Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?

The story is a total fabrication. The plant was never shelled, it was never on fire (a training building next to it was), and there was never any elevated radiation.

Another lie and lame attempt to get us involved in a war.
Right, we are involved, it is just a question of whose side. We have been involved ever since the democrats under Obama been giving the Ukraine billions. We have been involved since 1994 when the democrats promised to protect the Ukraine.

Democrats and thier broken agreements are no different then your fake news. Nothing to see here? Just a training building? Sure.

Russia attacks Ukranian nuclear power plant. Still not our war?​

The fire is reported to be out. Wasn’t in buildings containing fission material, but a building adjacent to the site.

Still not our war.
Yeah, apparently an outbuilding caught on fire from the shelling. Russian troops are said to control the plant, though.

I do wonder if the Russians are trying to keep our mind on "nuclear" to scare us.

I wonder why so many Dems want to go to war with Russia? That's what it looks like. Reminds me of the Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War in the '30s, who went over there in the thousands and got in everyone's way.

Anyway, it's not a war with us and it's not even a war with the European Union, so why not wait to cry till we're hurt.

This strange attitude of insisting that the whole world is now somehow at war is globalization, I think. We are ALREADY "one world." It just happened by itself, in the long peace since WWII.
Interesting “logic” when it was never confirmed, and in fact debunked, that the Russians “shelled” the nuclear plant.
I don't know, they did show a video of it ---- and the fire. And the news says now that Russian troops control that plant.
Interesting “logic” when it was never confirmed, and in fact debunked, that the Russians “shelled” the nuclear plant.
Of course, but when do you chose to believe Reuters and the associated press?

A training building? That is within the nuclear plant. As are the backup diseal generators and all the equipment used to safely shutdown the reactors.
Depends on your perspective of "our war".
We are part of NATO for a reason. The Chernobyl disaster in the 1980's created substantial radiation across Europe.
It's time for NATO to take SOME non-nuclear military action in Ukraine to fend off Russian aggressors to defend democracy in EUROPE!
Russian military leaders would not allow madman Putin to use nuclear weapons over the Ukraine conflict. THEY are not nuts.
We WERE in NATO for a reason. There is little need to be involved in it now. All it does is risk dragging us into European wars. No one intends to invade the US. Not even Russia.
Yeah, apparently an outbuilding caught on fire from the shelling. Russian troops are said to control the plant, though.

I do wonder if the Russians are trying to keep our mind on "nuclear" to scare us.

I wonder why so many Dems want to go to war with Russia? That's what it looks like. Reminds me of the Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War in the '30s, who went over there in the thousands and got in everyone's way.

Anyway, it's not a war with us and it's not even a war with the European Union, so why not wait to cry till we're hurt.

This strange attitude of insisting that the whole world is now somehow at war is globalization, I think. We are ALREADY "one world." It just happened by itself, in the long peace since WWII.
No reason to leave islands of resistance in your rear, and control of the grid is a strategic matter.
Right, we are involved, it is just a question of whose side. We have been involved ever since the democrats under Obama been giving the Ukraine billions. We have been involved since 1994 when the democrats promised to protect the Ukraine.

Democrats and thier broken agreements are no different then your fake news. Nothing to see here? Just a training building? Sure.
My fake news? No, it’s YOUR fake news you posted.

Reuter’s is trying to gloss over their blatant lies:

“Although the plant was later said to be safe and the fire out, officials worried about the precarious circumstances, with Ukrainian staff now operating under Russian control.

Well that’s weird, it went from Russians are “shelling the nuclear plant” to it was a fire in a building next to the plant, Russian forces have taken over the plant, and Ukrainian workers confirm there was never any elevated radiation.
Agreed. It was a dumb thing to do then and it's only been compounded by recent events. What's even dumber is not changing the decision based on those recent events.

I’ve noticed that with liberals. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they double down.

A perfect example was when Virginia, a formerly blue state, rejected the leftist extreme and voted in an R governor. Instead of the libs acknowledging that they have gone too far and they hear the message that voters are sending them, Pelosi et al said the reason the Dem was defeated is because they liberals didn’t move far enough, fast enough, to the left.

As far as the oil, now we are talking about buying oil from another of our arch enemies - The Islamic State of Iran. What is it with these leftists that they would rather have us indebted to our adversaries than produce the needed oil right here?
Yeah, apparently an outbuilding caught on fire from the shelling. Russian troops are said to control the plant, though.

I do wonder if the Russians are trying to keep our mind on "nuclear" to scare us.

I wonder why so many Dems want to go to war with Russia? That's what it looks like. Reminds me of the Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War in the '30s, who went over there in the thousands and got in everyone's way.

Anyway, it's not a war with us and it's not even a war with the European Union, so why not wait to cry till we're hurt.

This strange attitude of insisting that the whole world is now somehow at war is globalization, I think. We are ALREADY "one world." It just happened by itself, in the long peace since WWII.
That plant provides a huge amount of the country's power requirements. Shut it down and make the populous suffer. This is what you do when you are fighting an insurgency. It's the same with the bombing of the civilian population. If you are fighting to win a COIN war it's going to be brutal and bloody. Not sure why people thought it was going to be different.
I’ve noticed that with liberals. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they double down.

A perfect example was when Virginia, a formerly blue state, rejected the leftist extreme and voted in an R governor. Instead of the libs acknowledging that they have gone too far and they hear the message that voters are sending them, Pelosi et al said the reason the Dem was defeated is because they liberals didn’t move far enough, fast enough, to the left.

As far as the oil, now we are talking about buying oil from another of our arch enemies - The Islamic State of Iran. What is it with these leftists that they would rather have us indebted to our adversaries than produce the needed oil right here?

I dont understand the logic if buying oil from countries like SA or Iran or any country for that matter if we can produce it ourselves. It's not reducing the amount of fossil fuels being produced or used so what exactly is being accomplished other than shipping money to people who dont like us. I guess we can act like "we are doing our part for the environment". What's dumb is you could just tax the oil being produced here more since you are eliminating a good amount of the shipping costs and use that money to develop alternative fuel solutions. At least at that point the extra money Im paying to put gas in my vehicle is going to something useful and not funding terrorism or invasions.
My fake news? No, it’s YOUR fake news you posted.

Reuter’s is trying to gloss over their blatant lies:

“Although the plant was later said to be safe and the fire out, officials worried about the precarious circumstances, with Ukrainian staff now operating under Russian control.

Well that’s weird, it went from Russians are “shelling the nuclear plant” to it was a fire in a building next to the plant, Russian forces have taken over the plant, and Ukrainian workers confirm there was never any elevated radiation.
From your link, a nuclear catastrophe was the risk. Thank you for confirming my fears.

  • U.S. says assault of plant risked catastrophe
Americans have spent two years watching and bitching about the effects of events all over the globe on their own jobs, wallets, store shelves, gas prices, etc.

Will we ever learn? Why are we so stupid?
To counter the belligerent Soviet Union from invading European countries.

THANK GOODNESS we don't have to worry about that anymore, right?

The stupid... it... burns...
There is no Soviet Union anymore. Now, go douse yourself.
Now, during the fighting in Kharkiv and elsewhere, it is absolutely clear that the tactics of the so-called human shield are being used. That is, there was the placement of artillery on the territory of residential quarters and the placement of firing points in houses, where civilians are located, including in residential buildings, and the use of tactics of so-called "stray mortars". Now about how this is assessed from the point of view of international law.
According to the status of the International Criminal Court, the use of the presence of a civilians or other protected persons to protect certain points, areas or armed forces from military actions is a war crime during armed conflicts. . That is, Ukrainian nazis, you are war criminals.
Using residential facilities for conducting military operations is a crime under international laws if you are fighting in the city. In general, this applies to any participants in the fighting.
That is, if you have chosen a city as a place of warfare, evacuate the civilian population from there.
Or conduct military operations somewhere else.

When the defenders of Stalingrad fight in the city, the civilian population was evacuated from there.

So, it is a crime to occupy a city and conduct armed operations there without evacuating civilians from there.

Understanding, that this is crime, has been going on for a long time.
When the austrians, wanted that there to be no destruction of Vienna by Napoleon's troops, they simply let Napoleon into the city, although they continued the war outside the capital.
When the Americans did not want the destruction of Manila in the Philippines during World War 2, they declared Manila an open city and withdrew all troops from there, so that the city would not be destroyed, they wanted to preserve it.
And this is, in principle, the normal practice of conducting military operations.
Uncontrolled distribution of weapons to incomprehensible persons, that is, not the formation of the militia and armed forces, but simply the distribution of weapons, also considered as a crime.
Naturally, various criminal groups, banal bandits, will acquire weapons in the first place, for them it is the only chance to acquire combat weapons.
The release of prisoners convicted of serious crimes, due to the fact that they have combat experience, is also something, that can be considered a crime.
Ukrainian nazis are criminals and conduct criminal acts.
And I hope that ones, that survive, after the war will pay for it.
And especially strictly they should pay for the use of nuclear energy objects as a shield!

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