Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine


Second - America does not block access like that. Russia maybe blocking it on their side or this private website may block Russian connections due to hacking concerns.
If America doesn't block access like that, what has citizenship got to do with that? Besides, I haven't been a citizen before for quite a few years. And, what the hell Russia's concern might there be with this site? She hardly knows it exists at all.
Yeah, WWI is over. Dog fights between Snoopy and the Red Menace are a thing of the past,

Weapons platforms with advanced technology are what dominate.

Face facts, Russia is a backward, 3rd world disaster. As Anton noted - you had a chance to grow up and be a decent country - and you blew it.
Did I tell you about a ten-foot pole?
And a free speech cast in iron?

Your translation software failed,

USMB is free from Russian censors - unlike Twitter - so your Government blocks access to it - but not directly - to the category of "free speech" message boards.

If you weren't a troll working on behalf of Russia, you would go to prison for visiting this site,
VPNs are security functions. My Internet provider does not require it. You are just ignorant.
Can you read, smartass? It's been only a year that your freedom is not that free any more, regardless of provider or anything. It's your democracy not as democratic as it's hyped up by you.
Well, he met zero resistance to invading Georgia and Crimea, thanks to Obams, so it's only natural for him to expect zero real resistance from Biden. Biden just makes a little noise and doesn't do a lot of actual responses, so I don't get why the GOP shills are so up in arms and doing bad Jane Fonda imitations.

With Georgia, they invaded South Ossetia, and the Russians kicked them back out.
With the Crimea, the Tatars were fed up with the abuses from Kyiv, and Russia just made it official.

Anyone who thinks the fascist Ukrainians are the "good guys", has no knowledge of the area.
I know you think America is supposed to dictate to other countries when they should or shouldn't have peace talks....but I think it was Ukraine who was invaded, not US.....if anyone should be pressured to enter in to peace talks, its the country that invaded the other

Funny tho, I guarantee you that you didn't have this same energy when the US invaded Iraq...most right-wingers pretend they weren't all in for that war...AFTER THE FACT

Normally one would assume the invader is the bad guy, but not in this case.
It was Zelensky who deliberately infuriated Moscow by cutting off negotiations.
And that was all Biden's fault, for giving Zelensky trillions in weapons and bribes.
USMB is free from Russian censors - unlike Twitter - so your Government blocks access to it - but not directly - to the category of "free speech" message boards.

If you weren't a troll working on behalf of Russia, you would go to prison for visiting this site,
What are your gripes with Anton I wonder? If he's an asshole and you are an asshole, aren't you supposed to be bestest buddies?
I honestly believe Putin has gone insane, the cancer that is wreaking havoc with his body must have gotten to his brain.

Putin has no choice at all.
He can not let the Ukraine, or any country on his border, to join NATO.
But the Ukraine has one of the worst histories, running Hitler's death camps in WWII, massacring ethnic Russians, stealing over $20 billion of Russian gas/oil, etc.

Second - America does not block access like that. Russia maybe blocking it on their side or this private website may block Russian connections due to hacking concerns.
That's interesting. I wonder if they also block Africa and India, given some "Russian" trolls are probably from there. They probably all use VPN.

Although I wouldn't call AlexanderPK a troll. I don't agree with him, but trolling is a different posting style.
That's your fucked up freedom of speech and your equally fucked up country. I take it.
Nurses are afraid to speak out, christian nationalism is going bananas with blm-style opportunism, and the US is only second to being dangerous for we atheists. Islamic countries are first.
That's interesting. I wonder if they also block Africa and India, given some "Russian" trolls are probably from there. They probably all use VPN.

Although I wouldn't call AlexanderPK a troll. I don't agree with him, but trolling is a different posting style.
Once again we see room-temp IQs mouthing off about trolls, though we haven't seen the definition of troll yet posted to this thread.
Once again we see room-temp IQs mouthing off about trolls, though we haven't seen the definition of troll yet posted to this thread.
Well, your posting is pretty clearly work-related, for what it's worth.
Democrats support gain of function research along with child trans surgery and child drag shows.
Agreed. Though the point still holds: mice are not humans, and the hybrid virus report from Boston University is about mice. We've already shown the report for Omicron originating in mice here at USMB, and that report did not come from the delirious scientists at Boston University.

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