Russia begins partial withdrawal from Ukrainian border

You have a good point. It does appear to be hysterics of Biden and the US Pentagon.

I think Nordstream2 going ahead is the key to the stand down of both sides. But the deal will be shrouded in secrecy.

I think we can conclude now that Germany is Nato's loose cannon. America could do anything now to stabilize the situation that threatens Nato's future. Keeping in mind that Nato is only a US tool of aggression. That's my opinion.
This withdrawal is secondary to the fact the DUMA just voted to recognize the Ukrainian breakaway regions. That recognition opens the door to a slew of new options. Perhaps something similar to Crimea, using democratic ideals and self determination to cede from Ukraine.
The public will never hear of the deal that's been made, but what does it matter if the situation has been defused.

Expect a provocation by Ukraine soon.

Ukraine paid the Bidens good protection money, glad it paid off!
Moscow Today - Russian President for Life Vlad Putin announced (behind a rather large desk) that he was moving his forces east until he could invade the Ukraine from the west and blame it on France. The move called brilliant by phaxnews' tucker carlson in a special report.
This withdrawal is secondary to the fact the DUMA just voted to recognize the Ukrainian breakaway regions. That recognition opens the door to a slew of new options. Perhaps something similar to Crimea, using democratic ideals and self determination to cede from Ukraine.
Yes, your point well taken, but you must know that America only recognizes breakaway regions of a country when it's in accordance with America's capitalist principles.

Everybody needs to think clearly on the issue and compare Crimea and the breakaway regions with the Balkans!

No wonder Putin's resolve is solid and solidly backed by Russians!
Moscow Today - Russian President for Life Vlad Putin announced (behind a rather large desk) that he was moving his forces east until he could invade the Ukraine from the west and blame it on France. The move called brilliant by phaxnews' tucker carlson in a special report.
Nahhhh, really?
Yes, your point well taken, but you must know that America only recognizes breakaway regions of a country when it's in accordance with America's capitalist principles.

Everybody needs to think clearly on the issue and compare Crimea and the breakaway regions with the Balkans!

No wonder Putin's resolve is solid and solidly backed by Russians!
The real question is, has Ukraine adopted new legal methods to stop the breakaways from joining Russia? Western consent is not necessary. If Ukraine has no legal standing, force is their only method to retain those regions. This can flip the whole narrative on it's head.
How many troop does he still have at the border? Putin saying he is starting a partial withdrawal of troop from the border of Ukraine is like the Biden administration saying our Southern border is secure don’t make it into more than it is.
The real question is, has Ukraine adopted new legal methods to stop the breakaways from joining Russia? Western consent is not necessary. If Ukraine has no legal standing, force is their only method to retain those regions. This can flip the whole narrative on it's head.
True that force is the only way and that's common to all like situations where a breakaway is up for question.

I'll only suggest that the breakaway of Crimea didn't need to happen if the US/Nato/Ukraine hadn't interfered with the status quo that worked for all parties. Russia couldn't allow it to happen for obvious reasons you will probably understand. And now the status quo has been disturbed and destroyed.

How would a large country with a powerful military handle the situation? Canada had a close call but I always wonder if a breakaway of Quebec could have ever taken place had the referendum swung 2%?

Pondering the possibilities on Ukraine.
You mean they are actually going to have one this time?
You may be right....they may just say...."Whatever trump mumbles."

That way they won't antagonize the Liar in Chief. They are deathly afraid of him and his Mafia.
The ars kissing MAGA nuts are showing their love for Vlad like never before.

No need to kiss any MAGA nuts, any real American is only too glad to help America be great, which leaves you far out. We are not kissing anything but giving you and your damaged troupe and your God-hero-icon Joe Poopie President the royal finger outta here. :fu:

And in just 9 months well be showing you much more.

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
He said no such thing.Tucker is always both reasonable and
skeptical.He never acted like this Wag the Dog MSM.
So stop lying about his take.
He's almost ALWAYS right about almost everything
Political.He wasn't hosting - Crossfire - on CNN fir
nothing.I believe him when he says he doesn't watch TV.

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