Russia debating on letting Snowden seek refuge there


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Who would have ever dreamed that Russia would be the place people fled to in hopes of living in a free country? While other countries are slowly getting away from their oppressive government, the U.S. is going full steam ahead toward a dictatorship.

Snowden went out on a limb to expose corruption in government and he's now considered a criminal by the Obama administration. Never mind the evil deeds Snowden was exposing, Obama deems him a criminal for telling on his administration. And he'll keep up this vilification of Snowden without answering for any of the things the NSA has done. Of course, with all the scandals surrounding him, it was predicatible that Obama would play the race card. The usual tossing of accusations wouldn't do, so he went to Africa, at a huge cost to taxpayers, to try and revive anger over past slavery. And he did so without talking about the blacks in Africa who were the first slave owners. It was they who sold their fellow human beings as slaves. Yes, it's a shameful past. But it's the past and it doesn't excuse what is happening in government now.

One prominent theme is the jarring notion that the old cold war paradigm – the US-led "free world" versus the Soviet "evil empire" – is being been stood on its head, and the US now looks like a ponderous, bureaucratic police state, while modern Russia has morphed into a beacon of hope for Western freedom-seekers.

"[Julian] Assange, [Bradley] Manning and Snowden are not spies who sold classified information for money. They acted on their beliefs. They are new dissidents, fighters against the system," the head of the State Duma's international affairs committee, Alexei Pushkov, tweeted Wednesday.

Mr. Pushkov, who excels at skewering Western "double standards," has maintained a steady stream of similar comments on his Twitter feed in recent days.
"The idealist Snowden was apparently convinced it would all turn out like a Hollywood movie: he will expose abuses and democracy will prevail. But life, and the US, are tougher," he tweeted Friday.

Russia debates letting Snowden in from the cold
Who would have ever dreamed that Russia would be the place people fled to in hopes of living in a free country?

People have often fled to Russia or Cuba after selling us out. Maybe he can get Kim Philby's old apartment. BTW, Lee Harvey Oswald had that hope too, but even he wasn't crazy enough to stay there. :cool:
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

I just have to laugh because I feel like so many people have this attitude ONLY because they dislike Obama. If this had happened 8 years ago, most would be volunteering for the firing squad.
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

I just have to laugh because I feel like so many people have this attitude ONLY because they dislike Obama. If this had happened 8 years ago, most would be volunteering for the firing squad.

8 years ago? Or do you mean 5 years ago when this was said:

"Often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government is an existing employee committed to public integrity and willing to speak out... will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government."`Barack Hussein Obama 2008
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

It's bad when people have to do what Snowden did in order for us to find the truth. Obama himself recognized that whistle blowers often break the rules, but he said it was the only way to find out about corruption in government. Clearly, he is not having that attitude now.

And, the good little followers will not even discuss the things Snowden exposed. They go right to saying 'Well, Bush did it' or something to that effect and refuse to admit that Obama is doing the things they accused Bush of for years.
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

It's bad when people have to do what Snowden did in order for us to find the truth. Obama himself recognized that whistle blowers often break the rules, but he said it was the only way to find out about corruption in government. Clearly, he is not having that attitude now.

And, the good little followers will not even discuss the things Snowden exposed. They go right to saying 'Well, Bush did it' or something to that effect and refuse to admit that Obama is doing the things they accused Bush of for years.

Don't you feel the least bit of shame when you try to mock others for not objecting to Obamas spying while doing the same when ppl point out that Bush did the same thing?

I mean, if you want to point out their hypocrisy that's fine. But you probably shouldn't mention Bush doing it too then move past it while condemning others for doing what you do. You know?
I realize that governments have to keep secrets. I also realize that they love to slap SECRET on everything. I'm ambivalent on the whole escapade, but can't help feeling that many on the right are in full-blown hypocrisy mode.
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

I just have to laugh because I feel like so many people have this attitude ONLY because they dislike Obama. If this had happened 8 years ago, most would be volunteering for the firing squad.

I wouldn't have. I hated Bush just as much as I hate Obama.
I am guessing you then hated all the presidents back to the first one.And George Washington was not the first president.
Snowden didn't sell us out, he didn't put anyone in harm's way, and most of all he didn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. People and civil rights groups have been looking into the government's illegal actions for months before Snowden opened his mouth.

Snowden simply embarassed the obama regime and they are pissed as hell.

I just have to laugh because I feel like so many people have this attitude ONLY because they dislike Obama. If this had happened 8 years ago, most would be volunteering for the firing squad.

Including Snowden himself it turns out.

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