Russia begins air strikes in Syria, demands a free hand, Obama admin concedes their legit interest

Shut up, nutbags. Russia is doing airstrkes against ISIS. You assholes said that won't cut it. Bunch of dickheads.

awwww look at the left-wing loser CRYING!1

werent you one of the morons that bawled like a baby when Republicans rightly predicted and noted that Putin was filling in a hole, a vaccuum of leadership left by obama's ineptitude??????????????

now you want people to shut up and let Putin do his thing without being reminded you were wrong and others were right?

go cry

Nope. Not crying......and you project. I'm one of the guys who didn't want to invade Iraq and fuck up the region, dickbreath.
i'm begging to know, what "legitimate interest" does Russia have in Syria, other than propping up Assad at the behest of Iran?
Russia has a large military base at Tarsus. obumble thought that Russia would just let it fall into isis hands.
Why does this bother any of you?

Are you dismayed that Russians might die in place of Americans fighting useless wars in the Middle East?

Can you possibly be that ghoulish? ...uh...well of course you can. You've proven that over many years.

I know, right?

YAWN; isnt it just like a left-wing nutjob to be so mindlessly hypocritical with his hyperbole so as not to be cognizant he and not others is the only one "ghoulish" enough to need to conjur up the image of dead American soldiers to make his point/??????

if you dont understand why any of this matters you must have really been perplexed when obama pondered going into syrian ALONE WITHOUT EVEN THE AUTHORIZATION OF CONGRESS
but ACTUAL FACTS dont matter to douchebags like you as long as you can bring up dead soldiers and try to hypocritically project that onto others
Shut up, nutbags. Russia is doing airstrkes against ISIS. You assholes said that won't cut it. Bunch of dickheads.

awwww look at the left-wing loser CRYING!1

werent you one of the morons that bawled like a baby when Republicans rightly predicted and noted that Putin was filling in a hole, a vaccuum of leadership left by obama's ineptitude??????????????

now you want people to shut up and let Putin do his thing without being reminded you were wrong and others were right?

go cry

Nope. Not crying......and you project. I'm one of the guys who didn't want to invade Iraq and fuck up the region, dickbreath.

we are talking about syria leftard. you losers need to let go of the iraq thing. the "region" was fine enough for obama to IGNORE FOR YEARS WHEN OTHERS WERE PLEADING FOR HIM TO ACT ON ISIS.
and then there are the ACTUAL COMMENTS of OBAMA AND BIDEN THEMSELVES on how peaceful and stable Iraq was when obama handed them their country back

LIKE I SAID most of you are just pussies trying to have things both ways; mindlessly protecting your community organizer from accepting responsiblity for ANYTHING that has happened on his watch
well obama DID say he'd "be more flexible" after his re-election. Was this what he meant????
Why does this bother any of you?

Are you dismayed that Russians might die in place of Americans fighting useless wars in the Middle East?

Can you possibly be that ghoulish? ...uh...well of course you can. You've proven that over many years.

I know, right?

YAWN; isnt it just like a left-wing nutjob to be so mindlessly hypocritical with his hyperbole so as not to be cognizant he and not others is the only one "ghoulish" enough to need to conjur up the image of dead American soldiers to make his point/??????

if you dont understand why any of this matters you must have really been perplexed when obama pondered going into syrian ALONE WITHOUT EVEN THE AUTHORIZATION OF CONGRESS
but ACTUAL FACTS dont matter to douchebags like you as long as you can bring up dead soldiers and try to hypocritically project that onto others

It doesn't matter to us. You've been brainwashed into believing it does. We can walk away from the Middle East now and leave it to whoever else wants to fight over there and we'll be far better off.
Russian fighters and bombers began attacking targets in Syria this morning. The Russian news agencies claimed they were attacking ISIS targets, but the U.S. immediately pointed out that the Russian air strikes were taking place in cities that had no ISIS presence. They seem more likely to be attacking the rebels that have been resisting Bashir al-Assad's forces.

A Russian general spoke to Pentagon officials and told them that Russia wanted American forces out of the area. It is reported that the American officials said they would not leave.

Then, in an astonishing speech during a conference chaired by Russia this morning, Secretary of State John Kerry conceded that Russia had a legitimate interest in the middle East, and announced that he would welcome Russian forces in Syria, provided they were attacking the right people. This is a startling reversal of Western policy that Russia should be kept out of the Middle East, a policy that started during WWII and has continued unceasingly to the present day.

During the war, the warring powers including Russia, Britain, and the United States had made agreements that they would leave Iran and other middle East countries once hostilities ceased. Once it was over, most powers did leave, but Russia did not, until considerable pressure (including implied use of the new atomic bomb) had been applied against them. The allies had found out the hard way that Russia did not have the best interests of the Middle East at heart, but only Russia's.

For some reason today, the Obama administration has apparently decided to abandon that policy, welcoming Russia to Syria, despite clear indications that Russia is not interested in defeating ISIS, but only supporting the existing regime, contrary to U.S. policy so far.

Hopefully the Obama administration will think better of this huge concession, and reverse themselves, putting heavy pressure on Russia to butt out. But the Obama regime's supine reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and occupation of the Crimea, does not encourage hope in the middle East situation.

Russia launches airstrikes in northern Syria, senior military official says

What part of Chechen terrorist leader pledges allegiance to ISIS don't we get? 15,000 warriors.

This isn't a game here. Are our memories so short we don't remember Beslan? Putin to protect his own people will destroy the terrorist factions in Syria. There has never been a civil war. Paid mercenaries by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey to depose Assad allowed all these terrorist groups.

This is bullshit. And no one has the fucking right to tell Russia to but out.
Why does this bother any of you?

Are you dismayed that Russians might die in place of Americans fighting useless wars in the Middle East?

Can you possibly be that ghoulish? ...uh...well of course you can. You've proven that over many years.

I know, right?

Two far left drones still running the old narratives that have been debunked.

Another prime example of why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

They do not understand that Russia is attacking the rebels that the US has been backing in Syria..

So the far left drones will still run their outdated and debunked narratives..
Since we have an incompetent meat muppet in the WH we may as well concede the ME to the russians.

We aren't going to do anything effective to combat the spread of islime obviously, but the russians will.

They aren't going to "win" hearts and minds, they're going to bayonet them. Well I say fuck it, let them do it.

We've been trying to make these people like us for decades, they gladly take everything we give them and then spit at us. So fuck 'em. I don't care if the russian purge the world of every last muzbot.

Piers Morgan and I can't believe I am about to type this because I hate his guts over gun control. He hit it out of the park today with his editorial. This is not about winning hearts and minds.

This is about crushing the world's wealthiest homicidal terror group.

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