Russia begins partial withdrawal from Ukrainian border

This is a major hit to the Trump Cult party as they were lusting for Putin to invade. This just compounds the bad news on multiple fronts that they have had to endure lately, such as Trump being fired by his accounting firm, the Jan 6 Committee closing in and Palin's embarrassing defeat by the NY Times. These are certainly sad days for the Cult.
That's It Bubba.There's more Biden cult crappola
each hour on the hour.Where each hour Biden is
a complete unamerican asshole.It's way past
historic his Failed Presidency.
Trying to blame Trump for Biden's complete
malfeasance only adds to the publics reaction as to
No Confidence.
Trump always { even when dogged and hounded
by an aggressive Unfair Media ... } maintained his
head and made America just a little More Great each
I thank God for a change of heart on the part of Russian leader Putin. Hopefully we will wisely let it go and pray that the Russian economy flourishes so they will not have to do unpleasant things to other countries. God is good.
Ah ha ha ha.....

Nah, the threat of invasion was always just a ploy. Putin just wants the world to *think* he’s going to invade.
Remind us, please, who has been hysterically shouting for almost six months about the inevitable invasion of the Russian hordes in poor democratic Ukraine?
Breaking....some Ukrainian agencies hit by cyber attacks.
Oh, yes! The terrible invasion predicted by smart intelligence did not happen. Because the insidious russians used cyber weapons and invaded the cyber space of democratic Ukraine. As expected! As predicted by the brave scouts and Free press.

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
Biden was playing the tough guy today with Putin, the one who took on Corn Pop at the pool.

If I was Putin I would invade Ukraine just to make Biden look like the fool he is.

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, announced Russia's technical defeat in the war with Ukraine due to the disruption of the invasion planned for 3 a.m. NATO calls on both sides of the conflict to sit down at the negotiating table and discuss the payment of indemnity and territorial concessions from Russia.

Stoltenberg suggested that the losing side should transfer the Rostov and Voronezh regions under the control of Ukraine. The initiative of the Secretary General was also supported by the head of the British Foreign Ministry Liz Truss, saying that the United Kingdom recognizes Ukraine's sovereignty over these territories and will never recognize them as part of Russia.
Stoltenberg also demanded from the management of "Gazprom" to sign obligations for the free supply of 11 billion cubic meters of gas to Kiev annually as a military contribution. Ukrainian officials have already left for the military units of the Southern Military District of Russia to accept the surrender of russian troops and disarm the soldiers.

"This day will go down in history as the biggest military disgrace of Russia in history. Not coming to war is the height of shame, cynicism and cowardice. And do not pretend that the Kremlin does not read The Washington Post and does not watch CNN. You were well aware of the date of your invasion. Now there is nothing to deny and pretend as if they were not going to fight. You got scared, now pay and repent," Stoltenberg said.
I have another theory and Biden wanted a war in the Ukraine, have China invade Taiwan and North Korea Attack Japan, so that oil prices go so high that America will accept any deal the Democrats offer…
😂 High prices benefit Russia and US domestic producers. They also drive exploration and drilling.
Ukraine was sadly waiting for the promised invasion... Investors have fled with money, planes don't fly, gas is almost out, chickens don't lay eggs.
Everyone is waiting with secret hope for the clang of Russian tanks...
😂 High prices benefit Russia and US domestic producers. They also drive exploration and drilling.
It also hurts the consumer which will bring people to look for alternative solutions and close minded morons like you will never admit Biden would use this to push his agenda for passing the New Green Deal!

Hell, Biden could come right out and say it and you would spin it as a damn good thing!

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?
C'mon man. They sent a convoy to Germania to scarf up a couple hundred cases of beer. The "withdrawal" is merely symptomatic
Oh, yes! The terrible invasion predicted by smart intelligence did not happen. Because the insidious russians used cyber weapons and invaded the cyber space of democratic Ukraine. As expected! As predicted by the brave scouts and Free press.
Biden was playing the tough guy today with Putin, the one who took on Corn Pop at the pool.

If I was Putin I would invade Ukraine just to make Biden look like the fool he is.

Well said....Comrade. No get the Putin pubic hair out of your teeth.
Great work, Britain! Now Putin knows all about Ukraine’s response to all those almost evenly spaced out arrows.
It should be obvious to anyone that there are few fundamental differences between the tabloids and serious “experts” on many subjects, including Russia / Ukraine.

This is going to ruin Tucker's day. He is soooo counting on Putin invading Ukraine. Maybe he can get on the phone and talk Vlad into a full scale invasion?

Vlad fucking blinked. Joe Biden united Europe against Russia. Vlad thought he could force Ukraine to NOT join NATO, he failed big time. The Traitor's butt boy wants to restore the Soviet Empire, and with Estonia, Lativa, Lituania and Poland (Among other former Warsaw Pact Countries) are now a part of NATO. Should Ukraine join NATO, Russia is hemmed in. Good Fuck Russia, Fuck Putin. GO USA!!!!
Great work, Britain! Now Putin knows all about Ukraine’s response to all those almost evenly spaced out arrows.
It should be obvious to anyone that there are few fundamental differences between the tabloids and serious “experts” on many subjects, including Russia / Ukraine.
While the repub party cheers for Putin....

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