Russia seeks the arrest of the George Soros - Dead or Alive

How many times have I said the pseudocons sound just like the whining, pessimistic liberals of the 60s and 70s?

tinydancer has just been outed as one.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.

Sounds un American.
good. I hope Putin kills the bastard. and his fuckin son. wipe out the entire seed
kill his son first and make him watch.

Is this what freedom and democracy has come to? Or are we just finally done playing charades?
From the way the left is pushing so publicly to dismantle the U.S in favor of a socialist society, I would guess that they are just finally done playing charades.
Its up to those that understand the constitution to step in and stop them.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.

Sounds un American.
what sounds un-American?
not allowing someone to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them while working against the U.S?
good. I hope Putin kills the bastard. and his fuckin son. wipe out the entire seed
kill his son first and make him watch.

Is this what freedom and democracy has come to? Or are we just finally done playing charades?
From the way the left is pushing so publicly to dismantle the U.S in favor of a socialist society, I would guess that they are just finally done playing charades.
Its up to those that understand the constitution to step in and stop them.

No, it's just your usual paranoid 'news' sources on the right telling you this. And now all of the sudden open assassination those who don't share those paranoid views is deemed patriotic.

This is why ultra-nationalism is bad for the country.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.

Sounds un American.
what sounds un-American?
not allowing someone to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them while working against the U.S?

In most (not all) cases there is a trial, sometimes those on the battlefield who are traitors to their own country get themselves killed, for the most part we believe in justice and a fair trial. Where as you guys would most likely be fine with a lynch mob orchestrated and carried out by Eastern European strongmen.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.

Sounds un American.
what sounds un-American?
not allowing someone to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them while working against the U.S?

In most (not all) cases there is a trial, sometimes those on the battlefield who are traitors to their own country get themselves killed, for the most part we believe in justice and a fair trial. Where as you guys would most likely be fine with a lynch mob orchestrated and carried out by Eastern European strongmen.
I understand, You missed the part of my post that stated we would have to be 99% certain that we were correct.
In the Soros case, we are. There is no question that he is trying to change our countries government. There is no question that he is spending billions of dollars to bring the world all together under one government.
He is a traitor to our way of life.
Now since this thread is about Soros, its acceptable that all responses are based on dealing specifically with him.
So tell me, since we do know he is a traitor, Should he still be allowed to use his citizenship as a protective shield when it comes to his safety, or is this one of those cases where it is acceptable to eliminate him regardless of the method used.
Incredible, the new far right has more allegiance to Russia than the United States.

Thank you Republican Party for letting it get to this point.
actually, Putin has more allegiance to the United States than the liberal leaders do.
I guess those Jews that opposed Hitler were unpatriotic. I mean, he was the leader of Germany at the time, It was there duty as citizens to comply with his wishes and even protect him if needed.
good. I hope Putin kills the bastard. and his fuckin son. wipe out the entire seed
kill his son first and make him watch.

Is this what freedom and democracy has come to? Or are we just finally done playing charades?
From the way the left is pushing so publicly to dismantle the U.S in favor of a socialist society, I would guess that they are just finally done playing charades.
Its up to those that understand the constitution to step in and stop them.

No, it's just your usual paranoid 'news' sources on the right telling you this. And now all of the sudden open assassination those who don't share those paranoid views is deemed patriotic.

This is why ultra-nationalism is bad for the country.
You know, you and those like you that despise this country, should maybe do a bit of research before you claim someones post is un-American and an example of the rights willingness to bypass the constitution to advance their goals.
Do you know who actually said that We could not allow people to use their citizenship like a shield?
Let me help you out. obama. Thats right, obama said it after he was getting slammed for using a drone to take out an American citizen that was engaged in espionage.
Can I now assume that you are saying that you finally agree that obama and the left are un-American?
( "But when a U.S. citizen goes abroad to wage war against America," he added, "and is actively plotting to kill U.S. citizens; and when neither the United States, nor our partners are in a position to capture him before he carries out a plot – his citizenship should no more serve as a shield than a sniper shooting down on an innocent crowd should be protected from a swat team." )

Well Putin would know about purposefully distracting (& baiting) America...

But back to the topic of this thread: If true, it's one more reason to applaud Russia's patriotism to itself. Russia's kind of like an Asian Texas if you think about it, "don't mess with Texas".

Can you imagine how long you or I would be alive if we singlehandedly wrecked the Russian economy to profit for ourselves? And then demanded when she was on her knees, "now you will rearrange families to leave children motherless or fatherless for life!". We'd be wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the Black Lake in a nanosecond.
Vladimir Putin: George Soros Is Wanted “Dead Or Alive”, "a Threat to Russian National Security" - AWD News

Russia sees him as the monster he is. The anti-Christ. The danger to world.

He belongs on trial and once convicted he should be executed.

Good for Russia I hope they catch the good for nothing SOB!

Time for Putin to send in these guys...
View attachment 95391
This one would be more appropriate, if you remember the good old KGB era....


A stiff drink, nice looking barmaid, and a few drops into the drink and all she wrote for Soros or anyone Putin wanted dead...

As written before if Putin want you dead, well you will be dead quicker than shit!

A stiff drink, nice looking barmaid, and a few drops into the drink and all she wrote for Soros or anyone Putin wanted dead...

As written before if Putin want you dead, well you will be dead quicker than shit!

Then Soros ought to hire a beefeater....STAT.

Well Putin would know about purposefully distracting (& baiting) America...

But back to the topic of this thread: If true, it's one more reason to applaud Russia's patriotism to itself. Russia's kind of like an Asian Texas if you think about it, "don't mess with Texas".

Can you imagine how long you or I would be alive if we singlehandedly wrecked the Russian economy to profit for ourselves? And then demanded when she was on her knees, "now you will rearrange families to leave children motherless or fatherless for life!". We'd be wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of the Black Lake in a nanosecond.

Your last paragraph is two sided.
for example, if I did something to purposely bring the economy to its knees, lets say I created drains on that countries resources that extended beyond the countries ability to meet, and I did this in an attempt to force the population to accept a more restrictive form of government , thats something worth being hung for. But if I own a business, and I use the laws as written, or even if I were to pay lobbyists to try and persuade congress to come up with some new laws/ tax breaks etc.. then Im greedy, but not what should be considered un-patriotic.

And the families, If I were to walk in and decide that I was going to split up families, and those families have been here for generations, they and their ancestors help build this country and they are not doing anything outside of the law or that could be considered un-patriotic, then yes, there is a serious problem with me trying to break them up.
However, if that family really should not be here in the first place, or they are living here in opposition of our laws, or if one or both of the parents are criminals, then yes, it is acceptable to take members of that family away. Examples might be, dad gets taken away from the family to spend some time in prison for murder, or it is found that the parents came here illegally and are now clinging to that child they most likely only had to skirt the laws, as a way of staying here illegally, in that case it is acceptable to ship the parents back where they belong since they are breaking our laws by simply being here. Naturally in the last case I would certainly give the option of them taking their whole family with them. The child would have the right to return on his/her 18th birthday. By allowing them the option of taking the child with them, it wont be me breaking up a family, it will be the family that decides to break themselves up.
So as you can see, those things you mentioned need to be clearly defined in order to make a decision to agree with, or not agree with you.
I don't get this fanatic rightwing Putin Admiration Society.

Stalin fought with us to take out Hitler. We rooted him on. This doesn't mean we like Stalin or Stalin wasn't a monster.

I don't recall hearing about Americans admiring Stalin, especially admiring him over our own president or admiring him for his abuses.
Although I dont agree with Putins government, I do have more respect for him as a man than I do obama or hillary. He stands up for what he believes and he is constantly thinking about the good of his country.
obama and hillary stand up for those that would prefer to see the U.S destroyed, they want us to become a third world muslim nation instead of the free country we were.
I have no respect for obama, his administration or anyone that supports his actions.
Our respect should be limited to our country, not the ass that taking space in the oval office chair.
There's nothing quite like watching "patriotic Americans" calling for foreign dictators to assassinate American citizens.

Welcome to the new Republican Party, folks.
American Citizens should not be allowed to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them when they are clearly working against the interests of the U.S.
So yes, if the target in question is working to take down the U.S then there is no problem killing them, or is it in the best interest of the country for our government to extend any level of protection for this person.
My only personal reservations with this would be that we had to be 99% certain that the person in question is working against our country. In this situation with Soros, there is no question so I have no problem seeing him executed in any way possible, and if that takes another country to do it, then so be it.

Sounds un American.
what sounds un-American?
not allowing someone to use their citizenship as a shield to protect them while working against the U.S?

In most (not all) cases there is a trial, sometimes those on the battlefield who are traitors to their own country get themselves killed, for the most part we believe in justice and a fair trial. Where as you guys would most likely be fine with a lynch mob orchestrated and carried out by Eastern European strongmen.
I understand, You missed the part of my post that stated we would have to be 99% certain that we were correct.
In the Soros case, we are. There is no question that he is trying to change our countries government. There is no question that he is spending billions of dollars to bring the world all together under one government.
He is a traitor to our way of life.
Now since this thread is about Soros, its acceptable that all responses are based on dealing specifically with him.
So tell me, since we do know he is a traitor, Should he still be allowed to use his citizenship as a protective shield when it comes to his safety, or is this one of those cases where it is acceptable to eliminate him regardless of the method used.

99% certain? According to who? That's what trials are for you un American idiot.

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