Russia is bAd

Remember Obama knew about a lot of things, yet did nothing to stop them.

The hacking of the DNC is still relatively unknown as the servers were never turned over.
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?


Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

No one suggested that.

What have we gained from your approach?
I love how liberals always think of everything taking one or two minutes. Do you even understand that we have just begun?

Everyone hooted that the Trump Kim meeting produced nothing all the while not realizing that the salt talks took years. The terrible Iran deal took years. Will tariffs take longer then a week. Yes. I actually remember when in response to Iraq the French said they would not buy American, they would not eat American. When we stopped buying French it only took a few months and they were saying enough.

Things take time. Things will not end tomorrow or the next. It will take time for the Chinese to realize that we are serious. When they do they will talk. Why because they need our markets and they need our products. We can produce things here. They will be more expensive, and we can supplement from other countries. Their problem is not all countries are as much of a consumer economy as we are and we can produce food stuffs much cheaper thanks to large tracts of land.

It will take time for them to realize we are serious?

Or for us to realize they are serious?

What is a pyrric victory worth?

Keep in mind we have also insulted and pissed off all our trading allies who could have grouped with us in a more targeted approach to China.
So your suggestion is that we pay our allies to be our allies. Is that how you keep friends, you pay them? If I have to constantly pay for or bribe someone to be a freind then I cut them loose.

You can sit and say that we should be spending money here and over here. We need to fund infestrastructure, we need to fund this program or that. If we are loosing money just to make up shortfalls in things like NATO funding. Then we do not have that money for those things you want to fund.

You do realize that we pay a higher tariff then anyone else right? We put in a lot of cases 2% tariff on items. In some cases others go as high as 15%. If they would do the same 2% then there would be no problem.
When a reset button was offered to Russia, which no one could be bothered to find someone who spoke Russian to check spelling. Some were cheering. When Rommney was told that 1980's called and want their foreign policy back. Some cheered. When someone said I will have more flexibility after the election. Some cheered and tried to make a case.

Now suddenly Russia is the bogey man hiding under their bed. When someone suggests that talking with them would be preferable to tossing nuclear weapons around. No one cheers. Maybe because then they could say we told you he would be bad.
Russia isn’t a bogeyman.

But neither is it bugs bunny.

It is silly to pretend it hasn’t done anything to deserve a very skeptical approach.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
When a reset button was offered to Russia, which no one could be bothered to find someone who spoke Russian to check spelling. Some were cheering. When Rommney was told that 1980's called and want their foreign policy back. Some cheered. When someone said I will have more flexibility after the election. Some cheered and tried to make a case.

Now suddenly Russia is the bogey man hiding under their bed. When someone suggests that talking with them would be preferable to tossing nuclear weapons around. No one cheers. Maybe because then they could say we told you he would be bad.
Russia isn’t a bogeyman.

But neither is it bugs bunny.

It is silly to pretend it hasn’t done anything to deserve a very skeptical approach.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
But it is. Made by paying others to like you right?
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
The Cold War was supposed to have ended years ago.

44 was the one that presented a rest button, misspelled. 44 told Rommney that the eighties want their policies back. 44 suggested we do more business with Russia. 44 said there was no way that anyone could hack our election. 44 said after the election that we were hacked. 44 said that publicly confronting Putin was not the way to go. 44 did nothing to stop the hacking.

Trump has authorized the killing of Russians. He has kicked more Russians out of the U.S. He did not agree to lesser sanctions. He actually followed 44 advise not to publicly chastise Putin over the election hacking. He did not allow more Russian diplomats into our country. Everything that was in place is still in place. He has more then half a dozen times before the meeting and at the meeting stated that he had confidence in our intelligence community. Though considering their track record not sure why that is. Just how did he get played?
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
The Cold War was supposed to have ended years ago.

44 was the one that presented a rest button, misspelled. 44 told Rommney that the eighties want their policies back. 44 suggested we do more business with Russia. 44 said there was no way that anyone could hack our election. 44 said after the election that we were hacked. 44 said that publicly confronting Putin was not the way to go. 44 did nothing to stop the hacking.

Trump has authorized the killing of Russians. He has kicked more Russians out of the U.S. He did not agree to lesser sanctions. He actually followed 44 advise not to publicly chastise Putin over the election hacking. He did not allow more Russian diplomats into our country. Everything that was in place is still in place. He has more then half a dozen times before the meeting and at the meeting stated that he had confidence in our intelligence community. Though considering their track record not sure why that is. Just how did he get played?

Surely you jest. Did you not watch the play yesterday, or did you watch Hannity and Carlson and then the All Star Game.

Anyone who watched Hannity and Carlson alone would think Trump won the game and match. In fact every one of his serves hit the net.
The extreme partisanship started in 2016 in the FBI. It's just that you don't care because its against Trump.
Sorry, but I don't pay serious attention to conspiracy theory.
So why do we have laws against criminal conspiracies?

In all likelihood there is a conspiracy going on within 30 miles of you reagarding something or another.

That is just how the hearts of men work.

So what criminal conspiracy did the IG find when it examined all this?

I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
The Cold War was supposed to have ended years ago.

44 was the one that presented a rest button, misspelled. 44 told Rommney that the eighties want their policies back. 44 suggested we do more business with Russia. 44 said there was no way that anyone could hack our election. 44 said after the election that we were hacked. 44 said that publicly confronting Putin was not the way to go. 44 did nothing to stop the hacking.

Trump has authorized the killing of Russians. He has kicked more Russians out of the U.S. He did not agree to lesser sanctions. He actually followed 44 advise not to publicly chastise Putin over the election hacking. He did not allow more Russian diplomats into our country. Everything that was in place is still in place. He has more then half a dozen times before the meeting and at the meeting stated that he had confidence in our intelligence community. Though considering their track record not sure why that is. Just how did he get played?

Surely you jest. Did you not watch the play yesterday, or did you watch Hannity and Carlson and then the All Star Game.

Anyone who watched Hannity and Carlson alone would think Trump won the game and match. In fact every one of his serves hit the net.
Not only did I watch it I watched it a number of times. Perhaps you only watched selected cuts from CNN then switched over to see what Schumer and Pelosi toLd you what to think of it.

You still did not answer the question I posed. Considering that Putin got nothing, and he did not call out Putin in public over election meddling as advised by 44. Where did he get played? Unless you want to add 44 to the played traitor list because his advise was followed.
Russia isn’t a bogeyman.

But neither is it bugs bunny.

It is silly to pretend it hasn’t done anything to deserve a very skeptical approach.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
But it is. Made by paying others to like you right?

Are you suggesting bribery is an art? I suppose so, but I doubt such a tactic is an effective strategy, sense a secret is not safe when more than one person knows it.
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
The Cold War was supposed to have ended years ago.

44 was the one that presented a rest button, misspelled. 44 told Rommney that the eighties want their policies back. 44 suggested we do more business with Russia. 44 said there was no way that anyone could hack our election. 44 said after the election that we were hacked. 44 said that publicly confronting Putin was not the way to go. 44 did nothing to stop the hacking.

Trump has authorized the killing of Russians. He has kicked more Russians out of the U.S. He did not agree to lesser sanctions. He actually followed 44 advise not to publicly chastise Putin over the election hacking. He did not allow more Russian diplomats into our country. Everything that was in place is still in place. He has more then half a dozen times before the meeting and at the meeting stated that he had confidence in our intelligence community. Though considering their track record not sure why that is. Just how did he get played?

Surely you jest. Did you not watch the play yesterday, or did you watch Hannity and Carlson and then the All Star Game.

Anyone who watched Hannity and Carlson alone would think Trump won the game and match. In fact every one of his serves hit the net.
Not only did I watch it I watched it a number of times. Perhaps you only watched selected cuts from CNN then switched over to see what Schumer and Pelosi toLd you what to think of it.

You still did not answer the question I posed. Considering that Putin got nothing, and he did not call out Putin in public over election meddling as advised by 44. Where did he get played? Unless you want to add 44 to the played traitor list because his advise was followed.

Trump tossed our Intelligence Agencies and Justice agency under the bus. I did watch most of it, but I have a life, a wife and a dog. The second two can be demanding, and the first requires an occasional sandwich.
He tossed them under the bus because from what I have seen over the years..they are incompetent. Truth hurts.
He tossed them under the bus because from what I have seen over the years..they are incompetent. Truth hurts.

What have you seen, which makes you so sure that the NSA, FBI and DOJ are incompetent.

For every example you provide, I will reply with five examples of Trump's incompetence. All examples will require evidence which is probative of incompetence.
He tossed them under the bus because from what I have seen over the years..they are incompetent. Truth hurts.

What have you seen, which makes you so sure that the NSA, FBI and DOJ are incompetent.

For every example you provide, I will reply with five examples of Trump's incompetence. All examples will require evidence which is probative of incompetence.
Trump has nothing to do with the corruptness of government agencies that were formed and utilized BEFORE HE BECAME POTUS.
All you are interested in doing is looking for another soapbox to spew your hate. So...go fuck yourself.
He tossed them under the bus because from what I have seen over the years..they are incompetent. Truth hurts.

What have you seen, which makes you so sure that the NSA, FBI and DOJ are incompetent.

For every example you provide, I will reply with five examples of Trump's incompetence. All examples will require evidence which is probative of incompetence.
Trump has nothing to do with the corruptness of government agencies that were formed and utilized BEFORE HE BECAME POTUS.
All you are interested in doing is looking for another soapbox to spew your hate. So...go fuck yourself.

I'd rather fuck myself than a pig like you and risk STD's.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
But it is. Made by paying others to like you right?

Are you suggesting bribery is an art? I suppose so, but I doubt such a tactic is an effective strategy, sense a secret is not safe when more than one person knows it.
Bribery is an art??? You seem to be off on a crazy side idea here. But yes sometimes it all Gomes down to who blinks first.
Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
But it is. Made by paying others to like you right?

Are you suggesting bribery is an art? I suppose so, but I doubt such a tactic is an effective strategy, sense a secret is not safe when more than one person knows it.
Bribery is an art??? You seem to be off on a crazy side idea here. But yes sometimes it all Gomes down to who blinks first.

You and Gracie seem incapable of putting your bias aside and reading with comprehension. I suppose that is true with many supporters of Trump, and others who may not support him, but hate government in general.

Have someone assist you in reading my posts, I can't dumb it down enough for you and she(?) to understand simple concepts.
I don't get it. Do liberals WANT us to go to war with Russia? Did they really WANT Trump to go berate Putin and cause some major shit to happen? Because it sure seems like that is exactly what they want.
If he got tough, they would bitch. If he groveled, they would bitch. What exactly DO you want, libs?

The Cold War was a game of chess. IMO, and that of so many others, Trump sat down to play a Grand Master and hadn't mastered a single basic opening.
The Cold War was supposed to have ended years ago.

44 was the one that presented a rest button, misspelled. 44 told Rommney that the eighties want their policies back. 44 suggested we do more business with Russia. 44 said there was no way that anyone could hack our election. 44 said after the election that we were hacked. 44 said that publicly confronting Putin was not the way to go. 44 did nothing to stop the hacking.

Trump has authorized the killing of Russians. He has kicked more Russians out of the U.S. He did not agree to lesser sanctions. He actually followed 44 advise not to publicly chastise Putin over the election hacking. He did not allow more Russian diplomats into our country. Everything that was in place is still in place. He has more then half a dozen times before the meeting and at the meeting stated that he had confidence in our intelligence community. Though considering their track record not sure why that is. Just how did he get played?

Surely you jest. Did you not watch the play yesterday, or did you watch Hannity and Carlson and then the All Star Game.

Anyone who watched Hannity and Carlson alone would think Trump won the game and match. In fact every one of his serves hit the net.
Not only did I watch it I watched it a number of times. Perhaps you only watched selected cuts from CNN then switched over to see what Schumer and Pelosi toLd you what to think of it.

You still did not answer the question I posed. Considering that Putin got nothing, and he did not call out Putin in public over election meddling as advised by 44. Where did he get played? Unless you want to add 44 to the played traitor list because his advise was followed.

Trump tossed our Intelligence Agencies and Justice agency under the bus. I did watch most of it, but I have a life, a wife and a dog. The second two can be demanding, and the first requires an occasional sandwich.
Once again, pay attention this time, he was following 44 advise. He has also stated numerous times he felt that they were good and he believed them.

I would say that the intelligence community may bat about fifty fifty weighted on the good side. Look at 9/11, no intelligence on it at all. The Tet Offensive, we were told the North Vietnamese could not put together enough to field men and material for a concentration force, just weeks before. Sadam had WMDs. The Iranian Revolution, we were told that Iran was not in a revolution or pre revolutionary poster less then six months before. We could even go back to Pearl Harbor. I could keep going. Add to that the fact that some in the FBI have shown bias and have been relived of high positions. Plus Trump being harassed by them. Then you add in finger pointing and hatred I would be more inclined to clean house and start over.

In short if you are going to be mad at Trump for what he said then you are by extension mad at 44 and calling him a traitor. All because a group of people had their feelings hurt when their track record is not completely impressive.
You mean like stop trading with them? Or do you mean go to war? What exactly is wrong with wanting equal trade instead of not making one of our enemies richer at our expense?
Polite politics got us into a badly imbalanced trade agreement so I do not see being polite as an alternative.

Do you really think that any country is going to willingly give up big profit from us and paying small amounts for our goods just because we say please?

The art of the deal is not made by bellicose threats and Brinkmanship.
But it is. Made by paying others to like you right?

Are you suggesting bribery is an art? I suppose so, but I doubt such a tactic is an effective strategy, sense a secret is not safe when more than one person knows it.
Bribery is an art??? You seem to be off on a crazy side idea here. But yes sometimes it all Gomes down to who blinks first.

You and Gracie seem incapable of putting your bias aside and reading with comprehension. I suppose that is true with many supporters of Trump, and others who may not support him, but hate government in general.

Have someone assist you in reading my posts, I can't dumb it down enough for you and she(?) to understand simple concepts.
So you are upset that you have nothing to counter with so you resort to name calling. Yes not only would I expect that but I have been slightly surprised that it took so long.

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