Russia and China Together at Last.

Nobody wants to entertain your long winded pedantic lectures starting with the history of the bronze age.
Just try engaging the thread topic as presented.
Better yet, kick back and read. You might learn a thing or two.
H.K. isn't the bronze age and anyone who is the least bit politically aware will understand how H.K. was taken from China.

What's surprising is China not going in with force of chop, chop!
HaHaHa, your typical cowardly exit, duck. You, responded to Mac-7 with I'm more than happy to answer to those accusations with some solid facts. Where are they? You NEVER substantiate your posts. You just make a lot of noise, shit all over the place and fly away--like your namesake, duck. Admit that you are a lying fucking CCP troll before you leave us.
I bet Donald even works for free

in china there are westerners on YouTube called white monkeys who are rewarded for singing the praises of china

Donald may be getting his china news from them
There is no civilized excuse for killing Uighurs or Falon Gong and harvesting their organs for profit or to preserve the life of communist party officials
It's a step up from America plowing the victims into the largest mass graves in the history of the world.
the west is not perfect
Are you sure about that? LOL
but we hold individual worth and human rights far higher than the CCP does

The world's largest mass graves ever!
Courtesy of the American war machine.

And so it's the competition you're so resentful and bitter about?
It will come to pass, and then you will ask yourself why you mocked and ridiculed scripture and turned your back on God.
Most likely you will accept The 666 Mark of The Beast thinking that your new hero is cool, and at that point, your soul belongs to Hell and there is no turning back.
We already have the technology available to implement, and as you can see, they are already testing how to shut off people's electronic access to their accounts.
We are just going through another test phase of the ultimate plan to control every aspect of human life and call it Utopia.

Lock downs, and shutting off your access to your money is what The New World Order looks like.

Total Control
Total World Government
I can't rebut your arguments that are based on your faith. I simply have to turn my back on that superstitious nonsense.
The han chinese and free cantonese living in Hong Kong are not to blame for British colonization in the 1800’s

they just want to live free from the tyrants in the CCP
Many of the wealthy people of H.K. are opposed to China's system of a socialist system of distributing the wealth to 1 /2 billion people. Why would that be any surprise?

Americans would be aware of that issue much more than any other of the world's democracies.
Global politics that will influence the entire world.

The professor suggests that this forming of two great alliances is inevitable and the significance of the war in Ukraine is discussed and explained for it's importance.

Agree or disagree, this piece by Amy Goodwin's, Democracy Now will be the basis of discussion going forward.

And they say Brandon can't do anything right!
Many of the wealthy people of H.K. are opposed to China's system of a socialist system of distributing the wealth to 1 /2 billion people. Why would that be any surprise?

Americans would be aware of that issue much more than any other of the world's democracies.
China is not distributing wealth to anyone except party officials and the oligarchs

the myth of socialism in china is just that - a myth
I can't rebut your arguments that are based on your faith. I simply have to turn my back on that superstitious nonsense.
You can deny The Great Reset, New World Order, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Cryptocurrencies, and Sustainable Development all of which line up with a predicted and prophesied End Times New World Order where Global Government eventually wins out, with a global currency and eventual worship of The Head of That Global Government. Those are facts and they line up with prophecy. The way is being paved for such a man, and you can't say you weren't warned.

Suit yourself. You turned your back on God, not me, or my "superstitious nonsense."
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Global politics that will influence the entire world.

The professor suggests that this forming of two great alliances is inevitable and the significance of the war in Ukraine is discussed and explained for it's importance.

Agree or disagree, this piece by Amy Goodwin's, Democracy Now will be the basis of discussion going forward.

and this is why the Chinese worked tirelessly to make sure Joey Xiden and the Dems were running the United States.
China is not distributing wealth to anyone except party officials and the oligarchs

the myth of socialism in china is just that - a myth
Socialism is always a myth....Marx theory always falls apart because it miscalucates basic human's why Socialist ended up creating facisim and why it's facist regime, like in China, Italy, Germany, and what the DNC wants here, what we actually end up seeing
I think the difference in the way Americans treat Islamics is only the fact that the Islamic terrorists are within China's borders, as opposed to America's slaughter of Muslims throughout the world.

But you have at least presented a point worth answering!
Please understand that Donal Duck here is a sock puppet
You can deny The Great Reset, New World Order, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Cryptocurrencies, and Sustainable Development all of which line up with a predicted and prophesied End Times New World Order where Global Government eventually wins out, with a global currency and eventual worship of The Head of That Global Government. Those are facts and they line up with prophecy. The way is being paved for such a man, and you can't say you weren't warned.

Suit yourself. You turned your back on God, not me, or my "superstitious nonsense."
Start a new thread in the religion section and send me an invitation. I'll be happy to attend.
Many of the wealthy people of H.K. are opposed to China's system of a socialist system of distributing the wealth to 1 /2 billion people. Why would that be any surprise?

Americans would be aware of that issue much more than any other of the world's democracies.
hahaha the Chinese don't distribute wealth....Chinese attempt to flee the country regularly for the oportunity to live in a free country...not an oppressive tyranny

Even the Xiden regime admits China is nothing but forced labor camps....I suppose this is what "redistribution of weath" really looks like to you Dembots:

"Over the last four years, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has carried out a mass detention and political indoctrination campaign against Uyghurs, who are predominantly Muslim, and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang), a large region in western China. The courageous voices of survivors, their family members abroad, researchers, and international advocacy groups have thoroughly documented the PRC’s discriminatory use of surveillance technologies and trumped-up administrative and criminal charges to abduct and detain more than one million Muslims, including Uyghurs, ethnic Hui, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, ethnic Tajiks, and ethnic Uzbeks, in as many as 1,200 state-run internment camps throughout Xinjiang. Detention in these camps is intended to erase ethnic and religious identities under the pretext of “vocational training.” Forced labor is a central tactic used for this repression."
Raw material values are based by the market place for finished goods. When the market for
finished goods is limited resources valuations decline. China has one of the largest un-tapped potential markets yet without a unrestrained burgeoning middle class, with stable employment, will remain stagnant. China is a producer dependent upon world market demand for finished goods, not an innovator of technology. Russia on the other hand is a second tier GDP economy driven by resource valuation which is overwhelmed by corruption and inefficiency. China is now in a position to dictate Russia’s economic future which will return Russia back into a country of surfs serving their new master, while China reaps the benefits, provided there is a market for their finished products. Under both their current forms of governments absolute control over their individual market and economies serves to restrict future realization of potential. Bold move, however, without free open trade and access to delivering finished goods to the world market the beginning of the end for the Chinese puppet master. One would expect that eventually internal discontent will rise and overthrow the yoke of government dictatorial repression. Both had better hope market access remains open. Recent Events in Ukraine and possibility of China moving on Taiwan could potentially shut down world markets resulting in a catalyst resulting in internal upheaval. For the time being China is playing a dangerous game.
The chinese propaganda machine is vast

millions of people in the west are fooled by chinese lies
There are many...true...on this forum , especially lately there are more Russian socks

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