Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

I recognize English is your second language, but posted the following:
Yep, because hating a brutal repressive totalitarian regime, means I hate Russians. :rolleyes-41:
It's called sarcasm idiot, look it up.
No offense or anything, but I honestly believe that Putin isn't going to want to just stop what he's doing and have a chat.

Of course not! They're not going to just surrender.
How many Ukrainians are you willing to incinerate to achieve acceptable peace?
If the midterms looked better for Democrats, the globalist running the show wouldn't be pushing so hard for nuclear war.

Now they are pushing for war with China and have a new super virus to unleash as well.
The fact that Omicron has been crossed with the Wuhan strain to make a deadlier virus for mice does not correlated with your delirium, Einstein.
The Iranian drones are only a replay of what Russia did with tank production. They knew that their tanks would only last minutes against the Nazis, though there were so many tanks, it didn't matter.

The fact that Iran's drones go slower is countered by the fact of so many of them. Unless one has read about Sergei Witte (not the Twitter persona), they won't grasp Russian history behind this latest strategic move.

Therefore, suggested reading is Theodore va Laue, Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia.
Neither are we. We want it all, not necessarily now but eventually, up to the Polish border.
Pay attention useful tools, this is what REAL fascists and warmongerers sound like.

THIS is what needs to be stopped in Ukraine.

And Sasha you may want to start tapering your expectations - you are not getting anything except body bags, economic malaise and a broken national ego.
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Anton hates America deeply, Alexander is a Putin supporter. Neither belong in this country.
What's the expression, "ten foot pole"? I wouldn't touch it with it even if you offered me lots of money. At least the shithole you're having now as your country.
What, not in Coca-Colas? You're full of surprises. What's it in then? In hundreds of kilograms of body weight and meters of waist line. What are yours exactly? Impress me, punk.

How do you Russians like being beaten by an ad hoc civilian mob and maybe 10 Himars? Did your Badassery not awe the planet and you're running around the internet whining?
I think you missed mine. Getting rid of putin will cost Ukraine and Ukrainians bigly.

If you don't want to incinerate Ukrainians, then join me in advocating peace talks and cease fires.

What's next? All of us just sitting around the campfire holding hands and singing Kumbaya?

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