Russia bombing Kiev

Lol, ya we are so impressed with the Russian swine abilities to attack civilians. Death to Russia. Mean while the Ukraine military is kicking the crap out of cowardly Russian swine. Russia is a country of losers.
Loser's with those pesky nukes that can't be ignored.
Those in power count on the public being short minded, dumbed down and not having the faintest grasp on geopolitical situations, history or cause and effect. It amazes me how so many on the left and right can blindly cheer on war. It's sickening to watch. Guarantee not one of them will serve themselves or send their family to go
Cheering on war is absolutely not the answer, so yes that is absolutely true, and treating Putin like he has been the enemy of the world whenever it was politically convenient, otherwise using him in political lie after lie after lie has created a mad man out of him now.

We know he wasn't perfect this Putin isn't, but he is the leader of a super power that undoubtedly can't be understood by the world when it gets angered inside, and so the world has to make him a global criminal in which undoubtedly he was reluctant to be accused of when that was in play. Now he's shown that he's nothing to be toyed with for to long, so where does it all go from here one wonder's ??

God help us all.
I really wanna like your post but your signature tells me otherwise
You must not know who the poster rightwinger is? That’s who it refers to.ask any of your friends about him,they will tell you the same thing I am,thst he is a paid shill for Langley that has penetrated this site,he defends the governments version of events no matter how absurd he is,for example he endorces the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission report thst oswald shot kennedy.we got several paid shills here that have penetrated this site same as him.many sockpuppets.

You must not be familiar with him,the guy would kill himself before ever owning up to admitting he has been proven wrong and I am not being sarcastic in the least,I am totally serious,ask people like b Kidd,they will tell you the same,thst everything I said herein this post on him is true.he needs to change his user name to Leftwinger or wrongwinger,either is one hundred times more accurate.
Cheering on war is absolutely not the answer, so yes that is absolutely true, and treating Putin like he has been the enemy of the world whenever it was politically convenient, otherwise using him in political lie after lie after lie has created a mad man out of him now.

We know he wasn't perfect this Putin isn't, but he is the leader of a super power that undoubtedly can't be understood by the world when it gets angered inside, and so the world has to make him a global criminal in which undoubtedly he was reluctant to be accused of when that was in play. Now he's shown that he's nothing to be toyed with for to long, so where does it all go from here one wonder's ??

God help us all.
god help us indeed
You must not know who the poster rightwinger is? That’s who it refers to.ask any of your friends about him,they will tell you the same thing I am,thst he is a paid shill for Langley that has penetrated this site,he defends the governments version of events no matter how absurd he is,for example he endorces the magic bullet theory of the Warren commission report thst oswald shot kennedy.

You must not be familiar with him,the guy would kill himself before ever owning up to admitting he has been proven wrong and I am not being sarcastic in the least,I am totally serious,ask people like b Kidd,they will tell you the same,thst everything I said herein this post on him is true.he needs to change his user name to Leftwinger or wrongwinger,either is one hundred times more accurate.
Oh that RightWinger lol silly me I thought you meant all right wingers. My bad amigo
Russia is bombing civilians and has been since the beginning of the war and what does the left complain about? Ukraine bombing a bridge Russia uses to supply their war effort.

You can't make this shit up. The left REALLY is this fucking stupid.
Congrats at proving as always,you are always so easily brainwashed by what the cia controlled media tells you. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
Indeed.:rofl::auiqs.jpg::rofl:they always get easily triggered when they know they are getting checkmated and can’t refer
I love how he used the No True Trump Supporter card then whined like a bitch and blocked me LOL

These RINOs will never win again America First is kicking them all out
Which country?

Furthermore, that's a lazy term and you know it.
Well, the media used to be concerned about it...

Beware the Narrative!!

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