Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!

what was "NATO's bluff"????
Pretty much "We will allow entry into NATO for whom we see fit, now go play with your money". Putin finally said "I'll be damned if you will" and so it goes. It's not like the West was not warned.

There has always been this notion within the EU (in particular) that Russia is a backwards uncivilized country when it could not be any farther from the truth.....They are just different, tougher, and much more resilient due to generation upon generation being downtrodden.....They look at what we would call rank tyranny and go "meh, how cold is it going to get today".

The only thing that will stop Russia taking Ukraine is lack of resources. If the EU pushes too hard in that direction to where China can't or won't back Putin up then the EU will be trying to remember the last time they had electricity.
So, if Saddam and the UN were responsible for sanctions.

Was there rampant starvation before the sanctions?

Not that it makes it correct...I mean we are talking about a man that gassed his own people (furnished by the United States).

Also...diverting a bit...who was responsible for Saddam's rise to power?

Who provided intelligence assistance for the 1963 Ramadan Revolution which saw the Ba'ath Party rise to power?

Who supported Iraq during the Iran/Iraq War?

IOW...who is responsible, at least in part for Saddam's rise and securing of power...thus permitting him to starve, and murder his people?
It was USA that starved People of Iraq, poisoned them, destroyed their electricity, sewers, water supply, bombed bomb shelters, buried soldiers alive, murdered 60 miles of refugees leaving Kuwaite, blew up oil wells, pipelines, and oil docks and blamed it on Saddam, tortured them, terrorized them, disarmed them, robbed them, destroyed their money and much more wicked cruelty against Iraq people.
America is filled with arrogant shit heads, homosexuals, drug addicts & fat cat drug pushers & war profiteers.
Before USA's long war on Iraq, Iraq was most prosperous free country in that part of the Planet. Stupid, deluded Americans love torturing, maiming and murdering millions of people. Time for YahwehShua's appointed King to get to work on Yankeestan.
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He's been telling the West for ten damn years or better that NATO on his Western border was unacceptable
So what? He is the dumbfuck that invaded 2 different European countries in the last 15 years, showing the world why it is necessary. That's why ethical, intelligent adults don't give a shit what he whines about.
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He's been telling the West for ten damn years or better that NATO on his Western border was unacceptable but as part of the dem's money laundering scheme in Ukraine that possibility was ever growing with each passing year.....Paying to play was a real thing.

Now I'm not going to sit here and even try to justify Putin's actions as they were wrong-headed but at the same time I'm not going to gloss-over his reasoning behind it because by and by Ukraine would have been admitted into NATO, of that I'm certain.
What right does Putin and Russia have to tell Ukraine what to do? Ukraine is an independent nation and has the right to set its own foreign policy. Putin’s threats and actions are what is driving his neighbors into NATO.
What right does Putin and Russia have to tell Ukraine what to do? Ukraine is an independent nation and has the right to set its own foreign policy. Putin’s threats and actions are what is driving his neighbors into NATO.
I get your point but he's going to make a buffer of Western Ukraine so you better get used to that fact because unlike the US/NATO he plays to win, not to play nice and nation build in a western sense.

Look at the Crimea and Georgia he took.....You hear shit-all coming out of there yet folks are going about their lives.
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I get your point but he's going to make a buffer of Western Ukraine so you better get used to that fact because unlike the US/NATO he plays to win, not to play nice and nation build in a western sense.
By the time this is over Putin will be killed by his own people and a ALL of Ukraine including Crimea will be back under Ukrainian control. This isn’t a US versus Russia tussle, Putin has managed to piss off almost the entire world with his conduct. Both Western and Eastern Europe are getting flashbacks of 1938 and have decided that this time they are going to stop the expansionist dictator before he builds up a head of steam.
While some may claim the Sanctions are ineffective. They seem to be having a serious effect. Today Putin said that the implementation of Sanctions is a declaration of war.

His stated goal now is to implement a pro Russian Government and demilitarize Ukraine.

So we are supposed to believe that tiny Ukraine is an intolerable threat to giant Russia?

These two turds got introduced to a stinger missile today.


I guess their pilot suits aren't FR clothing.
By the time this is over Putin will be killed by his own people and a ALL of Ukraine including Crimea will be back under Ukrainian control. This isn’t a US versus Russia tussle, Putin has managed to piss off almost the entire world with his conduct. Both Western and Eastern Europe are getting flashbacks of 1938 and have decided that this time they are going to stop the expansionist dictator before he builds up a head of steam.
It's very possible and if that comes to pass then so be it.

Perhaps you are under the mistaken notion that I care what happens there, I don't. It could play out in many different ways, some of which are horrible to comprehend others that have it ending in a whimper. Too early to really say right now.
Putin is lying...pure and simple.

NATO is not a threat to Russia... never has been.

NATO is about defensive weapons and not offensive weaponry. (There actually is a huge difference)

You can't use an armored vehicle denial system to invade another country or remove it's leader's.

Now Putin is claiming that sanctions are a declaration of war.

Well,. Government sanctions don't work on multi-national corporation that don't pay taxes...the corporations themselves imposed the sanctions...those ones actually hurt Putin's feelings. The Government ones? Didn't matter one but.

But corporations like Maersk, who stopped all shipping to and from Russia, and others who cut off all trade with Russia...that hurt their feelings too.

25-30% of the Russian economy evaporated overnight. The Ruble is in a state of hyperinflation. (Beyond double digit)

Soon Russia will only be able to use physical Gold and oil to buy the goods it needs to survive. The grain fields of Ukraine are unavailable to Russia as they chose spring planting time to attack. So every farmer is holding an AK instead of a tractor steering wheel.

So Russia will need to buy grain if they want to eat. They are poor and going poorer by the minute.


They could order a full withdrawal and pay reparations.

Nyaaah.... it'll be foyne.
Today Putin said that the implementation of Sanctions is a declaration of war. So we are supposed to believe that tiny Ukraine is an intolerable threat to giant Russia?

I don't know. Why don't you research the 350 year old conflict between those two which is the fuel behind this conflict now? Just remember this: Putin means business and isn't fucking around and if he drops a nuke somewhere, a dirty bomb, takes out our electric grid with an EMP, assassinates some people, takes down the network controlling our utilities or sends out a bio-weapon attack, etc., dealing the USA a HUGE DEVASTATING blow, just ask yourself why Biddum dragged us in getting us right in the middle of it? What was OUR national interest? What threat to our security was Ukraine? And had the democrats not stolen the 2020 election, there likely would BE no war now.
The Russian Ruble usually trades at around 72-76/1 dollar

Currently it's at 126 and in free fall.

Just saying.
Enlighten me then.....Is there a armed insurgency of note in either area taking advantage of the situation from those itching to be free?
haha, trying to rig the game I see.

As it turns out, there are more possible states than "going about your life" and "participating in armed insurgency".

Try again?
haha, trying to rig the game I see.

As it turns out, there are more possible states than "going about your life" and "participating in armed insurgency".

Try again?
OK, so I'll make it real easy for you....So according to you what am I supposed to be paying attention to in the Crimea and Georgia? Links to same please.
OK, so I'll make it real easy for you....So according to you what am I supposed to be paying attention to in the Crimea and Georgia? Links to same please.
Added link to the post. Go read. It's appalling.

Surely you don't think 40% of the population of Crimea just happily accepts their new Russian military overlords (the other 60% being ethnic Russians). I mean, come on. You could have puzzled that out.
Added link to the post. Go read. It's appalling.

Surely you don't think 40% of the population of Crimea just happily accepts their new Russian military overlords (the other 60% being ethnic Russians). I mean, come on. You could have puzzled that out.
Well it looks like the reason you don't hear anything is because the Russians are ruling with a iron fist. Nothing new under the sun there.....That and the dem-run state department always has their hair on fire if a country is not liberal.....Talk about a breathless report.

LOL....Maybe that is where the dems got the idea to lock people away for next to nothing after 1/6. ;)

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