Russia did not "interfere" in the US election, here is why...

Were Russia's online efforts effective in swaying your vote for Trump?

  • Yes, I fell prey to Putin's fake news online, and never use fact-checkers

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No, I get my news from Fox News

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

You have no proof of that after months of investigating.

Yes they do. The investigative agencies have repeatedly agreed that the hacking took place.

But carry on with your well worn classic RW tactic...deny the facts and repeat the big lie.

Than post a link.

That's my point. The links have been posted a thousand times. You people do this all the time. Ignore the proof provided and keep repeating repeating repeating repeating the lie.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

You have no proof of that after months of investigating.

Yes they do. The investigative agencies have repeatedly agreed that the hacking took place.

But carry on with your well worn classic RW tactic...deny the facts and repeat the big lie.

Than post a link.

That's my point. The links have been posted a thousand times. You people do this all the time. Ignore the proof provided and keep repeating repeating repeating repeating the lie.

So you dont have one.
I want the DNC to produce people who had their minds changed, and I want them to state which story(s) changed their minds! They won 't do it, because they then have to address if it was TRUE!

You're missing the point of what they're doing... that's not what they are inferring at all... they are trying to pump the fake narrative that Russians hacked into the voting machines and changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. Most of us know that's absurd, impossible and couldn't have happened, but that's what they're trying to infer by repeating the lie over and over and over again.

Sadly enough, some idiots on the left will actually believe that happened.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

Democrats got exposed for what everyone thought they are.
While all the dirt on the RNC servers and Trump campaign were HELD BACK.

IF Russia just wanted us to know the truth about our candidates... information on both candidates would have been released...

The way they did this.... was specifically to help trump win....and that is CHEATING.

Trump won thru this cheating and is paying the Russians/Putin back for their help, using our Nation to give them their reward payback.

I'm still trying to figure out how an alleged hack forced Donna Brazile to try and hack the Election all by herself. You people keep screaming "not fair" because the Russians supposedly only hacked your side. Donna Brazile is still standing prominently in the DNC wagging her finger at US.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

Democrats got exposed for what everyone thought they are.
While all the dirt on the RNC servers and Trump campaign were HELD BACK.

IF Russia just wanted us to know the truth about our candidates... information on both candidates would have been released...

The way they did this.... was specifically to help trump win....and that is CHEATING.

Trump won thru this cheating and is paying the Russians/Putin back for their help, using our Nation to give them their reward payback.
LIES!! The Russians never hacked the RNC, they tried but were defeated.

Any effort by Russia to interfere with the elections is criminal.

Really? US laws apply to people in other countries who aren't on US soil? I've got a pretty extensive list of Arab men who we need to charge with domestic violence, child abuse, assault and battery, committing terrorist acts, murder, etc. I know a guy in North Korea and a fella in Cuba we can arrest for violating civil rights. When we finish adjudicating these, I have quite a few more which are far more serious than trolling social media to influence an election. As a matter of fact, if that's actually a criminal act, we can make quite a few arrests here in our own country.... we could start with YOU, for instance!
Yes, they do apply
They violated U.S. law. Any hacker, anywhere in the world is criminally liable for actions taken against citizens in this country

Again, what are you going to fucking do? You have NO JURISDICTION! You can say it's illegal all you want to... go scream it from the rooftops! What does it mean if you can't apply the law? :dunno:

Trump IS INNOCENT of all the crap you scum are throwing at him and you all know it. ONLY the imbedded oshitass scum are trying to manufacture something to get him. If the investigation continues long enough they will "FIND' something like boxes of votes in an election.

I want the DNC to produce people who had their minds changed, and I want them to state which story(s) changed their minds! They won 't do it, because they then have to address if it was TRUE!

Can you imagine--------> oh, the story about the Hilly server changed my mind; or maybe, the story about the DNC screwing Bernie. This is EXACTLY why they won't produce anyone, or group of people. They will NEVER point at a story, they only point at the GROUP of stories.

And finally--------> I don't want ANY outside entity messing with our elections, nobody, anybody. But the crime is HOW they got the information, not the dissemination of said information. Just like the British newspapers, they just appear to have reported the facts. The media gets ahold of taped conversations, illegally released to them and that is fine. The Russians release facts illegally obtained, and all hell breaks loose. Neither side of the equation is in Americas best interest as far as manipulation, but; the truth is, how would this story change if it was MI6, or the Moussaad who were the ones to release the details! Or, if the roles were reversed, and the Trump stuff came from the Russians, and the Hilly stuff came from the MSN.

And one more question---------> If our political party's can NOT prevent themselves from being hacked, how in the hell are they going to stop the United States from being hacked! Remember, Silicon Valley was all about Hillary, and yet, the DNC gets hacked, and the RNC prevents itself from having the same thing happen. Think about that for a second.

Hillary chose to bypass NIST and FISMA Security frameworks so that she could further expose herself.
Here is straight Alt Right alt fact lies: they "are trying to pump the fake narrative that Russians hacked into the voting machines and changed Hillary votes to Trump votes". That is said with a straight face and absolutely no reason in fact to say it. They cannot even come up with "circumstantial" evidence to fit a conspiracy theory. So they will just make it up.
JS you're getting g loonier by the day. Why don't you come out of that bunker. You got my 10 hear supply of food? I stashed you some in the hill country around bandera. Lol.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc...

Any evidence for your ridiculous assertion that Russia hacked Podesta?

... in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

Can you explain how a somewhat obscure website called Wikileaks posting Podesta emails embarrassed shameless Democrats most of whom are computer illiterates, prevented them from voting?

Trump used that info against Hillary ove and over . Hos poll #s improved after the exposure.
Its hard to fathom average working folk most of whom are barely making it worship politicians like they do today. Man we are getting dumber. It matters not the party. I cannot remember a good president in the 80 years I have been alive. Draining the swamp has never happened and filling it with billionaires only makes it deeper.our political system is theoretically good but is now sleezily tainted by the rich for the rich and poor working people cannot figure it out. Sad. But irrefutable.
Its hard to fathom average working folk most of whom are barely making it worship politicians like they do today. Man we are getting dumber. It matters not the party. I cannot remember a good president in the 80 years I have been alive. Draining the swamp has never happened and filling it with billionaires only makes it deeper.our political system is theoretically good but is now sleezily tainted by the rich for the rich and poor working people cannot figure it out. Sad. But irrefutable.

You'd rather the clueless idealist? The last time I recall prosperity was during Clinton when Newt clamped down on the Budget and we had a surplus. Obama had no clue how to drive the bus. Trump may be an "aggressive driver"? We'll see if his billionaire squad are greedy bastards or financial geniuses. Either way, Congress and the Senate has final say.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

You have no proof of that after months of investigating.

Yes they do. The investigative agencies have repeatedly agreed that the hacking took place.

But carry on with your well worn classic RW tactic...deny the facts and repeat the big lie.

Than post a link.

That's my point. The links have been posted a thousand times. You people do this all the time. Ignore the proof provided and keep repeating repeating repeating repeating the lie.

So you dont have one.

I just told you where the links are.
I want the DNC to produce people who had their minds changed, and I want them to state which story(s) changed their minds! They won 't do it, because they then have to address if it was TRUE!

You're missing the point of what they're doing... that's not what they are inferring at all... they are trying to pump the fake narrative that Russians hacked into the voting machines and changed Hillary votes to Trump votes. Most of us know that's absurd, impossible and couldn't have happened, but that's what they're trying to infer by repeating the lie over and over and over again.

Sadly enough, some idiots on the left will actually believe that happened.

Nobody is claiming they hacked voting machines.

Who was president during the 2016 election? Which president knew about the Russian "attempted interference"? Which president did not take effective cyber-countermeasures? The FBI warned the DNC that they were being hacked,

And with that, the OP ADMITS Russian interference.
As I stated it matters not the party. I supported neither
Hillary nor trump. The swamp has never been drained and billionaires only care about making it deeper. Its not rocket science.
The democrats need to keep the Russian "attempted interference" in abstract terms because there was no real effect. The GOP voters get their news from FoxNews, and the democrats were locked into Hillary. No one was swayed by the Russian online cyber-warefare.
Russia leaked emails they stole from the dnc in order to embarrass the dnc and Hillary .

You may have noticed the endless threads about those emails on this board .

But isn't releasing DNC emails simply exposing cheating? I don't call that "interference" I call that "the truth".
What about the Trump stories about "urination" during Miss Universe and blackmail?
I need a list of issues that voters used to decide their votes, and I bet that the Russian online efforts had no effect on Trump voters or the election.

Then why not release the RNC emails? They had them but they didn't release them. I'm sure, that given the efforts made to keep Trump from getting the nomination they would have been just as, if not more damning, than the DNC emails.

And no, there was no cheating. Hillary won fair and square. That debate question was also sent to Bernie and his people. Those were the names deleted from that email.

Then there's all those stories about Hillary's health. How many threads were there here saying she had Parkinsons, or dementia, or something equally as unlikely?

If someone had Parksinsons, or another serious illness, as was frequently suggested, they would never have the ability to campaign. No person over the age of 65 would undertake such a challenge as a Presidential campaign, if they were in poor health. It would kill them.
The democrats need to keep the Russian "attempted interference" in abstract terms because there was no real effect. The GOP voters get their news from FoxNews, and the democrats were locked into Hillary. No one was swayed by the Russian online cyber-warefare.

The GOP voters got their news from a lot of sources, including FaceBook links, many of which were linked to fake news sites.

While there is no way of proving the effect of the Russian propaganda campaign, it's unrealistic to assume that such a broad campaign of misinformation had no effect at all. After all, voters stayed home in record numbers. How many would undecideds switched to Trump at the last minute? We'll never know.

But the idea that you don't care or want to negate the effect because your guy won, shows that you really don't care about your country or what others do to it, as long as your guy won.

You might ask yourself why Putin wanted Trump in office, and if you're in the least bit honest, the answer will scare the shit right out of you.
You can't dispute the fact that Trump voters got their news from FoxNews, and that Hillary voters weren't swayed by the Russian's cyber-warfare attempts. So going forward the internet is an open forum where hackers thrive, and voters need to be aware of fake-news. The 2016 election may have simply been a "change election".
Fox news is on the same level as msnbc and CNN....fake biased garbage. Only it uses the patriotic bs to sway people. All 3 are useless.
Voters may have stayed home since the MSM said that Hillary was a landslide winner with 384 electoral votes locked-up. then factor in Comey and giving H a pass on mishandling classified info. There were many reasons why H lost, Russian hacking probably had no effect, unless you can prove otherwise?

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