Russia seeks the arrest of the George Soros - Dead or Alive

Incredible, the new far right has more allegiance to Russia than the United States.

Thank you Republican Party for letting it get to this point.
actually, Putin has more allegiance to the United States than the liberal leaders do.
I guess those Jews that opposed Hitler were unpatriotic. I mean, he was the leader of Germany at the time, It was there duty as citizens to comply with his wishes and even protect him if needed.

Putin has zero allegiance to the United States, what the hell is wrong with you?
Russia does not like the new Left, which has been deeply critical of their global aggression.

Reagan is turning over in his grave, because in his universe, the Soviets were in bed with the Left and opposed to the Right.

Who knew that in Reagan's absence, the right would partner with Communist Russia to fix elections.
Who knew a libtard would throw out wildassed allegations against his enemies?
good. I hope Putin kills the bastard. and his fuckin son. wipe out the entire seed
kill his son first and make him watch.

Is this what freedom and democracy has come to? Or are we just finally done playing charades?
From the way the left is pushing so publicly to dismantle the U.S in favor of a socialist society, I would guess that they are just finally done playing charades.
Its up to those that understand the constitution to step in and stop them.

No, it's just your usual paranoid 'news' sources on the right telling you this. And now all of the sudden open assassination those who don't share those paranoid views is deemed patriotic.

This is why ultra-nationalism is bad for the country.
You know, you and those like you that despise this country, should maybe do a bit of research before you claim someones post is un-American and an example of the rights willingness to bypass the constitution to advance their goals.
Do you know who actually said that We could not allow people to use their citizenship like a shield?
Let me help you out. obama. Thats right, obama said it after he was getting slammed for using a drone to take out an American citizen that was engaged in espionage.
Can I now assume that you are saying that you finally agree that obama and the left are un-American?
( "But when a U.S. citizen goes abroad to wage war against America," he added, "and is actively plotting to kill U.S. citizens; and when neither the United States, nor our partners are in a position to capture him before he carries out a plot – his citizenship should no more serve as a shield than a sniper shooting down on an innocent crowd should be protected from a swat team." )

I didn't question your quote. I questioned your motive for having George Soros assasinated because you believe in right wing crap.

Your trap was obvious and could be seen miles away, moron.
Russia does not like the new Left, which has been deeply critical of their global aggression.

Reagan is turning over in his grave, because in his universe, the Soviets were in bed with the Left and opposed to the Right.

Who knew that in Reagan's absence, the right would partner with Communist Russia to fix elections.
Who knew a libtard would throw out wildassed allegations against his enemies?
"Libtard"? Another Valedictorian heard from. You`re about 12 years old I`m guessing and not a very bright one.
Russia does not like the new Left, which has been deeply critical of their global aggression.

Reagan is turning over in his grave, because in his universe, the Soviets were in bed with the Left and opposed to the Right.

Who knew that in Reagan's absence, the right would partner with Communist Russia to fix elections.
Who knew a libtard would throw out wildassed allegations against his enemies?
"Libtard"? Another Valedictorian heard from. You`re about 12 years old I`m guessing and not a very bright one.
I'm sorry. I misspelled libturd.

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