Russia insists double standards be dropped and President al-Assad be partner to better fight ISIS


Nov 14, 2012
Finally, the West has to drop its idea of removing the Syrian government. It is time to admit the vast mistakes that were made by the western governments and its allies and if it is "just" for the sake of the Syrian and Iraqi people.

"Moscow, SANA – Russia insists that double standards be abandoned for effectively combating the Islamic State on Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and that President Bashar al-Assad be taken as a partner in this effort, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

In an interview with the Russian 1 TV channel, Lavrov noted that he discussed with his U.S. counterpart John Kerry issues related to the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin on forming a unified front for fighting ISIS, “and as it is in all other cases, we only suggest presenting clear views if we all want to not give ISIS the chance to realize its wicked idea of creating a caliphate.”

The Russian invitation, Lavrov said, has received wide attention in the international arena, noting that the Syrian government is willing to participate in the international efforts to fight ISIS.

He pointed out that Russia has suggested to Washington and its other partners fighting ISIS through establishing an alliance and supporting the political solution in Syria at the same time.

He warned of the U.S. attitude, saying “the US could blow up the situation in Syria if it would defend the opposition that it has trained,” calling for avoiding allegations and presenting only facts by those who allege that Syria still has chemical weapons."

Lavrov Russia insists double standards be dropped and President al-Assad be partner to better fight ISIS
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