Russia bombing Kiev

POTATUS will launder our money for as long as it takes! Must be nice to be Zelensky. This faggot will be able to escape with Billions

I should have figured, you're a dumbfuck liberal from California. Fuck off. I don't respect nor listen to anybody that supports the killing of innocent children.

IGNORED DUMBFUCK. A cali dumbfuck, the best kinda of dumbfuck there is!
He isn't a liberal.....he is a Trump sycophant...

But this exchange with you 2 is an entertaining read....

Ukraine didn't ESCALTE this war. Russia started it AND escalated it. Ukraine bombed a bridge to try to STOP the inflow of Russian equipment that was illegally used to kill their citizens and soldiers in an illegal war.

Ukraine has a right to defend itself!
Is there Intel that the bridge was being used to move equipment onto the battlefield? If so should we have seen reports on that ?? Are we as American's missing vital information that would make us understand the movement's, the reason's, and the strategies in this war whenever action's occur ?

If want to keep the support of the American people, it can't just be reports or word's that can't be fact checked or be just word's of little information that leave us in wonderment or worse in conspiratorial mode.

Transparency is of the utmost importance to American's, because so much is at stake. We can't or shouldn't allow ourselves be coerced into a war that ends up getting everyone into a nuclear exchange.

De-escalation is highly important, but Biden and other's choose to send weapon's of destruction knowing that this would infuriate our old foe to no end, and worse it ensures Ukranian citizen's and infrastructure will be destroyed as well as the weapon's directly killing Russian soldier's in which then retaliate against Ukranian soldier's causing their death's also.

A peaceful resolution is of the utmost important for the world. Zelensky possibly coercing us into a Nuclear exchange with his fierce word's against his enemy is unexceptable. Time to stop talking war, and let's start to meditate for peace as it should be 🕊️.

Someone needs to calm Zelensky's rhetoric down, and they need to get him to swallow that war pride, and replace it with a peaceful attitude that will heap coals of fire upon their aggressors heads in a metaphorical way. Now coal fire is interpreted as promoting knowledge for a peaceful attitude that will inturn create a movement to work for peace and a peaceful resolution instead of the continuing of war.
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Is there Intel that the bridge was being used to move equipment onto the battlefield? If so should we have seen reports on that ?? Are we as American's missing vital information that would make us understand the movement's, the reason's, and the strategies in this war whenever action's occur ?

If want to keep the support of the American people, it can't just be reports or word's that can't be fact checked or be just word's of little information that leave us in wonderment or worse in conspiratorial mode.

Transparency is of the utmost importance to American's, because so much is at stake. We can't or shouldn't allow ourselves be coerced into a war that ends up getting everyone into a nuclear exchange.

De-escalation is highly important, but Biden and other's choose to send weapon's of destruction knowing that this would infuriate our old foe to no end, and worse it ensures Ukranian citizen's and infrastructure will be destroyed as well as the weapon's indirectly killing Russian soldier's in which then retaliate against Ukranian soldier's causing their death's also.

A peaceful resolution is of the utmost important for the world. Zelensky possibly coercing us into a Nuclear exchange with his fierce word's against his enemy is unexceptable. Time to stop talking war, and let's start to meditate for peace as it should be 🕊️.

Someone needs to calm Zelensky's rhetoric down, and they need to get him to swallow that war pride, and replace it with a peaceful attitude that will heap coals of fire upon their aggressors heads in a metaphorical way. Now coal fire is interpreted as promoting knowledge for a peaceful attitude that will inturn create a movement to work for peace and a peaceful resolution instead of the continuing of war.

Dude, everyone knows that's the bridge he was using. Even CBS news reported this bridge was a "key supply route".

This is their war, not ours. They don't have to prove shit to us. Crimea was illegally stolen from Ukraine under Obama anyway. They have a right to destroy all military targets. At least they aren't doing what the left loves, post birth abortion of children using missiles at cities.
Dude, everyone knows that's the bridge he was using. Even CBS news reported this bridge was a "key supply route".

This is their war, not ours. They don't have to prove shit to us. Crimea was illegally stolen from Ukraine under Obama anyway. They have a right to destroy all military targets. At least they aren't doing what the left loves, post birth abortion of children using missiles at cities.

Ukraine's Presidency was illegally stolen under Obama in 2014 in a US backed coup you fucking idiot, everything that has happened since is a direct cause from that
Level that MFer.

come on what you should have done from the start....scorch Earth that hooker.
Ukraine didn't ESCALTE this war. Russia started it AND escalated it. Ukraine bombed a bridge to try to STOP the inflow of Russian equipment that was illegally used to kill their citizens and soldiers in an illegal war.

Ukraine has a right to defend itself!
Is there Intel that the bridge was being used to move equipment onto the battlefield? If so should we have seen reports on that ?? Are we as American's missing vital information that would make us understand the movement's, the reason's, and the strategies in this war whenever action's occur ?

If want to keep the support of the American people, it can't just be reports or word's that can't be fact checked or be just word's of little information that leave us in wonderment or worse in conspiratorial mode.

Transparency is of the utmost importance to American's, because so much is at stake. We can't or shouldn't allow ourselves be coerced into a war that ends up getting everyone into a nuclear exchange.

De-escalation is highly important, but Biden and other's choose to send weapon's of destruction knowing that this would infuriate our old foe to no end, and worse it ensures Ukranian citizen's and infrastructure will be destroyed as well as the weapon's indirectly killing Russian soldier's in which then retaliate against Ukranian soldier's causing their death's also.

A peaceful resolution is of the utmost important for the world. Zelensky possibly coercing us into a Nuclear exchange with his fierce word's against his enemy is unexceptable. Time to stop talking war, and let's start to meditate for peace as it should be 🕊️.

Someone needs to calm Zelensky rhetoric down, and they need to get him to swallow that war pride, and replace it with a peaceful attitude that will heap coals of fire upon the aggressors heads in a metaphorical way. Now coal fire is interpreted as promoting knowledge for a peaceful attitude that will inturn create a movement to work for peace and a peaceful resolution instead of the continuing of war.
^^^The DemoKKKrats are the party of war.
Biden's proving it everytime he opens his mouth.

There are also reports that Zelensky's office was destroyed in the bombing. Putin says this was a response to the Crimea bridge attack. All of you on here that cheered that attack have blood on your hands

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I don't know how we're going to stop these atrocities without attacking Russia itself.
You support communists?

I support the people defending their land
Me too, but sending weapon's to arm a military against one that can wipe that military quickly from the face of the earth, ummmmmm is not the best strategy used by those who need the war and killing to stop. Just sayin.
Is there Intel that the bridge was being used to move equipment onto the battlefield? If so should we have seen reports on that ?? Are we as American's missing vital information that would make us understand the movement's, the reason's, and the strategies in this war whenever action's occur ?

If want to keep the support of the American people, it can't just be reports or word's that can't be fact checked or be just word's of little information that leave us in wonderment or worse in conspiratorial mode.

Transparency is of the utmost importance to American's, because so much is at stake. We can't or shouldn't allow ourselves be coerced into a war that ends up getting everyone into a nuclear exchange.

De-escalation is highly important, but Biden and other's choose to send weapon's of destruction knowing that this would infuriate our old foe to no end, and worse it ensures Ukranian citizen's and infrastructure will be destroyed as well as the weapon's indirectly killing Russian soldier's in which then retaliate against Ukranian soldier's causing their death's also.

A peaceful resolution is of the utmost important for the world. Zelensky possibly coercing us into a Nuclear exchange with his fierce word's against his enemy is unexceptable. Time to stop talking war, and let's start to meditate for peace as it should be 🕊️.

Someone needs to calm Zelensky rhetoric down, and they need to get him to swallow that war pride, and replace it with a peaceful attitude that will heap coals of fire upon the aggressors heads in a metaphorical way. Now coal fire is interpreted as promoting knowledge for a peaceful attitude that will inturn create a movement to work for peace and a peaceful resolution instead of the continuing of war.

Biden's proving it everytime he opens his mouth.
Those in power count on the public being short minded, dumbed down and not having the faintest grasp on geopolitical situations, history or cause and effect. It amazes me how so many on the left and right can blindly cheer on war. It's sickening to watch. Guarantee not one of them will serve themselves or send their family to go

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