Russia bombing Kiev

Dude, everyone knows that's the bridge he was using. Even CBS news reported this bridge was a "key supply route".

This is their war, not ours. They don't have to prove shit to us. Crimea was illegally stolen from Ukraine under Obama anyway. They have a right to destroy all military targets. At least they aren't doing what the left loves, post birth abortion of children using missiles at cities.

Just heard on France24 that the Russian military was using the bridge, but it was just them reporting it not showing it. Are there any convoy video's or pic's of Russian equipment crossing the bridge ? Thanks.
Just heard on France24 that the Russian military was using the bridge, but it was just them reporting it not showing it. Are there any convoy video's or pic's of Russian equipment crossing the bridge ? Thanks.

I doubt many people film a bridge.

CBS news called it a "key supply route":

I don't ignore, to me that is a sign of cowardice and admitting defeat.
You got to remember there are lots of paid shills from either Langley or the nsa thst have penetrated this site,many with sockpuppets,the more you take their bait and reply you are just feeding the trolls giving them what they want,hopes of derailing the thread and to fulfill their agenda to waste all your valuable time,I refuse to take their bait,you have heard the old saying,don’t feed the trolls? I stick to thst,I refuse to feed them as they want me thing in the world to do,got much more important things to do with my valuable time than waste it feeding the trolls when they know whst they are posting is lies and every honest person does as well.

I got over 200 of these evil motherfucker asswipes on ignore.

There are also reports that Zelensky's office was destroyed in the bombing. Putin says this was a response to the Crimea bridge attack. All of you on here that cheered that attack have blood on your hands

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Nonsense. Putin has the blood on his hands. Face facts: he’s a war criminal and he you applaud him.
Nonsense. Putin has the blood on his hands. Face facts: he’s a war criminal and he you applaud him.
Show me a leader besides Trump who isn't a war criminal. And you and many others mistake applauding him for being factually correct about the causation of this conflict
Show me a leader besides Trump who isn't a war criminal. And you and many others mistake applauding him for being factually correct about the causation of this conflict
The Dali Lama. Oh wait. Political leader. Hm.

I’ll get back to you.

Although I don’t think Greenland has attacked anybody recently.

There are also reports that Zelensky's office was destroyed in the bombing. Putin says this was a response to the Crimea bridge attack. All of you on here that cheered that attack have blood on your hands

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Yes yes !!!

Ukraine must be destroyed

They killed many jooze
Show me a leader besides Trump who isn't a war criminal. And you and many others mistake applauding him for being factually correct about the causation of this conflict
This is another one of those asswipe shills from the NSA I was talking about.he trolls in the conspiracy section endorsing the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission constantly everyday.he is going to burn in hell fir his participation in that coverup thinking money will buy him sure as hell won’t find a Demonrat thst is not a war criminal,that’s for sure and we git Rinos like bush,Romney,McConnell,murkowski and others of course that are in bed with the Demonrats.
Spoken like a true warmonger.
Yes, I'm a warmongering liberal independent; the worst of the worst. I actually believe one's country is sacred, not any church or institution within it, the country itself and all it represents. No, they don't seem to understand peaceful message, I guess we have to attack the very heart of Russia Moscow and utterly destroy it. That's the only solution putin has left us with.
Make no mistake, the DemoKKKrats want a nuclear war in Europe. It will make them spectacularly wealthy.
If putin starts a nuclear war, do you honestly believe it would be confined to Europe. It would end up encompassing the entire world. All the money in the world are isn't going to do any good if that happens. Your idea is pathetic. Besides if you look up who owns the military apparatus it isn't the Democrats. Just like big oil.
Spoken like a true warmonger.
He speaks like a rank amateur without any idea about what his own words might contemplate.

Maybe he's like the leftist who hate themselves so much that they wish for an all out nuclear exchange to take place, otherwise in hopes that it might end what they feel is the misery of their existence in which they feel that having to live one more day with Christian's / conservatives / republican's upon this earth, is just unexceptable for them ??

After so much betrayal of themselves in their own lives, they finally turned into these angry Leftist that hate everything that challenge's their view points whether they are wrong, very wrong or just grossly wrong. Their pride is to great to admit that they are wrong, so misery it is in their live's.

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