Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!

If the free press can somehow make the average Rusky realize that their leader unilaterally attacked and is wiping out innocent civilians in another country the media could possibly initiate an uprising.
Yeah, good luck with that since most of their population has no idea they are at war with Ukraine.
And while we're at it, those of us whose homes have basements should get right to stocking up their below ground areas with food, water, medical supplies, blankets, guns, ammo and whatever else one could need in the event of cloudy with a chance of mushroom clouds. If your basement has windows can't hurt to shovel some dirt over them, tape up the window frames and otherwise make your underground space as secure as possible.


Don't even bother if you live within the limits of a major city, near a major city or industrial complex, or within spitting distance of just about any military installation, airport or highway cloverleaf.
Highway cloverleafs? Do have any idea how many of those we have?

Let me guess! You failed nuclear targeting 101!
What right does Putin and Russia have to tell Ukraine what to do? Ukraine is an independent nation and has the right to set its own foreign policy. Putin’s threats and actions are what is driving his neighbors into NATO.
What right does anyone have to tell Iran they can't have nuclear weapons? Are they not an independent country allowed to set their policies?
I condemn anyone (ANYONE) who commits violence, looting, arson, or destruction. XponentialChaos.
USA invaded Ukraine in 2014 so as to use it as a launch point to punch Russia in stomach and close with them before they can make effective response.
USA, since 1900 has become Gog & Magog controlled by the Prince of Gog. Thus, The Hand of the Creator is upon America to bring down. See Isaiah 5 for one of the Punishments upon America, that Pesident Biden is doing by Divine appointment.

Can we have some of those good drugs you are using?
So where is the "conspiracy theory," shithead?
  1. You don't understand the 350 year issue between Russia and Ukraine behind this war or just too stupid to understabnd it?
  2. That Putin never warned us of retaliation beyond our imagination?
  3. Which could be a nuke, an EMP, a bio attack, a chemical attack, a cyber attack, or any combination?
  4. That had Trump not been forced from office, we'd still have world peace, a strong economy, no Covid, cheap gas, bountiful food, and no inflation?

Find anywhere on earth where someone doesn’t have hundreds, or thousands of years of history. Go ahead. Asia, the Islands, Africa, South America, everywhere people are there are hundreds of thousands of years of history. Inevitably containing war and atrocities. Because it was so, doesn’t mean it has to be now. So using that to justify actions today, is bullshit beyond any measure. I mean you could Fertilize every single one of Nebraska’s Corn Fields with that crap.

Putin spent weeks, hell Months swearing that he wasn’t going to invade. Right up to the last minute was long gone and his troops had already crossed the border. He lied his ass off. And then he issued the warnings. That shows he is a liar, untrustworthy, and a douche to boot. So saying we had warnings? That is more bullshit. Putin and you RW nut jobs denounced Biden for saying that Putin would invade.

Shall I continue? One moment you’re all swearing it’s Biden’s fault, somehow he is so brilliant he convinced Putin to invade, and then the next that he is so dumb he can’t figure out how to tie his shoes. What ever happens, you blame Biden. I’m sure you blame him for your premature ejaculations. It’s Biden’s fault you have a hair trigger.

And Trump was voted out because of his own actions. He ordered Ten thousand troops to be brought home from Germany. Seriously hampering any chance we had of staring down Putin.

It’s kind of hard to stand against the aggressor when you’ve sent so many troops home isn’t it?

But the problem is that Trump is a nut. He would praise Putin in one sentence, and a few hours later denounce him. So you can have quotes going either way. Easily. The problem is you ignore one set, and focus on the other in your own delusional history.

So yeah, you’re full of shit.
The Great Reset crowd wants to reduce the world's population and this is how they plan to do it.

Americans be ready. Get your money out of banks ASAP
I would say that I know 81,000,000 who are willing to sacrifice for the cause, but let's get real. It's more like 55,000,000.
He's doing like any other lying thug does when they get caught up in their own criminal activity. lashing out because "he's a genius" who stepped in his own dog shit.
He is a very smart man. Im not sure why it is so hard for lefties to admit the obvious, even when its a positive thing about our enemy.
Oh, come on! That's stupid argument even for you!
Then feel free to explain why. Pakistan and India were not put under the same scrutiny. If you pulled your head out of your ass you might realize it a security concern, same as Ukraine joining NATO. Run along now fraudboy.
Find anywhere on earth where someone doesn’t have hundreds, or thousands of years of history. Go ahead. Asia, the Islands, Africa, South America, everywhere people are there are hundreds of thousands of years of history. Inevitably containing war and atrocities. Because it was so, doesn’t mean it has to be now. So using that to justify actions today, is bullshit beyond any measure. I mean you could Fertilize every single one of Nebraska’s Corn Fields with that crap.

Putin spent weeks, hell Months swearing that he wasn’t going to invade. Right up to the last minute was long gone and his troops had already crossed the border. He lied his ass off. And then he issued the warnings. That shows he is a liar, untrustworthy, and a douche to boot. So saying we had warnings? That is more bullshit. Putin and you RW nut jobs denounced Biden for saying that Putin would invade.
Putin made the decision to invade last October a few weeks after seeing the Biden buffoonery trying to leave Afghanistan. BTW, if we still had all those troops there, they'd be right around the corner from Ukraine and a stout deterrent.

Shall I continue?
You mean you already started?

One moment you’re all swearing it’s Biden’s fault, somehow he is so brilliant he convinced Putin to invade, and then the next that he is so dumb he can’t figure out how to tie his shoes. What ever happens, you blame Biden. I’m sure you blame him for your premature ejaculations. It’s Biden’s fault you have a hair trigger.
Biden's weakness has opened doors all around the world. Expect actions from China next, then maybe the Norks or Iran. All of Ukraine's death and suffering are on you democrats for stealing 2020 and putting that a-hole Biden in office.

It’s kind of hard to stand against the aggressor when you’ve sent so many troops home isn’t it?
Guess you missed when Biddum evacuated Afghanistan. No one fears the Weak Old Fool.

But the problem is that Trump is a nut. He would praise Putin in one sentence, and a few hours later denounce him.
Never happened. If you had half a brain, you'd know Trump's style was to develop working relationships expressly so things like Uklraine could be AVOIDED asshole. You don't maintain respect and dialog by dissing an opponent.

How much more ruin and destruction must you idiots cause here and around the world before you finally admit YOU WERE WRONG and that Biden is worse than an albatross around the neck!
Putin is lying...pure and simple.

NATO is not a threat to Russia... never has been.

NATO is about defensive weapons and not offensive weaponry. (There actually is a huge difference)

You can't use an armored vehicle denial system to invade another country or remove it's leader's.

Now Putin is claiming that sanctions are a declaration of war.

Well,. Government sanctions don't work on multi-national corporation that don't pay taxes...the corporations themselves imposed the sanctions...those ones actually hurt Putin's feelings. The Government ones? Didn't matter one but.

But corporations like Maersk, who stopped all shipping to and from Russia, and others who cut off all trade with Russia...that hurt their feelings too.

25-30% of the Russian economy evaporated overnight. The Ruble is in a state of hyperinflation. (Beyond double digit)

Soon Russia will only be able to use physical Gold and oil to buy the goods it needs to survive. The grain fields of Ukraine are unavailable to Russia as they chose spring planting time to attack. So every farmer is holding an AK instead of a tractor steering wheel.

So Russia will need to buy grain if they want to eat. They are poor and going poorer by the minute.


They could order a full withdrawal and pay reparations.

Nyaaah.... it'll be foyne.
PUtin is saying that he can attack any country that has put sanctions on him------Think Finland and the other nato nations are up for an invasion.
PUtin is saying that he can attack any country that has put sanctions on him------Think Finland and the other nato nations are up for an invasion.

I think Putin is planning a massive cyber counterattack against the West.

He could take down our oil, gas, water and electricity. He could shut down our power grid, communication and government.

We have made EVERYTHING dependent on computers.

We are sitting ducks.

Old Man Biddum has caused this and the idiots who put him in office.
PUtin is saying that he can attack any country that has put sanctions on him------Think Finland and the other nato nations are up for an invasion.
He ain't going in with conventional weapons if he goes. They have the defensive weapons.

The Ruble is at 126 to a dollar last time I looked. It was 72-76 this past year.

No matter what he does...he is broke. Commodity valuations don't change. Just because you pay in rubles doesn't mean that coffee, wheat, or soybeans got any cheaper.

Coffee has gone up 250%. Just like lumber, copper, steel and etc. But to Putin they now have gone up 1,000%. There's no recovering from hyperinflation. He is isolated and alone. China would like to rob Russia blind. China has been at war with India all year. Just like Pakistan and Afghanistan with border skirmishes.
China also has been fussing with Myanmar...longest civil war in world history. (They actually don't want Myanmar/Burma...who can blame them?)

Putin made the decision to invade last October a few weeks after seeing the Biden buffoonery trying to leave Afghanistan. BTW, if we still had all those troops there, they'd be right around the corner from Ukraine and a stout deterrent.

You mean you already started?

Biden's weakness has opened doors all around the world. Expect actions from China next, then maybe the Norks or Iran. All of Ukraine's death and suffering are on you democrats for stealing 2020 and putting that a-hole Biden in office.

Guess you missed when Biddum evacuated Afghanistan. No one fears the Weak Old Fool.

Never happened. If you had half a brain, you'd know Trump's style was to develop working relationships expressly so things like Uklraine could be AVOIDED asshole. You don't maintain respect and dialog by dissing an opponent.

How much more ruin and destruction must you idiots cause here and around the world before you finally admit YOU WERE WRONG and that Biden is worse than an albatross around the neck!

He is a very smart man. Im not sure why it is so hard for lefties to admit the obvious, even when its a positive thing about our enemy.
Perhaps in your obviously ignorant opinion. He's simply a thug who has been fortunate enough to have other thugs along the way that needed him. That doesn't make him intelligent in any way. An intelligent person would find a way to get rich while help people. An intelligent leader have people getting along without forcing them or killing them to stay in that leadership position. If you have to kill the opposition in order to stay in that leadership position that merely makes you a thug it doesn't prove you have any intelligence.
Putin should be a little more careful with the words he chooses, the USSR, Russia, is a shadow of itself without the nuclear option.
Perhaps in your obviously ignorant opinion. He's simply a thug who has been fortunate enough to have other thugs along the way that needed him. That doesn't make him intelligent in any way. An intelligent person would find a way to get rich while help people. An intelligent leader have people getting along without forcing them or killing them to stay in that leadership position. If you have to kill the opposition in order to stay in that leadership position that merely makes you a thug it doesn't prove you have any intelligence.
Youre fucking delusional if you think you get into the KGB and then climb the fucking ranks all the way to becoming the leader of Russia, without being very smart. :cuckoo:

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