Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!

Yes, we have a history of ending the rule of despots. Might want to remind revisionist historian Putin of that.
Lol! Prior to US involvement Kaddafis people weren't in bad shape. Theyre worse off now without him. Might want to consider looking through something other than star spangled lenses, and see the world as it really is. No one heard shit out of the guy for at least a decade; until he floated the idea of creating a competing currency to the US dollar. Then... He was promptly evacuated from his meat suit. Just like Hussein. Pattern..?
He is correct.

Our sanctions on Iraq in the 1990's killed a half a million children.

A country has a right to survival, and a duty to ensure that the civilians in its borders do as well.

The globalist criminals do not care.

They only want compliant states that they can openly rape of resources.
While some may claim the Sanctions are ineffective. They seem to be having a serious effect. Today Putin said that the implementation of Sanctions is a declaration of war.

His stated goal now is to implement a pro Russian Government and demilitarize Ukraine.

So we are supposed to believe that tiny Ukraine is an intolerable threat to giant Russia?
We’ll likely hear such bellicose rhetoric from Putin ongoing.
Or in other words, you have evolved to understanding that Russia needed to react to the US/Nato push, but you're still not ready to say so. LOL
I'm just saying I understand his reasoning as much as anyone can understand Putin's reasoning when looked at from his somewhat paranoid point of view.

He simply called NATO's bluff but as a free man I do not have to agree or disagree with his actions to suit anyone else that is trying to make some kind of political hay here over the troubles there.
Yes, we have a history of ending the rule of despots. Might want to remind revisionist historian Putin of that.
You also have a very big history of supporting them.

Funding them.

Assisting them in the murder of their citizenry through 'military aid'.

Do you know how many people Suharto murdered? Diem? Hussein? Pahlavi?

That's ok...look away...they don't 'count'.
While some may claim the Sanctions are ineffective. They seem to be having a serious effect. Today Putin said that the implementation of Sanctions is a declaration of war.

His stated goal now is to implement a pro Russian Government and demilitarize Ukraine.

So we are supposed to believe that tiny Ukraine is an intolerable threat to giant Russia?

While Russians themselves are seeking to leave Putin's tyranny.
The Great Reset crowd wants to reduce the world's population and this is how they plan to do it.

Americans be ready. Get your money out of banks ASAP

And while we're at it, those of us whose homes have basements should get right to stocking up their below ground areas with food, water, medical supplies, blankets, guns, ammo and whatever else one could need in the event of cloudy with a chance of mushroom clouds. If your basement has windows can't hurt to shovel some dirt over them, tape up the window frames and otherwise make your underground space as secure as possible.


Don't even bother if you live within the limits of a major city, near a major city or industrial complex, or within spitting distance of just about any military installation, airport or highway cloverleaf.
Today Putin said that the implementation of Sanctions is a declaration of war.

What is new here?

Anti-American haters have been screaming for over 80 years that the sanctions against Japan were illegal and an act of war against them.

So quite literally, he is taking a page right out of the far-left educational playbook in this area.

I wonder how many of them though will suddenly find themselves questioning their own beliefs.
Our sanctions on Iraq in the 1990's killed a half a million children.

No, that was the Iraqi government. Just as the famines in Ethiopia in the 1980s were mostly the fault of the Marxist idiots in charge at the time. Or the mass starvations in China during the Cultural Revolution, or in recent decades in North Korea.

When he literally has multi-billion dollar palaces made with gold toilets inside, it is obvious that the money was never going to his people. And with the facts known about the abuses and corruption in the entire Oil for Food program, I am surprised anybody still believes that nonsense.

No, the sanctions did not kill those kids, their own government did.
No, that was the Iraqi government.
As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

...Several United Nations agencies, including F.A.O. and Unicef, have expressed concern about the damage being done to Iraqis, especially children, by United Nations economic sanctions. Two years ago, F.A.O. warned that Iraq risked widespread starvation.

The Security Council responded to these concerns earlier this year when it offer Iraq the opportunity to sell $2 billion worth of oil to purchase food and medicines under United Nations supervision, the second such offer in four years.

They starved to death because their nation was cut off from any commerce, AND any foreign aid of ANY type.

Further...if you knew your relatives in Iraq were starving to MANY did...there was absolutely NOTHING you could do to get them any kind of assistance.

Your best bet was smuggling them out through a third nation (very dangerous).

Blanket sanctions kill the innocent.

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