Russia begins partial withdrawal from Ukrainian border

With a comment like that, you must listen to Tucker........:mm:
WHY.Don't forget that Rachel Maddow cut her teeth
on Politics on MSNBC's 11 pm - Tucker - { 2005 }
She started the show off debating Tucker on
Current events and Politics playing the Devils Advocate.
That is why you'll never hear or see Tucker playing
clips of Maddow at her 9 pm slot.Or mention her
by name.Because he's a class individual.
Just because Maddow allowed herself to be
a sell-out doesn't mean it's OK for Tucker to
do likewise.

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
Hopefully, but this is not the end of Ukraine the Russians want.... And no actual evidence recognized.
No need to kiss any MAGA nuts, any real American is only too glad to help America be great, which leaves you far out. We are not kissing anything but giving you and your damaged troupe and your God-hero-icon Joe Poopie President the royal finger outta here. :fu:

And in just 9 months well be showing you much more.
Do you have any idea what you are talking about at all? Omg lol. Change the gd channel.
Just just what the dupes always say and it's never happened yet.
How quickly you forget 2016. Don't worry, I'll remind you this Fall when Dems get their asses handed to them.

All the GOP can do is when elections and give tax cuts to the rich and screw everyone else.
Sure. That still beats the stuffings out of what President Crapsalot is doing to the country!
This withdrawal is secondary to the fact the DUMA just voted to recognize the Ukrainian breakaway regions. That recognition opens the door to a slew of new options. Perhaps something similar to Crimea, using democratic ideals and self determination to cede from Ukraine.
They didn't vote that. They voted to send request to Putin about recognition of these 'republics' as sovereign states.

I don't see any possibility of Russia recognizing them as for now. Though, it may happen some time in the future if Moscow fails to give them back to Ukraine on Russian terms.
Nah, the threat of invasion was always just a ploy. Putin just wants the world to *think* he’s going to invade.
This one is harder to call because comparing domestic media ….err….interpretations shall we say, I’m blaming mainstream media for the fake buildup and warmongering. This goes WAY beyond, like some have implied, one host on Fox. I actually bought into it, once again… so it’s on me. To believe anything in print by the lame stream media is like throwing a penny in a well and thinking your wish will come true. Pure fiction.

Americans need to stay focused on the southern border and demand tighter measures to eliminate illegal crossings.

I wanted to add here, how many think that Biden really convinced Putin over that phone call to lighten up? lolol Sure he did! But that’s what the media is telling us!

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
This is a major hit to the Trump Cult party as they were lusting for Putin to invade. This just compounds the bad news on multiple fronts that they have had to endure lately, such as Trump being fired by his accounting firm, the Jan 6 Committee closing in and Palin's embarrassing defeat by the NY Times. These are certainly sad days for the Cult.
How quickly you forget 2016. Don't worry, I'll remind you this Fall when Dems get their asses handed to them.

Sure. That still beats the stuffings out of what President Crapsalot is doing to the country!
I just said they win elections, then they screw the hell out of you and your family and friends. Congratulations, brainwashed functional moron.
Running a tank platoon consisting of German WW2 'Panzie' Tanks?

NATO Prepared To Mount ‘Gender-Inclusive’ Response to Putin’s Aggression in Ukraine

The Biden administration and the Western military alliance have no plans to mount a meaningful response to Russia's unprovoked aggression, but they have gone to great lengths to ensure their symbolic expression of outrage will be as "gender inclusive" as possible. The NATO Gender-Inclusive Language Manual, published in April 2020, offers crucial guidance for Western military officials regarding the use of "communication as a basis for advancing gender equality.

NATO Prepared To Mount 'Gender-Inclusive' Response to Putin's Aggression in Ukraine - Washington Free Beacon
Come on....ow about all you MAGA nuts get together and start your rant...

How's that withdrawal going, there Jim?

Just just what the dupes always say and it's never happened yet. All the GOP can do is when elections and give tax cuts to the rich and screw everyone else.
Yeah well you probably said this same thing when Hillary was being debated concerning her bull crap, but now we see who was right and who was covering. That crow taste good Democrat ???
I thank God for a change of heart on the part of Russian leader Putin. Hopefully we will wisely let it go and pray that the Russian economy flourishes so they will not have to do unpleasant things to other countries. God is good.

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