Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!

I'm just saying I understand his reasoning as much as anyone can understand Putin's reasoning when looked at from his somewhat paranoid point of view.

He simply called NATO's bluff but as a free man I do not have to agree or disagree with his actions to suit anyone else that is trying to make some kind of political hay here over the troubles there.
what was "NATO's bluff"????
As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Oh nice, you put forward things claimed at the time.

The UN committee’s fifth and final 623-page report released October 27, 2005, accused nearly half of the 4,500 participating companies of paying kickbacks and illegal surcharges to win lucrative contracts, and allowing Saddam Hussein to pocket $1.8 billion at the expense of Iraqis suffering under UN economic sanctions.

A September report faults UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, his deputy, and the UN Security Council for allowing Saddam Hussein to graft over $1 billion from the humanitarian operation. The committee’s January briefing paper charged UN management of the oil-for-food “operated in an ineffective, wasteful, and unsatisfactory manner,” leading to some $5 million in documented contractor overpayments, and “undoubtedly much higher” losses not discovered by the limited UN audits. The February interim report found the program’s procurement office did not follow established rules “designed to assure fairness and accountability.” It also accused the former head of the program, Benon Sevan, of an “irreconcilable conflict of interest” because he helped a company owned by a friend obtain valuable contracts to sell Iraqi oil

The September 30, 2004, report by Iraq weapons inspector Charles Duelfer uncovered the regime’s complicated and lucrative schemes to earn illicit funds. In a particularly egregious abuse, Saddam was found to be using secret “oil vouchers” worth millions of dollars to reward individuals and companies for helping Iraq subvert sanctions. Among the alleged recipients of the vouchers was Sevan, the program’s chief administrator.

Under the Oil-for-Food program, the United Nations was supposed to monitor and approve all of Iraq’s oil sales. All profits went into special escrow accounts that the United Nations controlled. Because the purpose of the program was to help feed and provide for the basic needs of the Iraqi people, Iraq was not permitted to buy military equipment or so-called dual-use items—items that could potentially be used in banned weapons programs—with its oil proceeds. But Iraq was given wide latitude to determine to whom it sold its oil, and was also permitted to select the vendors from which the United Nations would purchase goods with Iraqi oil profits. Saddam Hussein skimmed billions from the program by controlling these decisions.

The Oil for Food program was to prevent that from happening. Yet the leadership of Iraq as well as many in the UN and others in fact robbed it blind so almost no aid went to the people at all. And what did arrive was often contaminated.

Try picking up some information that is not over 25 years old.
Oh nice, you put forward things claimed at the time.

The Oil for Food program was to prevent that from happening. Yet the leadership of Iraq as well as many in the UN and others in fact robbed it blind so almost no aid went to the people at all. And what did arrive was often contaminated.

Try picking up some information that is not over 25 years old.

So, if Saddam and the UN were responsible for sanctions.

Was there rampant starvation before the sanctions?

Not that it makes it correct...I mean we are talking about a man that gassed his own people (furnished by the United States).

Also...diverting a bit...who was responsible for Saddam's rise to power?

Who provided intelligence assistance for the 1963 Ramadan Revolution which saw the Ba'ath Party rise to power?

Who supported Iraq during the Iran/Iraq War?

IOW...who is responsible, at least in part for Saddam's rise and securing of power...thus permitting him to starve, and murder his people?
Putin didn't expect this response. So he's doing what any insane dictator would do: He's doubling down.
If you would turn your back on your own people... WHT should anyone care about your motives? You are garbage. Disposable...

I wouldn’t turn my back on my own people. I just wouldn’t invade Ukraine for no reason.

Not complicated.
It’s weird. I don’t see how they can support Putin.
Oh, I don't think it's a mystery. It's the same reason they support Trump. The same reason Trump admires Putin.

These people want America to be led by a brash, aggressive, authoritarian, hyper-nationalist strongman. Putin is their proxy for now.
You also have a very big history of supporting them.

Funding them.

Assisting them in the murder of their citizenry through 'military aid'.

Do you know how many people Suharto murdered? Diem? Hussein? Pahlavi?

That's ok...look away...they don't 'count'.
Russia knows how many millions of people have been starved, tortured, maimed and murdered by USA. The current attempt to blockade Russia economically is a declaration of war. In fact, the USA hijack of Ukaine in 2014 was a declaration of war. Soon, USA's criminal habits are catching up with Americans.
The Russian Ruble is about 1 cent per dollar, and You Americans are prohibited from buying Russian Rubles, about to be backed by gold, thus making dollars equal to about zero. Once your communications, satellites, electric grid are dead, you stupid pride filled Americans be forced to confess and repent, unless you prefer to be dead.
Invading Ukraine. Declaring war on everyone imposing sanctions?
I condemn anyone (ANYONE) who commits violence, looting, arson, or destruction. XponentialChaos.
USA invaded Ukraine in 2014 so as to use it as a launch point to punch Russia in stomach and close with them before they can make effective response.
USA, since 1900 has become Gog & Magog controlled by the Prince of Gog. Thus, The Hand of the Creator is upon America to bring down. See Isaiah 5 for one of the Punishments upon America, that Pesident Biden is doing by Divine appointment.
Russia knows how many millions of people have been starved, tortured, maimed and murdered by USA. The current attempt to blockade Russia economically is a declaration of war. In fact, the USA hijack of Ukaine in 2014 was a declaration of war. Soon, USA's criminal habits are catching up with Americans.
The Russian Ruble is about 1 cent per dollar, and You Americans are prohibited from buying Russian Rubles, about to be backed by gold, thus making dollars equal to about zero. Once your communications, satellites, electric grid are dead, you stupid pride filled Americans be forced to confess and repent, unless you prefer to be dead.
Go fuck yourself.

Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!​

Japan certainly thought they were ...


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