently was. We just got into a pissing match, it was kind of fun, so I went with it. :lol:
Point 1: if you think Clayton and Duper were ordinary WRs and you had to look them up to remind yourself of their existence, you weren't paying attention to the Fish in the '80s.

Peyton Manning was born with a genetic defect that causes his neck airways to constrict in the month of January. In other words, he's a choker. HOF, sure, how can u keep him out? Top 5 all time? No forking way! I don't buy that hype. If you want to point to a Denver QB who did more with less, look at Elway's one man teams.

SF almost beat Seattle last year. It was Wilson's escapability that made the diff. Seattle went on to embarrass Manning in the SB. SF would have crushed Denver and laughed at Manning's wounded duck passes just the same.
Manning is good at saying Omaha and making audibles, and he usually has an accurate arm.
But Wilson never suffers from Manning's choking disease.

Right, how many points did you expect Manning to score on Seattle 40? Still wouldn't be enough. The defense was terrible also . The QB isn't the only on the field and they are never on the field at the same time.
Seattle fans have become the new New England fans. They actually have convinced themselves that Russell fucking Wilson is better than Dan Marino!
Im a Wilson fan but I find him more comparable to this generations tom brady than I do with Marino.Marion had to carry the load on his shoulders and was a choker in regular season games,brady is neither of those two and neither is Wilson.

Speaking of chokers.

Most 4th quarter comebacks in NFL history is Peyton Manning, second is Dan Marino. The most game winning drives in the NFL is Peyton Manning and Dan Marino with 51 each.

So you are going to penalize Wilson for NOT being behind in the fourth qtr as often as Marino or Manning?

Also you bring up a silly stat that primarily can only be held by someone like Marino that was an NFL QB for 17 years.

Laughable !

I wasn't penalizing anyone, your butt buddy 911 tinfoil nut made a claim that Marino was a choker, I put the real stats out there that showed a different view. Sorry not every post is about Wilson.

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