Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

You see, I worked for a while as a history teacher in the USSR. For example, the war of the North and the South in the Soviet school history textbook took 2 hours. 2 lessons.
And I read in an american textbook, for example, about such a minor historical event as role the USSR took in the war with Germany.
What what I read in an american textbook about russian history resembles information for a school for children with delayed development.
The source of information about the history of Russia and the USSR does not stop there and continues to be a textbook for morons throughout the life of an American citizen.
I can compare. Because I read sources from both countries. You're not. But like a normal аmerican idiot, you're acting like a pompous simpleton.
It's pretty ironic to see a guy who spent most of his life serving up world famous Soviet propaganda and romanticizing Stalin...complain about someone's lack of sophistication.
Anton is a fascist, I am a Libertarian.
What are your gripes with Anton I wonder?
He is a Trump tool and it hurts his soul that I call that clown's bullshit.

It's tough for you to understand because there is no true and vigorous political opposition in Russia.

Here in the US the left (mostly represented by Democrats)and the right (mostly represented by Republicans) are in constant political and ideological contest, holding each other's excesses to electoral account. There is at this point NO ONE to seriously hold your Czar's many many excesses to account.
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He is a Trump tool and it hurts his soul that I call that clown's bullshit.

It's tough for you to understand because there is no true and vigorous political opposition in Russia.

Here in the US the left (mostly represented by Democrats)and the right (mostly represented by Republicans) are in constant political and ideological contest, holding each other's excesses to electoral account. There is at this point NO ONE to seriously hold your Czar's many many excesses to account.

See then left, like Anton, is trying to destroy the United States Constitution and establish a totalitarian dictatorship. The right, defends the Constitution and basic civil liberties - so we clash.
See then left, like Anton, is trying to destroy the United States Constitution and establish a totalitarian dictatorship. The right, defends the Constitution and basic civil liberties - so we clash.

I love democracy and abhor dictatorships.

This guy is just crazy.
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What a steaming pile of shit.
American automatons can't stand critique and they get confused if it's not precisely on topic. We proved the point: CIA's steaming piles of shit propaganda projected into (including drugs and hookers) Ukraine for the last 70 years.
I love democracy and abhor dictatorships. This guy is just crazy.

First off, this is a Constitutional Republic, with the rights of the minority protected from the predation of the Duhmobcracy you seek.

You - as in the Nazi democrat Reich - are waging war to end the United States Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights.

You seek to centralize power in the DC swamp. You were outraged that Dobbs returned the question of Abortion to the people. I mean, people in the many states voting on an issue is democracy - and democracy is the threat to your Duhmobcracy.

Your Nazi party seeks to have unelected judges make laws, have the executive dictate law, while openly attacking the Judiciary, because they are no longer serving your Reich.

You are at war with basic civil rights - protest the democrats and you will be thrown in the Gulag. A free press that exposes Ashley Biden's diary will be thrown in prison.

See, to Nazi democrats, theft of the Pentagon Papers is the greatest and bravest of acts. Publishing Ashley's diary though is treason - because Uber Alles Democrat.
American automatons can't stand critique and they get confused if it's not precisely on topic. We proved the point: CIA's steaming piles of shit propaganda projected into (including drugs and hookers) Ukraine for the last 70 years.
You're like a homeless bum screaming at a lamp post. You've "proven" nothing. You offered nothing but rambling and rants.

I've little doubt you believe that the CIA is putting fire ants in your anus while you sleep and doing mind probes, with DA JOOOZZZ reading your thoughts, but "proof" is not what you deal in.
Yes ignoramus, when we are talking about modern democracy we are talking about constitutional, representative democracy (aka constitutional republic)
When you Nazis talk, it's about "Duhmobcracy."

That is mob rule without respect for states rights - that is you believe California should impose their will on other states - which is why you seek to end the electoral college.

Dobbs restored the 9th Amendment to the Constitution - yet you demand it be reversed - because people in New York want to dictate to people in Mississippi what their laws should be. And New York has more people - mob rules - right?
If America doesn't block access like that, what has citizenship got to do with that? Besides, I haven't been a citizen before for quite a few years. And, what the hell Russia's concern might there be with this site? She hardly knows it exists at all.
Russia's propaganda ministry has many concerns you are oblivious to. We already know they've blocked Facebook (because they are def not Nazis), but blocking may extend to political forum sites in general.

There is a way to get to the bottom of what side is blocking this traffic.

I'll get a VPN connection out from Russia and try to communicate with USMB. If it fails, I then will trace to last communicating node and we'll see who's side it's on.
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I don't have a VPN you stupid Russki!
The only reason I have to have it is so that I could occasionally tell the likes of you to GFY, otherwise I don't use it. Strangely enough Reddit is accessible from here but the level of their lunacy is totally unbearable so I have to make do with you, the lesser of the two evils.
Originally posted by Uncensored2008
Western nations have given Ukraine money and small arms.

If NATO were involved, F-35 aircraft would obliterate the Russian air force in an hour, Shock and awe would reduce Russian ground forces to heaps of corpses.

Don't kid yourself - Russia is no match for NATO - which is why your dictator keeps threatening nuclear weapons - he knows that Russia won't last 10 minutes in a full on fight with NATO.

I'll tell you this, IF your dictator were to use nuclear weapons, Russia will cease to exist.

China's dictator is, at least, keeping the country chinese, asian.

Russia's dictator is, at least, keeping the country russian, european, caucasian.

America's "democratic" leaders are turning you into a bunch of Mexicans, Chinese, Arabs and Africans speaking English.

If anything, the chinese and russian people should count their blessings they are not governed by America's batshit crazy "democratic" system that cannibalizes the very national identity of the country.
Russia's propaganda ministry has many concerns you are oblivious to. We already know they've blocked Facebook (because they are def not Nazis), but blocking may extend to political forum sites in general.

There is a way to get to the bottom of what side is blocking this traffic.

I'll get a VPN connection out from Russia and try to communicate with USMB. If it fails, I then will trace to last communicating node and we'll see who's side it's on.
I'm not a hacker, just a user, so I have no idea what node is but it's not the VPN connection that might fail, it's direct connection that is not allowed. Do that if you can. I want to know who is really responsible. But I'm afraid if it turns out it's on your side you'll lie and say it's on ours. Can I trust you on that?
The EU has prepared a new package of sanctions against Iran for allegedly selling weapons to Russia. The new sanctions package will "hit" Iran individuals and companies.
But what about the plans EU to train 15 000 soldiers for AFU and giving billions of EUR to Ukraine?
The only reason I have to have it is so that I could occasionally tell the likes of you to GFY, otherwise I don't use it. Strangely enough Reddit is accessible from here but the level of their lunacy is totally unbearable so I have to make do with you, the lesser of the two evils.
That's not what you said, dumbass! Please place me on ignore so you your snowflake ass won't have to read when I destroy your posts!

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