Russia simulate NUKING Europe with missiles hitting in 200 seconds and 'no survivors'

Like all another world' leaders'
Nope. Putin is broadcasting his European nuclear targets. He better hope they don't take him seriously or someone will nuke the Kremlin. So many innocent Russians would die for Putin's ego.
Modern politicians must be:

1. Satanists
2. Freemasons
3. Sexual deviant
4. Idiots
5. Kissing Jews on ass
6. Know-nothing and good-for-nothing
7. Liars
8. Drug addicted
9. Hating own people who elected them
Brooklyn? Are you under a doctor's care?
Why target People who have no say in their government when it's more effective to target the ones who cheated Marcon and Biden into office?

Pestilence = Fauxi Gain of Function Flu

Who are the other 2 horsemen?
The four horseman are mentioned in both the old testament & new testament book of Revelation. They take away peace from mankind. If I remember right they are of angelic(not demonic) origin sent by Maker to punish mankind in general for rebellion against his Word(Messiah). The four horsemen represent war, death, aggression(occupation) & starvation. These four angels may be the same four angels standing @ the four corners(?) of the earth(I could use some input here!) holding back the mighty wind(apocalypse?). It appears to me that pestilence(plague?) mentioned in the book of Revelation kills off one third of life in general on planet earth including marine life. I don't think Dr. Fauci, the C-19 virus nor vaccines could do that, but radioactive fallout from element U-235 & also Pu-239 certainly could!!! Prophecy is a complicated subject which generates a variety of opinions. I'd like to be able to clarify the subject of prophecy with absolute certainty, which I have done in the past just to find out later that I was not even in the ballpark. Thanks for your post CF!
If Paris is nuked, the French will burn Russia to the ground.

It would be terrible revenge of granny-loving Macron

The four horseman are mentioned in both the old testament & new testament book of Revelation. They take away peace from mankind. If I remember right they are of angelic(not demonic) origin sent by Maker to punish mankind in general for rebellion against his Word(Messiah). The four horsemen represent war, death, aggression(occupation) & starvation. These four angels may be the same four angels standing @ the four corners(?) of the earth(I could use some input here!) holding back the mighty wind(apocalypse?). It appears to me that pestilence(plague?) mentioned in the book of Revelation kills off one third of life in general on planet earth including marine life. I don't think Dr. Fauci, the C-19 virus nor vaccines could do that, but radioactive fallout from element U-235 & also Pu-239 certainly could!!! Prophecy is a complicated subject which generates a variety of opinions. I'd like to be able to clarify the subject of prophecy with absolute certainty, which I have done in the past just to find out later that I was not even in the ballpark. Thanks for your post CF!
That symbolism is all from the first century during the tribulation. Christians left and went to Pella.
Brooklyn? Are you under a doctor's care?

Nope. Putin is broadcasting his European nuclear targets. He better hope they don't take him seriously or someone will nuke the Kremlin. So many innocent Russians would die for Putin's ego.

The West is defenseless against Putin's unstoppable hypersonic missiles.
I don't want to die for shitty dirty corrupted stinky insane filthy Nazi failed 'state' like Ukraine

Europeans shall 'thank' their good-for-nothing corrupted stupid sexual deviant satanic communist 'politicians' who have did anything to instigate WWIII in Ukraine since 2014.
Who from 95% of trash siting in parliaments and president palaces is more skilled and suitable for offices as cleaning personal in ordinary grocery stores?
Now Europa is going to die and insane scum manufactures new 'sanctions' which Russia is laughing about.
Euro has already lost 20%, food shortages, crime sky rocketing, additional to that Russia asks to welcome their unstoppable nukes.
To survive Europeans shall begin to think for themselves and send their lunatic shit calling 'politicians' to insane asylums.
USA, Russia are laughing, only idiotic Europa is gonna lose both its industry and lives of its citizens.

Russian state TV has brazenly simulated how Vladimir Putin would launch a nuclear strike on three capital cities in Europe, declaring there would be 'no survivors', in response to comments made by the UK's Armed Forces Minister supporting Ukrainian strikes on Russian infrastructure.
Hosts on Channel One's 60 Minutes programme announced the cities of London, Paris and Berlin could be hit within 200 seconds of nuclear missiles being launched, as tensions ramp up amid the ongoing war in Ukraine.


Perhaps Russia is hoping the “Better Red than Dead” philosophy enables them to take over the entire world (or ant least regain those countries that broke away from the USSR).

Putin is trying to bully the world. Joe Biden has told us he knows how to handle bullies. (Remember how Joe took on Corn Pop at the pool?)

Time will tell.


Putin is trying to bully the world.

What would do USA if the Warsaw Pact wouldn't be dissolved and Russian nukes gonna be placed at the US border directly in Canada and Mexico?
Or Russians are idiots who must accept any BS coming from the West?
What would do USA if the Warsaw Pact wouldn't be dissolved and Russian nukes gonna be placed at the US border directly in Canada and Mexico?
Or Russians are idiots who must accept any BS coming from the West?
The US isn't going to attack Russia. Do you want them to gobble up Finland, Poland and Ukraine? Putin is crazy.
What would do USA if the Warsaw Pact wouldn't be dissolved and Russian nukes gonna be placed at the US border directly in Canada and Mexico?
Or Russians are idiots who must accept any BS coming from the West?
NATO says the same thing. Last I looked NATO is mainly in Europe and Russia violated the mediim range missile agreement.

Trump pulled us from that treaty bevause Putin violated it.
Nope. Putin is broadcasting his European nuclear targets. He better hope they don't take him seriously or someone will nuke the Kremlin. So many innocent Russians would die for Putin's ego.
Nuking the Kremlin isn't a good idea. Especially, considering that Putin may not be there already. But hitting him directly may be a way to go.

Though I am not sure whether it is possible in practice, after all those precautions he has taken. Anyway, I hope guys in some known agencies are working on that, in the case the Time X will be a real possibility.
Nuking the Kremlin isn't a good idea. Especially, considering that Putin may not be there already. But hitting him directly may be a way to go.

Though I am not sure whether it is possible in practice, after all those precautions he has taken. Anyway, I hope guys in some known agencies are working on that, in the case the Time X will be a real possibility.
Of course Putin wouldn't be there, but it sure would be a wake up call.

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