Russia didn't hack our election, just as Hinkly didn't assasinate Reagan.

I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election.

What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.

Russia tried to hack our election- they hacked with the specific intent of disrupting our elections, and maybe even to try to install their preferred candidate.

Hinkly tried to kill Ronald Reagan- but he only wounded him. That didn't mean we just let Hinckly go with a warning- because he didn't succeed. He went to prison.

Russia attempted to corrupt our electoral system- attempted electoral assasination.

This should be treated like any attempted attack of the same scale on the United States.

But I doubt Trump will do anything.

Sadly I don't think Trump will do anything until Tanks are rolling into Berlin, and then it will be a call to his buddy Putin "Hey Vlad, I think there was a mistake, you said you needed a little buffer zone called Poland but your tanks are in Berlin.....would you pretty please pull back to Poland?"

More regressive projection. You're the ones trying to distract from what the leaked material showed. which is the corruption at the highest levels in your party.

What I find really amazing is your convenient case of amnesia concerning the undercover videos showing the DNC dark ops folks paying people to incite violence at GOP events and attempts at voter fraud. In my opinion they were far more damaging to the brand than any of the emails. The same memory malfunction seems to apply to the FACT that Podesta gave up his password (which was "password" BTW) in a phishing scam that any 10 year old knows to avoid.

That said, none of it had any effect on my voting decision and I seriously doubt it did on very many. You ran a seriously flawed ideologue that promised more of the same shit people were fed up with. So you may want to fix your problems instead of concentrating on the Russians doing what they've been doing for decades.
I think it is not that this theft and leaks made more people vote for Trump, but it made more people NOT vote at all, that were considering pulling the trigger for Hillary...especially Bernie voters and never Trump voters.

And Mr. Trump used wikileaks as a battle cry, at his rallies....he mentioned wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks even without ever giving an example of what was in the wikileak of the day a thousand and one times, just played it like it was all gawd awful, when they really were not that bad, expected behind the scenes of individual personalities of conversations that were private....but Pizza was turned in to a pedophile ring, and Hillary getting told her question for the upcoming town hall was shocking but leaving OUT that Bernie got his question too from Donna Brazille made the leaks deceitful....and appear she was getting a leg up on Bernie, when she wasn't, he got his question ahead of time favorites was played....

And it gave the Trumpsters and Trump, a reason to bring up emails emails emails emails, linking wikileaks to Hillary's private server, even when that issue was settled...and had nothing to do with the stolen wikileaks.

this whole thing was carefully orchestrated to harm one candidate and help the other.
From what I could tell Trump's pussy grabbing comment was meant to be private.
So get off of your high horse lady.
I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election. What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.
There's a third option: They're protecting Trump from any questions about his legitimacy. It's just a political thing.

Americans, regardless of party, should be outraged over what Russia did. But for some, party over country prevails.
America seems to be more outraged at what the media did to make Hillary look like a viable candidate.
Could it be the CIA is behind all this? I would not doubt it for a second...

Trump's About to Wipe the Floor with the CIA - Agency Makes Veiled Threat Against President-elect
The effort to smear Trump and Russia in the media has backfired and propelled the president-elect to propose a major housecleaning in the US intel community - but they aren't taking it lying down
By Ricky Twisdale
Russia Insider

The New York Post, citing the Wall Street Journal, reported yesterday that “Trump Wants to Shake Up the CIA

Donald Trump is working on a plan that would restructure the CIA — cutting staff at the agency’s headquarters in Langley and moving more agents to field posts across the globe, a report says.

“The view from the Trump team is the intelligence world [is] becoming completely politicized,” a source close to the President-elect told the Wall Street Journal.

The insider is one of the few people familiar with Trump’s planning and said his advisers were also working to scale back the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, as well.

“They all need to be slimmed down,” the source said. “The focus will be on restructuring the agencies and how they interact.”

Also according to the Post, Trump’s nominee for CIA director, Mike Pompeo, and his national security advisor-designate Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn will spearhead the restructuring plan.

But notably, a statement from one anonymous inteviewee appeared to contain a veiled threat against the President-elect:

Intelligence officials told the Journal that they are ultimately disgusted with the President-elect’s social media behavior and disapproval of the CIA.

“It’s appalling,” one official said. “No president has ever taken on the CIA and come out looking good.”

This is an incredible statement, and one which was obviously made to the WSJ very deliberately and conscientiously, a paper with which the CIA is known to have strong ties.

The neocon rebels in the clandestine services are not happy that Donald Trump has publicly called them out for their warmongering Russophobic lies. Now they are sending him a message: “Don’t cross us. Or you won’t come out good.”

Trump's About to Wipe the Floor with the CIA - Agency Makes Veiled Threat Against President-elect
There it is! That wilfill ignorance that we've come to expect from you. Good job, lemming. Good job.

Are you bored or something?

Nope. Just being here for you.

You know that nobody who is expected to know the facts is claiming that actual election results or votes or voting machines were hacked. That is you regurgitating the bullshit so as to muddy the water.

The claims regarding the election being hacked do not have anything to do with actual votes. There are some uninformed citizens who are confused about the news because they don't pay close attention. You are using them to make a point. Willful ignorance.
Not a shred of truth, but you do not require truth. You much prefer lies.

The Democrats’ Conspiracy Theory
Posted on January 8, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
By Joe Giambrone, Political Film Blog.


Democrats and their apologists have proven to be far more pathetic than previously witnessed. A quasi-fascist nationalism has erupted, and the blind rush to conflate Donald Trump with Russia has expanded the envelope of delusion.
When the media and their favorite presidential candidate (Hillary) felt they had it in the bag....they were loudly proclaiming that questioning the results of our election was tantamount to treason. But since 9pm on election night the stark reality finally hit them and they've been searching for excuses to explain why they lost ever since.

The fact still remains that Hillary hacked the nomination and stole it from Bernie Sanders. So of course she lost in the general election, because it's harder to steal votes in all 50 states on the same day than it is one, two, or three states. She's just really pissed that anyone might have been better at hacking an election than she is. Over a year of media generated propaganda about how Trump supporters are all violent racists went for naught, and 2 years of flooding the states with Taco Bending newcomers didn't seem to effect the fact America is fed up with Barack H. Obama and his progressive policies.
The narrative that Russia and Trump stole the election is out there. The MSM and D party is following Joseph Goebbels advice...and sadly too many dumbed down Americans believe. We will be hearing this lie for many years.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - the American Left thanks and admires Joseph Goebbels

Goebbels modeled himself after Woodrow Wilson's propaganda minister
Edward L. Bernays, a democrat.
I think it is not that this theft and leaks made more people vote for Trump, but it made more people NOT vote at all, that were considering pulling the trigger for Hillary...especially Bernie voters and never Trump voters.

And Mr. Trump used wikileaks as a battle cry, at his rallies....he mentioned wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks even without ever giving an example of what was in the wikileak of the day a thousand and one times, just played it like it was all gawd awful, when they really were not that bad, expected behind the scenes of individual personalities of conversations that were private....but Pizza was turned in to a pedophile ring, and Hillary getting told her question for the upcoming town hall was shocking but leaving OUT that Bernie got his question too from Donna Brazille made the leaks deceitful....and appear she was getting a leg up on Bernie, when she wasn't, he got his question ahead of time favorites was played....

And it gave the Trumpsters and Trump, a reason to bring up emails emails emails emails, linking wikileaks to Hillary's private server, even when that issue was settled...and had nothing to do with the stolen wikileaks.

this whole thing was carefully orchestrated to harm one candidate and help the other.
From what I could tell Trump's pussy grabbing comment was meant to be private.
So get off of your high horse lady.
I don't think Trump's pussy comment was meant to be private....hello?.... he was on Access Hollywood, surrounded by the crew in the bus with all kinds of cameras and gadgets used to need for him to make a comment like that, unless he wanted it to be heard by everyone there....and everyone there worked for a gossip magazine show....

he makes news through his shock and awe comments, it's what he does best....he just didn't think that he would be seriously running for president 10 years down the road and it resurfacing...

come onnnnn....This is the man that had his friends at the new york post, run a front page article, while still married to Ivana, that his mistress, Marla Maples said Donald Trump was the best sex she ever had....
I think it is not that this theft and leaks made more people vote for Trump, but it made more people NOT vote at all, that were considering pulling the trigger for Hillary...especially Bernie voters and never Trump voters.

And Mr. Trump used wikileaks as a battle cry, at his rallies....he mentioned wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks, wikileaks even without ever giving an example of what was in the wikileak of the day a thousand and one times, just played it like it was all gawd awful, when they really were not that bad, expected behind the scenes of individual personalities of conversations that were private....but Pizza was turned in to a pedophile ring, and Hillary getting told her question for the upcoming town hall was shocking but leaving OUT that Bernie got his question too from Donna Brazille made the leaks deceitful....and appear she was getting a leg up on Bernie, when she wasn't, he got his question ahead of time favorites was played....

And it gave the Trumpsters and Trump, a reason to bring up emails emails emails emails, linking wikileaks to Hillary's private server, even when that issue was settled...and had nothing to do with the stolen wikileaks.

this whole thing was carefully orchestrated to harm one candidate and help the other.
From what I could tell Trump's pussy grabbing comment was meant to be private.
So get off of your high horse lady.
I don't think Trump's pussy comment was meant to be private....hello?.... he was on Access Hollywood, surrounded by the crew in the bus with all kinds of cameras and gadgets used to need for him to make a comment like that, unless he wanted it to be heard by everyone there....and everyone there worked for a gossip magazine show....

he makes news through his shock and awe comments, it's what he does best....he just didn't think that he would be seriously running for president 10 years down the road and it resurfacing...

come onnnnn....This is the man that had his friends at the new york post, run a front page article, while still married to Ivana, that his mistress, Marla Maples said Donald Trump was the best sex she ever had....
The lib MSMhas been trying to rig elections since, well, for 100 years and you found it acceptable. What changed?
Russia didn't hack our election, just as Hinkly didn't assasinate Reagan.

It's a hoot seeing these desperate liberals trying to screech, claw, and compare their hysteria to other, unrelated things.

Here we have one trying to compare Russia's hacking to John Hinckley's assassination of Reagan... when he can't even spell Hinckley or Assassinate!

You can't make up stuff like this, folks. Only liberal fanatics can come up with them, and still expect anyone to take them seriously.

Notice the troll who whines about misspellings- and doesn't address the issue at all.

You right wing trolls are so desperate to suck up to Russia. The question is why?

Why don't you care that Russia attempted to influence our election- just as Hinkley tried to assasinate Reagan?

Whether or not Russia succeeded is not the issue- it is that Russia tried. Just like Hinkley.
It really is getting far fetched. So much so that I barely read the junk. And junk it is..

And yet you are responding in the thread.


Another right wing nut job who just desperately wants to avoid the actual topic.
If what Russia did kept Hillary from winning, all I have to say is

Thank You Russia.

Of course. If Putin used tanks to install Trump in the White House you would still be saying:

"Thank You Russia"
I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election.

What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.

Russia tried to hack our election- they hacked with the specific intent of disrupting our elections, and maybe even to try to install their preferred candidate.

Hinkly tried to kill Ronald Reagan- but he only wounded him. That didn't mean we just let Hinckly go with a warning- because he didn't succeed. He went to prison.

Russia attempted to corrupt our electoral system- attempted electoral assasination.

This should be treated like any attempted attack of the same scale on the United States.

But I doubt Trump will do anything.

Sadly I don't think Trump will do anything until Tanks are rolling into Berlin, and then it will be a call to his buddy Putin "Hey Vlad, I think there was a mistake, you said you needed a little buffer zone called Poland but your tanks are in Berlin.....would you pretty please pull back to Poland?"
What punishment do you think is fitting for the purported crime? And what is stopping the current President from fulfilling your desires?

Frankly the response should be on Trump's watch. I think President Obama's kicking out the diplomats was stepping on Trump's toes.

What is an appropriate response to the cyber attack on the United States?

Cyber attack on Russia- maybe draining all of the foreign bank accounts of the Russian oligarchs.
But here you liberals are acting like 62 million people voted for Donald Trump because Russia told them to.

Where did I act like that in this thread?

That is the narrative that the Trumpsters so desperately want to say "No- there is no way that Russia influenced the election"- this thread is not about that.

Trump was elected- our system demands that we accept the results of the election- I hope Trump turns out to be a great President.

This thread was to confront all of the false narratives out there- including that 'no hacking happened because election machines were not hacked'

No one has said that election machines were hacked. The election process itself was attacked. Russia tried to influence our election- whether Russia succeeded or not is a distraction.
Russia tried to hack our election

"Hack our election"

They did no such thing. What votes were changed? .

This is the typical Trump pivot:
I said: Russia tried to hack our election:
RWNJ: Russia didn't hack our election because no votes were changed.

Missing the point of this thread- trying to pivot from what I claimed:
Attempted to murder to
"there was no murder"

Hinkley tried to murder Reagan.
Russia hacked to try to influence our election.
Russia tried to hack our election

"Hack our election"

They did no such thing. What votes were changed? What systems were hacked? What specifically did they do to alter the results of this election? Nothing.

The worst they did was hack the DNC. The only thing that did was change the hearts and minds of the voters.

There it is! That wilfill ignorance that we've come to expect from you. Good job, lemming. Good job.

Are you bored or something?

Nope. Just being here for you.

You know that nobody who is expected to know the facts is claiming that actual election results or votes or voting machines were hacked. That is you regurgitating the bullshit so as to muddy the water.

The claims regarding the election being hacked do not have anything to do with actual votes. There are some uninformed citizens who are confused about the news because they don't pay close attention. You are using them to make a point. Willful ignorance.
Not a shred of truth, but you do not require truth. You much prefer lies.

How ironic coming from you.

And not surprising you try to derail this thread.
You know that nobody who is expected to know the facts is claiming that actual election results or votes or voting machines were hacked.

Wow. You don't pay much attention, do you?

Russia tried to hack our election

And you don't read my OP much do you?

Why do you so desperately not want to talk about Russia hacking to try to influence our election?

Or is it okay to you if Russia just tried?
There it is! That wilfill ignorance that we've come to expect from you. Good job, lemming. Good job.

Are you bored or something?

Nope. Just being here for you.

You know that nobody who is expected to know the facts is claiming that actual election results or votes or voting machines were hacked. That is you regurgitating the bullshit so as to muddy the water.

The claims regarding the election being hacked do not have anything to do with actual votes. There are some uninformed citizens who are confused about the news because they don't pay close attention. You are using them to make a point. Willful ignorance.
Not a shred of truth, but you do not require truth. You much prefer lies.

The Democrats’ Conspiracy Theory
Posted on January 8, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog
By Joe Giambrone, Political Film Blog.


Democrats and their apologists have proven to be far more pathetic than previously witnessed. A quasi-fascist nationalism has erupted, and the blind rush to conflate Donald Trump with Russia has expanded the envelope of delusion.
When the media and their favorite presidential candidate (Hillary) felt they had it in the bag....they were loudly proclaiming that questioning the results of our election was tantamount to treason. But since 9pm on election night the stark reality finally hit them and they've been searching for excuses to explain why they lost ever since.

The fact still remains that Hillary hacked the nomination and stole it from Bernie Sanders. So of course she lost in the general election, because it's harder to steal votes in all 50 states on the same day than it is one, two, or three states. She's just really pissed that anyone might have been better at hacking an election than she is. Over a year of media generated propaganda about how Trump supporters are all violent racists went for naught, and 2 years of flooding the states with Taco Bending newcomers didn't seem to effect the fact America is fed up with Barack H. Obama and his progressive policies.
The narrative that Russia and Trump stole the election is out there. The MSM and D party is following Joseph Goebbels advice...and sadly too many dumbed down Americans believe. We will be hearing this lie for many years.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - the American Left thanks and admires Joseph Goebbels

Wow- you quoting your hero Goebbels.

You so desperately want the narrative to exonerate Russia from hacking the United States in order to influence our election.

So you Trumpsters just keep lying, desperate to point the attention anywhere but at Russia
It isn't that the Russians hacked the election per se, it's that they (very successfully) hacked into the minds of feeble minded Americans.

Any intelligent person could easily differentiate propaganda nonsense, fake news and twisted truths. We all knew that Clinton was not responsible for the Benghazi attacks, nor had she broken any significant laws with her emails. We understood this to be nothing but a GOP campaign of character assassination against her. We thought the the vast majority of Americans understood this.

But far worse was the obvious fake news and nonsense propaganda promoted. Anyone that believed that bullshit was a total moron.

Sure, we liberals have our satirical websites. The Onion for example. But even while we get a kick out of reading it, we understand it's not real. Unfortunately, far too many conservatives do not seem to have the capacity to differentiate.

It's bad enough that the GOP goes so low as to take advantage of feeble minded Americans, but when a foreign power does it - it's going too far.



Proof that Trump and Putin are buds?

Why don't you go try to find a SINGLE UTTERANCE by Trump that is anything less than a compliment to Putin. This with EVERY political incentive to be "tough on Russia" that is the mainstream of Republican politics.

His son says his companies have tons of Russian interests, Trump himself has said that he has a relationship with Putin (before brazenly denying it in election)

Trump gets Full Flop on question of Putin ties
What is an appropriate response to the cyber attack on the United States?
I don't know the answer to that. Seeing how it has yet to be proven to me that there was a cyber attack it is not something I need to think about. I will leave that to you zealots.

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