Russia didn't hack our election, just as Hinkly didn't assasinate Reagan.

Why do you keep ignoring my words- and pretend i said something else? Just desperate to absolve Russia?

Who said I was trying to absolve Russia? Instead of jumping into a discussion like I usually do, I'm asking questions first. Lo and behold instead of an answer, I am being accused of something instead.

Why do you keep ignoring my words- and pretend i said something else? Just desperate to absolve Russia?
The question has been answered dozens of times since the report was released. The continued asking of he question is called a filibuster and it is simply an attempt to bore others into leaving the discussion.

Play the devil's advocate, Twinkie boy. Given what the report says Russia did,,,how might the election have been influenced?
I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election.

What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.

Russia tried to hack our election- they hacked with the specific intent of disrupting our elections, and maybe even to try to install their preferred candidate.

Hinkly tried to kill Ronald Reagan- but he only wounded him. That didn't mean we just let Hinckly go with a warning- because he didn't succeed. He went to prison.

Russia attempted to corrupt our electoral system- attempted electoral assasination.

This should be treated like any attempted attack of the same scale on the United States.

But I doubt Trump will do anything.

Sadly I don't think Trump will do anything until Tanks are rolling into Berlin, and then it will be a call to his buddy Putin "Hey Vlad, I think there was a mistake, you said you needed a little buffer zone called Poland but your tanks are in Berlin.....would you pretty please pull back to Poland?"

OK, let me ask you a question. Why do you want war with Russia? How do you win a war with Russia?

No- I don't want a war with Russia.

Why do you want to ignore an attack by Russia on the United States?

That didn't work so well when Chamberlain did that.

Wow, you really are grasping at straws. First, Chamberlain didn't ignore an attack on England, he sanctioned an annexation of Czechoslovakia. I'm not sure your history class covered it, but that's what happened.

Second, at least twice in the Obama Administration, we have taken direct action to influence in other nations elections. Are we now so hypocritical that we ignore our own actions of a like kind and start rattling the saber when someone does it back?

What do you suggest we do? We expelled Russian Diplomats, and they laughed at us. There isn't much left to do besides war. But if we are justified in going to war with Russia over Russia releasing the truth about our political party that was LYING to us the whole time, isn't Great Britain and Israel also justified in expelling our diplomats and refusing to work with us in the future? Do you understand that we've interfered with at least 82 elections in the last century? There are very few nations we haven't screwed with their elections.

What gives us the sole right to do so? What deity decided that only we could do that sort of thing?
See above question. You keep asserting that Russia "influenced" our election.

I keep asserting that Russia tried to influence our election.

Which Russia did- Russia illegally hacked in the United States to try to influence our election.

Why do you not care that Russia attempted to influence our election?

Do you also not care when someone attempts to murder someone?
What difference does it make???
If what Russia did kept Hillary from winning, all I have to say is

Thank You Russia.

Of course. If Putin used tanks to install Trump in the White House you would still be saying:

"Thank You Russia"
All the Russians allegedly did was reveal the truth. And the truth shall set us free.

Like I said

If Putin used tanks to install Trump in the White House you would still be saying:

"Thank You Russia"

When did this happen????
I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election.

What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.

Russia tried to hack our election- they hacked with the specific intent of disrupting our elections, and maybe even to try to install their preferred candidate.

Hinkly tried to kill Ronald Reagan- but he only wounded him. That didn't mean we just let Hinckly go with a warning- because he didn't succeed. He went to prison.

Russia attempted to corrupt our electoral system- attempted electoral assasination.

This should be treated like any attempted attack of the same scale on the United States.

But I doubt Trump will do anything.

Sadly I don't think Trump will do anything until Tanks are rolling into Berlin, and then it will be a call to his buddy Putin "Hey Vlad, I think there was a mistake, you said you needed a little buffer zone called Poland but your tanks are in Berlin.....would you pretty please pull back to Poland?"

OK, let me ask you a question. Why do you want war with Russia? How do you win a war with Russia?

No- I don't want a war with Russia.

Why do you want to ignore an attack by Russia on the United States?

That didn't work so well when Chamberlain did that.

Second, at least twice in the Obama Administration, we have taken direct action to influence in other nations elections. Are we now so hypocritical that we ignore our own actions of a like kind and start rattling the saber when someone does it back?

Wow- so you are seriously equating- let me get this straight-
  1. Russia illegally computer hacking in the United States in order to surreptitiously try to influence try to influence our election- to
  2. President Obama openly and publicly- and legally- telling British voters that they can expect no special treatment if they voted for Brexit?
You are seriously that much in Russia's pocket.
What do you suggest we do? We expelled Russian Diplomats, and they laughed at us. There isn't much left to do besides war.

We can either act like Chamberlain which seems to be the Conservative choice- or we can act like the United States and take appropriate action.

McCain, Graham to unveil bipartisan Russia sanctions bill
Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina are set to unveil the measure at an afternoon press conference with Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the bill’s chief sponsor, and seven other co-sponsors, including Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Rob Portman of Ohio.

The bill is designed to send a message that key Republicans remain committed to punishing Russia for its belligerent behavior, despite the president-elect’s desire to improve relations with the Kremlin and his downplaying of Russia’s involvement in the election.

The sanctions bill, dubbed the “Countering Russian Hostilities Act of 2017,” follows Friday’s release of a declassified version of a report by the intelligence community on Russia’s meddling in the election. The report says Russian intelligence was behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee as part of a larger influence campaign designed, at first, to undermine faith in U.S. democratic processes and then to help elect Trump.

The new sanctions would impose visa bans and freeze the assets of "those who undermine the cybersecurity of public or private infrastructure and democratic institutions," according to a summary of the legislation. It would also impose sanctions on transactions with the Russian defense and intelligence sectors, potentially making it harder for banks to do business with the Russian military and spy agencies.

In addition, the measure would codify Obama-era sanctions on Russia, imposed in response to the country’s election meddling and its 2014 annexation of Crimea. The measure would prohibit any action that implies recognition of Russian sovereignty over Crimea.

And it would authorize $100 million for the State Department and other U.S. agencies to fight Russian propaganda, including by supporting programs to counter “fake news,” among other provisions.

The bill could continue ratcheting up tensions between Republican defense hawks in Congress and Trump, who often praises Vladimir Putin and has picked an oil executive who lobbied against Russia sanctions to be his secretary of state.
See above question. You keep asserting that Russia "influenced" our election.

I keep asserting that Russia tried to influence our election.

Which Russia did- Russia illegally hacked in the United States to try to influence our election.

Why do you not care that Russia attempted to influence our election?

Do you also not care when someone attempts to murder someone?
What difference does it make???

So you think we should release HInckley because what difference would it make?
See above question. You keep asserting that Russia "influenced" our election.

I keep asserting that Russia tried to influence our election.

Which Russia did- Russia illegally hacked in the United States to try to influence our election.

Why do you not care that Russia attempted to influence our election?

Do you also not care when someone attempts to murder someone?
What difference does it make???

So you think we should release HInckley because what difference would it make?
He has already been released.
See above question. You keep asserting that Russia "influenced" our election.

I keep asserting that Russia tried to influence our election.

Which Russia did- Russia illegally hacked in the United States to try to influence our election.

Why do you not care that Russia attempted to influence our election?

Do you also not care when someone attempts to murder someone?
What difference does it make???

So you think we should release HInckley because what difference would it make?
He has already been released.

Good thing he was never charged with attempted murder.
See above question. You keep asserting that Russia "influenced" our election.

I keep asserting that Russia tried to influence our election.

Which Russia did- Russia illegally hacked in the United States to try to influence our election.

Why do you not care that Russia attempted to influence our election?

Do you also not care when someone attempts to murder someone?
What difference does it make???

So you think we should release HInckley because what difference would it make?
He has already been released.

Good thing he was never charged with attempted murder.
What difference does it make???
I see lots of threads by people trying desperately to argue that Russia's hacking had no effect on our election.

What I can't understand is whether they are intentionally trying to distract from what Russia actually tried to do, or they just don't care about what Russia tried to do.

Russia tried to hack our election- they hacked with the specific intent of disrupting our elections, and maybe even to try to install their preferred candidate.

Hinkly tried to kill Ronald Reagan- but he only wounded him. That didn't mean we just let Hinckly go with a warning- because he didn't succeed. He went to prison.

Russia attempted to corrupt our electoral system- attempted electoral assasination.

This should be treated like any attempted attack of the same scale on the United States.

But I doubt Trump will do anything.

Sadly I don't think Trump will do anything until Tanks are rolling into Berlin, and then it will be a call to his buddy Putin "Hey Vlad, I think there was a mistake, you said you needed a little buffer zone called Poland but your tanks are in Berlin.....would you pretty please pull back to Poland?"

OK, let me ask you a question. Why do you want war with Russia? How do you win a war with Russia?

No- I don't want a war with Russia.

Why do you want to ignore an attack by Russia on the United States?

That didn't work so well when Chamberlain did that.

Second, at least twice in the Obama Administration, we have taken direct action to influence in other nations elections. Are we now so hypocritical that we ignore our own actions of a like kind and start rattling the saber when someone does it back?

Wow- so you are seriously equating- let me get this straight-
  1. Russia illegally computer hacking in the United States in order to surreptitiously try to influence try to influence our election- to
  2. President Obama openly and publicly- and legally- telling British voters that they can expect no special treatment if they voted for Brexit?
You are seriously that much in Russia's pocket.

I wonder. I mean I honestly wonder if you have any idea what you are talking about.

The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

That number doesn’t include military coups and regime change efforts following the election of candidates the U.S. didn’t like, notably those in Iran, Guatemala and Chile. Nor does it include general assistance with the electoral process, such as election monitoring.

So we can do it without any reaction of the world. But God help the world if they do it to us.

WE have done it over and over again.

Obama threatened Britain in an effort to keep them in the EU.

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