Russia Planning Massive Military Offensive Against Ukraine Involving 175,000 Troops, U.S. Intelligence Warns

More lame partisanship. Give it a break already.

Try to say something intelligent for a change — about the subject. You know, like about the Ukraine, Crimea, Donbas, NATO, nationalist Russian & Ukrainian politicians, military questions … anything at all !

Yeah we get it -- you're "above it all", you and your lofty ideals with your pinkie out at the perfect angle while sipping tea
So nothing at all about the subject matter.
Just your pinkie up Trump’s …
Or is it somebody else’s … ?
You don't leave Americans and our equipment behind. He could've at least destroyed the equipment instead of arming our enemy.
Afghanistan was not America's enemy. It was those greedy liars called NeoCons who created the whole problem.
If USA had not started a war against Russia's good help to Afghanistan, the country would be a peaceful prosperous place.
What the HELL is in the Ukraine to make the Ruskies go all "Hitler" on them????
What the hell is there for the US to wet its beak in? Remember how the Cuban crisis started? The USA deployed its missiles in Turkey. Now Ukraine is even closer to Russia and the US is stirring up trouble their like there are no problems at home. Rittenhouse is "unjustly" acquitted, Jussie Smollett is waiting for the acquittal, Quomos are harassing everyone left and right, the 49th gender (or how many you have there already) is crying for recognition. Take a pick.
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More lame partisanship. Give it a break already.

Try to say something intelligent for a change — about the subject. You know, like about the Ukraine, Crimea, Donbas, NATO, nationalist Russian & Ukrainian politicians, military questions … anything at all !

Tom, you misuse the term "nationalist".
In Ukraine nationalism is exactly what it means - an ethnic extremism.

In multiethnic Russia nationalism is a taboo, people go to prison for it, and mostly Russians do, because minorities are appeased.

So, "nationalist Russian politician" is absolute oxymoron. Unless you mean those which are in prison :)

p. s. I am trying to be serious, as you see :)
The only reason why those countries can afford their generous welfare states is because they've drastically cut back on defense spending since the WWII days because we are picking up the slack for them

The reason they can afford it is because their tax revenue as a percentage of their GDP is not stupid low, like ours.And they provide things like health insurance and education at a better value.

People there don't complain about their taxes for health insurance, because they have better health outcomes and more money in their pockets than we do.

OECD average is about 33.5%, and we sit at 25.5%. $1.7 trillion per year off pace, in tax revenue.

Germany sits at 38% for example.
I am afraid you are joking again, Siberian , perhaps to keep up your spirits. In my opinion, Russian “extreme nationalism” is pathetic, and very confused about exactly what it is “patriotic” about. I admit I don’t claim to understand it very well.

Which Russian “nationalists” are going to jail in Russia? As far as I can make out, even fascists are doing splendidly. You’ve even got your own peculiar Russian-Asian fascists like Alexandr Dugin. Certainly every sort of old-style ethnic Russian nationalism is thriving, from religious to nostalgic Stalinist.

Russia’s political class seems to consist of a thin layer of security bureaucrats running their own official government mafias, protecting and sitting atop a layer of industrialists, kleptocratic capitalists, regional bosses, all with their own little mafias. Of course I don’t really know, any more than I know exactly how the Ukrainian oligarchs operate. I suspect the Russians are at least as bad as the Ukrainians, probably much worse.

Who goes to jail? Who is poisoned in Russia? Who gets beat up if they protest openly against corruption? You say it is Russian nationalists? What does that even mean? Are you a supporter of Alexie Navalny all of a sudden? I always assumed he was too “Western” for your taste — if only because he had the support of Western media. I know what you are against. Who or what do you really support?

What is most clear to me — obvious from the “comments” of Russians to articles in RT and elsewhere — is that Russian nationalists as a group are at least as crazy as our Trump supporters, rather more anti-Semitic, equally or more “white nationalist,” and are as dumb (in their own way) as dumb Americans. By and large, I don’t even find them to be better trolls.
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I am afraid you are joking again, Siberian , perhaps to keep up your spirits. In my opinion, Russian “extreme nationalism” is pathetic, and very confused about exactly what it is “patriotic” about. I admit I don’t claim to understand it very well.

Which Russian “nationalists” are going to jail in Russia? As far as I can make out, even fascists are doing splendidly. You’ve even got your own peculiar Russian-Asian fascists like Alexandr Dugin. Certainly every sort of old-style ethnic Russian nationalism is thriving, from religious to nostalgic Stalinist.

Russia’s political class seems to consist of a thin layer of security bureaucrats running their own official government mafias, protecting and sitting atop a layer of industrialists, kleptocratic capitalists, regional bosses, all with their own little mafias. Of course I don’t really know, any more than I know exactly how the Ukrainian oligarchs operate. I suspect the Russians are at least as bad as the Ukrainians, probably much worse.

Who goes to jail? Who is poisoned in Russia? Who gets beat up if they protest openly against corruption? You say it is Russian nationalists? What does that even mean? Are you a supporter of Alexie Navalny all of a sudden? I always assumed he was too “Western” for your taste — if only because he had the support of Western media. I know what you are against. Who or what do you really support?

What is most clear to me — obvious from the “comments” of Russians to articles in RT and elsewhere — is that Russian nationalists as a group are at least as crazy as our Trump supporters, rather more anti-Semitic, equally or more “white nationalist,” and are as dumb (in their own way) as dumb Americans. By and large, I don’t even find them to be better trolls.
Tom, you really don't understand situation in Russia, as much as you misuse terms. Patriots, imperialists and nationalists are 3 different ideologies in Russia, it is simply to see on example of Chechnya - nationalists want to get rid if it, imperialists want to keep it even if it means harder an economic burden for Russians and patriots (if we take them as separate ideology) may not have an opinion on it at all, concentrating on external/foreign agenda. While imperialists and nationalists can be patriotic generally or in most aspects.
and Stalinism is not and cannot be Russian nationalism because Stalin is Georgian, plus the biggest victim of Stalin was Russian people. Russian nationalists and stalinists are also opponents politically. Your perseption is wrong and weird.

Everything is very simple, I have no idea what can prevent your understanding of it.

Here is an example of a jailed Russian nationalist.

Dugin is an imperialist, not a fascist, as well Stalinism (like communism) is a crime only in your MaCarthist totalitarian country, where freedom of speech is persecuted. While neither Dugin nor stalinists commit crimes, and if any individual or ogranized nationalists do they go to prison
and take notice, in this case one of 2 jailed Russian nationalists is Eugenia Hasis, an ethnic Jew.
"White supremacist" or racists are not Russian nationalists (and Russian nationalists are not White racists) and are absolutely marginal, I doubt there are more than a couple of hundreds of them in 146 mln Russia. To distinguish them from Russian nationalists you should know that many of Russian racists fought on Ukrainian side in Donbass AGAINST RUSSIA, along with Ukrainian nationalists, which are really racists, calling Rissians "Mongols" - you may take member of this forum Litwin as a very typucal example
Genetically Russians and Ukrainians are identical, maybe just Ukrainians have 3% of Tatar (ironically - or Mongol) genes and Russians have 3% of Ugro-Finnish genes. But Ukrainian nationalism is based on the myth that Ukrainians are the most anscient (=true) Arians , Jesus was a Ukrainian and other funny and dangerous stuff.. This is why they belong to Europe and not to allegedly Mongol Russia :) Ukrainians are more Europeans than Europeans, the only true White Europeans.. :)

And don't forget that the US not only supports these extreme Ukrainian racists but militarily train them, which later kill politicians and independent journalists in Ukraine without being punished, serve in the army etc.

US is directly responsible for Nazi regime in Ukraine and racist crimes in Ukraine.

if you mean something more than baseless American propaganda please give example (as I do to support my point) of thriving Russian fascists :)

Summing up - you are more informed thsn most Americans, but your perception of Russia is at least weird, absolutely not correct in every aspect you mentioned (structure of Russian elites, Navalny, Russian nationalists). I can't really blame you, living in the US and reading Western press nobody at all can be something but a product of American propaganda. I am sorry, but you really operate with stamps of American propaganda. :)

Just to give you another example - to whome, to which part of layers mentioned by you will you attribute the head of Sberbank Gherman Gref? Former minister of finance Kudrin? The head of Central bank? Aid of Putin Anatoly Chubais? Former head of Yeltsyn (and even Putin's) administration Voloshin? :)

But believe me, you are 95% wrong on everything you said. :) Your distance from a common American Macarthist is much smaller than you think :)
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Update please. Has the War begun yet??


about a week ago the US said it had 4 weeks to prevent Russian invasion to Ukraine.

It means the US plans Ukrainian attack in Donbass before mid January, with consequitive Russian involvement there to prevent ethnic cleansing...

But US-Russian meeting on Putin's ultimatum is due on 10/01/2022, in two days - similar meeting with NATO.

I presume the end of January is the time to expect surprises :)
about a week ago the US said it had 4 weeks to prevent Russian invasion to Ukraine.

It means the US plans Ukrainian attack in Donbass before mid January, with consequitive Russian involvement there to prevent ethnic cleansing...

But US-Russian meeting on Putin's ultimatum is due on 10/01/2022, in two days - similar meeting with NATO.

I presume the end of January is the time to expect surprises :)
Cool will there be an in flight movie?
Cool will there be an in flight movie?

it is the question to you, I presume if you are an American you have better chances to film flying Russian hypersonic missiles than anyone else...
Putin's ultimatum was about fighting the US directly instead of Ukraine ( as the US would prefer)..
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Afghanistan was not America's enemy. It was those greedy liars called NeoCons who created the whole problem.
If USA had not started a war against Russia's good help to Afghanistan, the country would be a peaceful prosperous place.
Do we need to post more pics of Afghanistan before and after the Russian invasion and occupation? Is that the good help you are referring to?
Do we need to post more pics of Afghanistan before and after the Russian invasion and occupation? Is that the good help you are referring to?
you mean before and afyer CIA groomed islamists to fight USSR and to seize power in Afghanistan?

don't forget, Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent and Al-Qaida -("the base" in Arabic) was nothing but a CIA database with names of islamists CIA was supplying and grooming...
it is the question to you, I presume if you are an American you have better chances to film flying Russian hypersonic missiles than anyone else...
Putin's ultimatum was about fighting the US directly instead of Ukraine ( as the US would prefer)..
So no guy suck........betcha you are out of coffee too.......damn
about a week ago the US said it had 4 weeks to prevent Russian invasion to Ukraine.

It means the US plans Ukrainian attack in Donbass before mid January, with consequitive Russian involvement there to prevent ethnic cleansing...

But US-Russian meeting on Putin's ultimatum is due on 10/01/2022, in two days - similar meeting with NATO.

I presume the end of January is the time to expect surprises :)
The US government controlled media is now proclaiming Russia is about to commit a false flag, to start a war in Ukraine. It’s more likely the US commits the false flag, since it is the world’s recognized expert on false flags.
US accuses Russia of 'fabricating a pretext' to invade Ukraine

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