Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?

Depends on your perspective of "our war".
We are part of NATO for a reason. The Chernobyl disaster in the 1980's created substantial radiation across Europe.
It's time for NATO to take SOME non-nuclear military action in Ukraine to fend off Russian aggressors to defend democracy in EUROPE!
Russian military leaders would not allow madman Putin to use nuclear weapons over the Ukraine conflict. THEY are not nuts.

We are part of NATO for a reason.

Yes we are. And neither Russia nor Ukraine are members.

The Chernobyl disaster in the 1980's created substantial radiation across Europe.

Define substantial.
"We crass Americans didn't introduce war into your little island. This war, Miss Barham, to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town."

-- "The Americanization of Emily" (1964)
Why should we get involved in the Ukraine. It is none of our business.

Well, the earth becomes a pretty small place when there is a nuclear winter.

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If NATO goes head-to-head militarily with Russia, Putin will use limited battlefield tactical nuclear weapons, turning the Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova into smoldering, radioactive parking lots. NATO, fronted by the United States will then carry out limited tactical nuclear strikes on Russian Forces positioned in and around Ukraine, and possibly inside Western Russia. Next step after that? Limited exchange of thermonuclear ICBMs between Russia and the United States. Kiss New York, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington DC goodbye, to name a few of the newest, largest radioactive parking lots on planet earth.

Is that what you want? Is that the kind of Ukrainian rescue you are hoping for?
It's time for NATO to take SOME non-nuclear military action in Ukraine to fend off Russian aggressors to defend democracy in EUROPE!
Russian military leaders would not allow madman Putin to use nuclear weapons over the Ukraine conflict. THEY are not nuts.

If Putin believes for one short moment that he is about to lose a sizeable portion of his armed forces, he will resort to tactical nuclear weapons in order to preserve Russian sovereignty. Putin is not Saddam Hussein and Russia is not Iraq. One does not fight a strictly conventional war against a nuclear power. All those who are calling for NATO/the US to engage Russia militarily in the Ukraine or elsewhere are off their bloody rockers.
Like everything coming out of the Ukrainians the situation is vague yet full of threat, and given by someone who isn't actually at the plant. Guess we'll see. Although it certainly has the American warmongers chomping at the bit. Mission accomplished.
Maybe the American warmongers are looking for a way to solve the trans in the military issue.
If Trump was president, he'd have been working to get us out of NATO by now.

He has had gay love for Putin for decades.

Never a critical word about Putin. No matter what. Ever. He has yet to condemn Putin for the invasion. To this day.

A minor celebrity hurts his feelings, and Trump tweet storms for DAYS!

Putin invades Ukraine and Traitor Trump says how wonderful it is and what a genius Putin is.

You people are fantastically deluded. Seriously, seriously deluded.
Trump got NATO to spend more on defense ! do you remember the chastisement Trump gave NATO members to their faces on National TV on why they should spend more on defense and less on Russian energy ! NATO Allies Now Spend $50 Billion More on Defense Than in 2016
We were giving a ride to a captain on our cutter from Boston to Norfolk in the 70's. While standing a sonar midwatch, he came in to talk to me. He asked me if the country was currently at war. Having gotten out of Vietnam six months earlier, I said no. I have thought about that question many times. It is a certain mindset. WW2 never ended.
The breakup of the USSR in the eighties was a tactical victory for the US. I have always considered it a strategic mistake. It made a very dangerous world even more dangerous. This situation could easily get out of hand.
Why should we get involved in the Ukraine. It is none of our business.

Well, the earth becomes a pretty small place when there is a nuclear winter.

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You should learn how nuclear power works. There are no big mushroom clouds except in bombs. Reactors don't 'blow up like bombs". There won't be any nuclear winter.

It is NOT our war.
We are part of NATO for a reason.

Yes we are. And neither Russia nor Ukraine are members.

The Chernobyl disaster in the 1980's created substantial radiation across Europe.

Define substantial.
He pissed himself. The fallout was bad, but it was not substantial and was pretty much contained to the region.
It released considerable airborne radioactive contamination for about nine days that precipitated onto Western Europe.
If you really want details, look it up.
Well, that is interesting considering that the prevailing winds in the Northern Hemisphere blow from west to east. How did it manage to make it onto Western Europe?

I was part of the Military that was tasked with analyzing the Chernobyl event. The majority of the debris cloud rose up to about 30k feet and then spread out over the entire northern hemisphere significantly diluted and harmlessly decayed away. It was the heavy particulate that was contained to the local region that posed the real problem.

So, you know. There is that.

Traitor Trump called the invasion wonderful and Putin a genius.

If Dumb Donald was president, KGB Putin would send him a nice letter like Kim did, and Trump would be telling the world how they had fallen in love.

Trump has a grudge against Zelensky for not going along with his plot to slander Biden. Trump never forgives.

This is a guy who tried to extort a lie from Zelensky and held military aid for Ukraine hostage.

You are seriously, seriously deluded.

Never expect anything less from the Trump cult.

Traitor Trump called the invasion wonderful and Putin a genius.

If Dumb Donald was president, KGB Putin would send him a nice letter like Kim did, and Trump would be telling the world how they had fallen in love.

Trump has a grudge against Zelensky for not going along with his plot to slander Biden. Trump never forgives.

This is a guy who tried to extort a lie from Zelensky and held military aid for Ukraine hostage.

You are seriously, seriously deluded.
Just STFU you raving idiot. Not one shred of truth in any of that pile of shit you just spewed. One would think you’d be tired of being mocked as the TDS suffering, gullible, Xiden defending joke you are.

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