Russia is bAd

they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?
It’s not dumb!
You are right. It is moronic.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?

OK, so the Chicoms are better than both Cuba and Russia I guess.

Despite the fact that they have nukes pointed at aus, cheat on all their global trade a million different ways and pull the wings off of living butterflies, only Russia is the center of evil in the modern world, eh?

Come off it. The slams on the Trump=Putin summit are nothing but horse shit politics at its worst, with libtards hoping we have a nuclear war so they can impeach Trump.

That is all this is and not one thing more.

No, it isn’t. At the very least, the fact that Trump stood there and publically stated he believed Putin over all of our own agencies should be enough to make an impression on you and the suggestion we want a nuclear war is crazy. How about some maturity? Or are you going to keep on with the libtard shit?

Reality check on Putin:

Is a summit a bad idea? No. But summits have goals and require preparation. What was the goal and what did we, the US get from it?

Putin is ex-KGB. He rose to prominence on the back of a so-called “chechyan” terror attack that collapsed an apartment block killing hundreds and quite likely engineered by him.

This is a man, for better or worse, who derailed Russia's path to democratic reform onto an authoritarian model.

This is a man responsible for loss of journalistic freedom, jailing or murder of political dissidents, annexation of part of another nation and sending in military to destabilize that same nation further into war.

This is a man who has no issue with murdering people no matter where the are.

This is a man who has supported other authoritarian regimes.

That means he is not your buddy.

The summit culminates a very disturbing trend, one in which we call our long term allies with shared democratic values "foes" and we consider Russia a "friend".

That should disturb you out of your "libtard" rhetoric and think of the issues at play here.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?
Trump hired only the best morons.

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?
It’s not dumb!
You are right. It is moronic.
Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!
It's not that he "tried to talk to Russia".

It's that he threw his own intelligence system under the bus and feebly capitulated to the dangerous, murderous thug Putin on the largest stage on the planet.

Oh, and he did this right after spitting in Europe's face.

That's the problem. That's bad.
Last edited:
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?

OK, so the Chicoms are better than both Cuba and Russia I guess.

Despite the fact that they have nukes pointed at aus, cheat on all their global trade a million different ways and pull the wings off of living butterflies, only Russia is the center of evil in the modern world, eh?

Come off it. The slams on the Trump=Putin summit are nothing but horse shit politics at its worst, with libtards hoping we have a nuclear war so they can impeach Trump.

That is all this is and not one thing more.

No, it isn’t. At the very least, the fact that Trump stood there and publically stated he believed Putin over all of our own agencies should be enough to make an impression on you and the suggestion we want a nuclear war is crazy. How about some maturity? Or are you going to keep on with the libtard shit?

Reality check on Putin:

Is a summit a bad idea? No. But summits have goals and require preparation. What was the goal and what did we, the US get from it?

Putin is ex-KGB. He rose to prominence on the back of a so-called “chechyan” terror attack that collapsed an apartment block killing hundreds and quite likely engineered by him.

This is a man, for better or worse, who derailed Russia's path to democratic reform onto an authoritarian model.

This is a man responsible for loss of journalistic freedom, jailing or murder of political dissidents, annexation of part of another nation and sending in military to destabilize that same nation further into war.

This is a man who has no issue with murdering people no matter where the are.

This is a man who has supported other authoritarian regimes.

That means he is not your buddy.

The summit culminates a very disturbing trend, one in which we call our long term allies with shared democratic values "foes" and we consider Russia a "friend".

That should disturb you out of your "libtard" rhetoric and think of the issues at play here.
Why would Trump trust the DOJ or the FBI in light of the extreme bias they have shown against him? If you were in his place would you trust them? Hell, now I do not trust them to put the nation first over personal vendettas! Do you? Really?
You mean Trump's demonstrated bias against Real America and our country constitution and the DOJ/FBI dedicated to their protection?
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

Cuba didn’t hack our government
China does...we love cheap stuff so we love China.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

Cubans didn't interfere in our election.

Tell me, how would you have reacted if Obama opened an election meddling investigation in the middle of the 2016 election season?
He would've if he thought Trump was gonna win.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?

OK, so the Chicoms are better than both Cuba and Russia I guess.

Despite the fact that they have nukes pointed at aus, cheat on all their global trade a million different ways and pull the wings off of living butterflies, only Russia is the center of evil in the modern world, eh?

Come off it. The slams on the Trump=Putin summit are nothing but horse shit politics at its worst, with libtards hoping we have a nuclear war so they can impeach Trump.

That is all this is and not one thing more.

No, it isn’t. At the very least, the fact that Trump stood there and publically stated he believed Putin over all of our own agencies should be enough to make an impression on you and the suggestion we want a nuclear war is crazy. How about some maturity? Or are you going to keep on with the libtard shit?

Reality check on Putin:

Is a summit a bad idea? No. But summits have goals and require preparation. What was the goal and what did we, the US get from it?

Putin is ex-KGB. He rose to prominence on the back of a so-called “chechyan” terror attack that collapsed an apartment block killing hundreds and quite likely engineered by him.

This is a man, for better or worse, who derailed Russia's path to democratic reform onto an authoritarian model.

This is a man responsible for loss of journalistic freedom, jailing or murder of political dissidents, annexation of part of another nation and sending in military to destabilize that same nation further into war.

This is a man who has no issue with murdering people no matter where the are.

This is a man who has supported other authoritarian regimes.

That means he is not your buddy.

The summit culminates a very disturbing trend, one in which we call our long term allies with shared democratic values "foes" and we consider Russia a "friend".

That should disturb you out of your "libtard" rhetoric and think of the issues at play here.
Oh! And Coyote! Cry me a river. Get back to me when you have your minions under control and they stop name calling conservatives. Until then they and you are libtards!
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?
Dem librels ant deelin on no truf.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?
When all trumpanzees can do is reach back into the past and point fingers at Former President Obama, you know they are in desperation mode.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?
When all trumpanzees can do is reach back into the past and point fingers at Former President Obama, you know they are in desperation mode.
When libtards can’t see what happened they are doomed to repeat it. So go for it libtard!
When a reset button was offered to Russia, which no one could be bothered to find someone who spoke Russian to check spelling. Some were cheering. When Rommney was told that 1980's called and want their foreign policy back. Some cheered. When someone said I will have more flexibility after the election. Some cheered and tried to make a case.

Now suddenly Russia is the bogey man hiding under their bed. When someone suggests that talking with them would be preferable to tossing nuclear weapons around. No one cheers. Maybe because then they could say we told you he would be bad.
Russia isn’t a bogeyman.

But neither is it bugs bunny.

It is silly to pretend it hasn’t done anything to deserve a very skeptical approach.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?

OK, so the Chicoms are better than both Cuba and Russia I guess.

Despite the fact that they have nukes pointed at aus, cheat on all their global trade a million different ways and pull the wings off of living butterflies, only Russia is the center of evil in the modern world, eh?

Come off it. The slams on the Trump=Putin summit are nothing but horse shit politics at its worst, with libtards hoping we have a nuclear war so they can impeach Trump.

That is all this is and not one thing more.

No, it isn’t. At the very least, the fact that Trump stood there and publically stated he believed Putin over all of our own agencies should be enough to make an impression on you and the suggestion we want a nuclear war is crazy. How about some maturity? Or are you going to keep on with the libtard shit?

Reality check on Putin:

Is a summit a bad idea? No. But summits have goals and require preparation. What was the goal and what did we, the US get from it?

Putin is ex-KGB. He rose to prominence on the back of a so-called “chechyan” terror attack that collapsed an apartment block killing hundreds and quite likely engineered by him.

This is a man, for better or worse, who derailed Russia's path to democratic reform onto an authoritarian model.

This is a man responsible for loss of journalistic freedom, jailing or murder of political dissidents, annexation of part of another nation and sending in military to destabilize that same nation further into war.

This is a man who has no issue with murdering people no matter where the are.

This is a man who has supported other authoritarian regimes.

That means he is not your buddy.

The summit culminates a very disturbing trend, one in which we call our long term allies with shared democratic values "foes" and we consider Russia a "friend".

That should disturb you out of your "libtard" rhetoric and think of the issues at play here.
Why would Trump trust the DOJ or the FBI in light of the extreme bias they have shown against him? If you were in his place would you trust them? Hell, now I do not trust them to put the nation first over personal vendettas! Do you? Really?
You are taking the private tweets of two employees to claim all of our intelligence agencies have "extreme bias" even though the IG report contradicts claims of political bias? You are siding with a murderous authoritarian leader AGSINST OUR OWN COUNTRY?
they once tried to set up missles to blow us literally off the face of the earth BAD

Castro in Cuba Helped Russia!

Obama decided to normalize relations with Cuba and remove the trade embargo! ‘‘Twas good says the libtards Obama he good.

Now, when Trump tries to talk to Russia he bad!

What the fuck gives libtards? Trump did not let Russia interfere in the elections. Obama did. Why Izzy ewe not pissed at obama?

No one "let them". Stop swallowing your Messiah's words with out thought.

Cuba is not Russia. in the past few years....Cuba did not poison people with extremely lethal nerve agents. Cuba did not annex Crimea. Cuba is not sending troops into Ukraine to destabilize it. Cuba has not interfered in our elections. Are there any more really dumb comparisons you want to make between Cuba today and Russia today?

OK, so the Chicoms are better than both Cuba and Russia I guess.

Despite the fact that they have nukes pointed at aus, cheat on all their global trade a million different ways and pull the wings off of living butterflies, only Russia is the center of evil in the modern world, eh?

Come off it. The slams on the Trump=Putin summit are nothing but horse shit politics at its worst, with libtards hoping we have a nuclear war so they can impeach Trump.

That is all this is and not one thing more.

No, it isn’t. At the very least, the fact that Trump stood there and publically stated he believed Putin over all of our own agencies should be enough to make an impression on you and the suggestion we want a nuclear war is crazy. How about some maturity? Or are you going to keep on with the libtard shit?

Reality check on Putin:

Is a summit a bad idea? No. But summits have goals and require preparation. What was the goal and what did we, the US get from it?

Putin is ex-KGB. He rose to prominence on the back of a so-called “chechyan” terror attack that collapsed an apartment block killing hundreds and quite likely engineered by him.

This is a man, for better or worse, who derailed Russia's path to democratic reform onto an authoritarian model.

This is a man responsible for loss of journalistic freedom, jailing or murder of political dissidents, annexation of part of another nation and sending in military to destabilize that same nation further into war.

This is a man who has no issue with murdering people no matter where the are.

This is a man who has supported other authoritarian regimes.

That means he is not your buddy.

The summit culminates a very disturbing trend, one in which we call our long term allies with shared democratic values "foes" and we consider Russia a "friend".

That should disturb you out of your "libtard" rhetoric and think of the issues at play here.
Why would Trump trust the DOJ or the FBI in light of the extreme bias they have shown against him? If you were in his place would you trust them? Hell, now I do not trust them to put the nation first over personal vendettas! Do you? Really?
You are taking the private tweets of two employees to claim all of our intelligence agencies have "extreme bias" even though the IG report contradicts claims of political bias? You are siding with a murderous authoritarian leader AGSINST OUR OWN COUNTRY?
Incorrect asswipe! Unlike you democrats I have never kissed the Russians. Hillary did. Obama did, you had no problems with that. You are a hypocrite!
When a reset button was offered to Russia, which no one could be bothered to find someone who spoke Russian to check spelling. Some were cheering. When Rommney was told that 1980's called and want their foreign policy back. Some cheered. When someone said I will have more flexibility after the election. Some cheered and tried to make a case.

Now suddenly Russia is the bogey man hiding under their bed. When someone suggests that talking with them would be preferable to tossing nuclear weapons around. No one cheers. Maybe because then they could say we told you he would be bad.
Russia isn’t a bogeyman.

But neither is it bugs bunny.

It is silly to pretend it hasn’t done anything to deserve a very skeptical approach.
And yet not only do you go up in arms when tariffs are placed on China. A country that we have fought against in a war and by far does not have our best intrests in mind. But you see nothing wrong when Trump meets with them and call against him if he is harsh on them.
We fought with the Russians during world war 2 and presidents have talked with them as far back as our country goes. America fought against the Chinese in a war. American presidents did not talk with them from the take over of Communist party until Nixon.
Everyone talks about the intelligence community. These are the same ones that assured us Saddam had WMDs. The same ones that were spying on Trump. The ones that were not allowed to even look at the DNC servers. Yeah I might not believe them either.

Tariffs and China...and up in arms...has it occurred to you there are better ways of dealing with the China trade issue?

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