Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?

Just STFU you raving idiot. Not one shred of truth in any of that pile of shit you just spewed. One would think you’d be tired of being mocked as the TDS suffering, gullible, Xiden defending joke you are.
He’s no different from a devoted Trumper. They’re both delusional.
You should learn how nuclear power works. There are no big mushroom clouds except in bombs. Reactors don't 'blow up like bombs". There won't be any nuclear winter.

It is NOT our war.
Well, educate us.

What happens when a bomb blows up in the middle of thousands of concentrated rods of plutonium.
He’s no different from a devoted Trumper. They’re both delusional.
What’s delusional is a leftist voting for an old man with dementia, who never accomplished a thing in 50 years of government service, other than to enrich his son and brother, unable to admit that his vote was a terrible mistake, and the country and world is paying for it.
if Biden hadn't cut off the Keystone pipeline and enacted policies to drive inflation, maybe Americans could have stomached gas going from $2.50 to $3.50 by cutting off purchases from Russia. But with gas already over $4 in many places, and inflation hitting the grocery bill in top of that, Americans just can’t afford it.

The libs intentionally drove up gas prices because they wanted to “starve” people out of gas-powered cars and go electric. Now look where we are.
if Biden hadn't cut off the Keystone pipeline and enacted policies to drive inflation, maybe Americans could have stomached gas going from $2.50 to $3.50 by cutting off purchases from Russia. But with gas already over $4 in many places, and inflation hitting the grocery bill in top of that, Americans just can’t afford it.

The libs intentionally drove up gas prices because they wanted to “starve” people out of gas-powered cars and go electric. Now look where we are.
Russia produces 12% of the world's oil which makes them the 3rd biggest producer. The only way sanctions against their oil work is if no one is purchasing it, which means either other countries including the US need to significantly increase their production, or the world instantly goes into depression basically. Which makes the admin's continued stance regarding oil production here in the US even worse.
What’s delusional is a leftist voting for an old man with dementia, who never accomplished a thing in 50 years of government service, other than to enrich his son and brother, unable to admit that his vote was a terrible mistake, and the country and world is paying for it.
I fully agree.

You duopoly dupes stupidly think everyone is a dupe like you.
Russia produces 12% of the world's oil which makes them the 3rd biggest producer. The only way sanctions against their oil work is if no one is purchasing it, which means either other countries including the US need to significantly increase their production, or the world instantly goes into depression basically. Which makes the admin's continued stance regarding oil production here in the US even worse.
We were net exporters before Biden, on his first day, killed the Keystone pipeline. So not only did we not have to purchase blood-money oil from Russia, we could export it to other countries and reduce their dependence on Russia as well. Biden did that damage within the first 12 hours of his Administration.
Why should we get involved in the Ukraine. It is none of our business.

Well, the earth becomes a pretty small place when there is a nuclear winter.

View attachment 610402
Interesting logic. Provoke a nuclear war to avoid a nuclear winter.

Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?​

The fire is reported to be out. Wasn’t in buildings containing fission material, but a building adjacent to the site.

Still not our war.
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We were net exporters before Biden, on his first day, killed the Keystone pipeline. So not only did we not have to purchase blood-money oil from Russia, we could export it to other countries and reduce their dependence on Russia as well. Biden did that damage within the first 12 hours of his Administration.
Agreed. It was a dumb thing to do then and it's only been compounded by recent events. What's even dumber is not changing the decision based on those recent events.
Agreed. It was a dumb thing to do then and it's only been compounded by recent events. What's even dumber is not changing the decision based on those recent events.
This admin is very consistent on this, regardless of circumstance, so not sure we can credit them with just being dumb at this point. Purposeful bad intent is the only conclusion at this point.

Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?​

The fire is reported to be out. Wasn’t in buildings containing fission material.

Still not our war.
Yet, the war impacts our lives.

Yet our politicians, to include Biden have been active in the Ukraine since 1994.
Why should we get involved in the Ukraine. It is none of our business.

Well, the earth becomes a pretty small place when there is a nuclear winter.

View attachment 610402
The story is a total fabrication. The plant was never shelled, it was never on fire (a training building next to it was), and there was never any elevated radiation.

Another lie and lame attempt to get us involved in a war.
Why should we get involved in the Ukraine. It is none of our business.

Well, the earth becomes a pretty small place when there is a nuclear winter.

View attachment 610402
Still not our war. They seized it. They didn’t blow it up. This is a European problem. Europe can deal with it.
You are right, when faced with an aggressive force bombing nuclear reactors we must join sides with putin.

The interesting logic is not recognizing that attacking nuclear power plants is nuclear war.
Interesting “logic” when it was never confirmed, and in fact debunked, that the Russians “shelled” the nuclear plant.

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