Russia simulate NUKING Europe with missiles hitting in 200 seconds and 'no survivors'

Increased the value of the Ruble, to date. It’s a start…

Here is the US debt visualized.
Russia hasn't any debt

Of course Putin wouldn't be there, but it sure would be a wake up call.
A wake up call for whom? Putin? He shouldn't be woken up to 'push a button'. He should be eliminated before he does it.
A wake up call for whom? Putin? He shouldn't be woken up to 'push a button'. He should be eliminated before he does it.

The West should be happy dealing with a hesitant and western oriented coward like Putin, you moron.
Without Putin we would be already burned alive.
You're capable to read Russian papers as I know, so, more as 90% of troops demand more strong response to the West as Putin does.
Both America & Russia(then USSR) lost a lot of their peoples during WW2 in a effort to save Europa from itself(nutzism). The Euro-peons just can't let go of the socialism(self enslavement) religion & their worship of their almighty elitist officials. From what I have read Russia puts roughly 70% of it's military budget into both determent & first strike nuclear capability including their SSBM's(Submerged Ship Ballistic Missile). The remaining 30% of Russia's defense budget goes into conventional(non nuclear) military capability. "IF" this is true it may be the primary reason WHY the Russian conventional military forces did not perform as well as expected in the Ukraine.

Russia has the largest inventory of nuclear weapons of any country in the world. If push comes to shove Russia has nukes of all types by the numbers no less.

Trying to NATOize countries that border Russia was a serious mistake in my opinion like I preferred the neutral states bordering Russia strategy. Too late now as the cat's out of the bag & it looks like we as humanity cannot get that cat back into the bag. This can only go two ways, statesmanship & an end to current hostilities in eastern Europa, or the situation in eastern Europa heats up to the boiling point. Just pray for peace as advances in weapons technology has made another world war a sure fire loser for all of humanity.
The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up.
Nope. Putin is broadcasting his European nuclear targets. He better hope they don't take him seriously or someone will nuke the Kremlin. So many innocent Russians would die for Putin's ego.
No such thing as an innocent Russian. Nuke them all.

The US isn't going to attack Russia. Do you want them to gobble up Finland, Poland and Ukraine? Putin is crazy.
Russia is not capable of gobbling up Finland or Poland. And it's pretty apparent that Russia is not even capable of gobbling up Ukraine.

If Russia nukes a NATO target, the US will very much attack Russia. In such a circumstance, we would completely destroy Russia and leave no survivors.
The city was renamed thirty years ago, just for information.
I am perfectly aware that Russia keeps renaming the place. I mentioned that multiple times in fact.

Guess what? Renaming it is not going to prevent us from smashing it into a radioactive crater.

You can rename the radioactive crater as many times as you like. We won't object.

The West is defenseless against Putin's unstoppable hypersonic missiles.
Wrong. We are entirely capable of massively nuking Russia in retaliation.

Moscow and Leningrad will be the most fun to burn, but burning the rest of Russia's cities will be fun as well.

What would do USA if the Warsaw Pact wouldn't be dissolved and Russian nukes gonna be placed at the US border directly in Canada and Mexico?
Don't be silly. There are no plans to place nuclear missiles on Russia's border. NATO doesn't even have those kind of nuclear missiles anymore.

There were not even plans to place long range conventional missiles on Russia's border until Russia started invading innocent countries.

If Russia does not like the placement of long range conventional missiles on their border, they have only themselves to blame.
once the costs of Western interference become meddlesome enough; Russia will likely give Europe the Involvment they clearly want. And I don't think they will like it. While the West think a nuclear war is unwinnable, Russia doesn't have such a pessimistic outlook. Especially at it concerns their first strike capability.
If Russia starts a nuclear war, Moscow and Leningrad will become radioactive craters. And so will all other Russian cities.

The image presented is just a "for instance". These missiles are launched from mobile platforms. Neither the point of origin, nor the point of impact, are necessarily the point. The speed in which the strikes can happen is.
The speed is irrelevant. US ICBMs are just as fast.

What matters is that once Russia starts using nukes, we get to destroy Moscow and Leningrad. And then we get to destroy all the rest of Russia's cities.

Big difference between Iraqs, and Russias capability to project power, and will. HUGE difference.
Iraq at least knew how to conquer another country.

Russia can't seem to figure out how to conquer Ukraine.

Russias infrastructure has been since the Cold War, and to this day hardened to withstand nuclear strikes. At least to a greater extent than the West. Their subway tunnels have blast doors for instance. That doesn’t mean they won’t get hit. It does mean however that while the West just assumed all players assumed a nuclear exchange was unwinnable; Russia has been hardening the motherland to withstand a nuclear exchange.
We have nuclear bunker busters that can eliminate any Russian bunker.

Let Russia pile all their civilians into those big underground bunkers. They'll be a very thin layer of meat in a mountain sandwich once the endless tons of rock above them drops on their heads.
If Russia starts a nuclear war, Moscow and Leningrad will become radioactive craters. And so will all other Russian cities.

The speed is irrelevant. US ICBMs are just as fast.

What matters is that once Russia starts using nukes, we get to destroy Moscow and Leningrad. And then we get to destroy all the rest of Russia's cities.

Iraq at least knew how to conquer another country.

Russia can't seem to figure out how to conquer Ukraine.

We have nuclear bunker busters that can eliminate any Russian bunker.

Let Russia pile all their civilians into those big underground bunkers. They'll be a very thin layer of meat in a mountain sandwich once the endless tons of rock above them drops on their heads.
No. They aren't. And NATO knows it. Shill elsewhere. Russia isn't listening...
No such thing as an innocent Russian. Nuke them all.

Russia is not capable of gobbling up Finland or Poland. And it's pretty apparent that Russia is not even capable of gobbling up Ukraine.

If Russia nukes a NATO target, the US will very much attack Russia. In such a circumstance, we would completely destroy Russia and leave no survivors.
I hope you're right.
I hope you're right.
Don't worry. I am.

When I get time I'll post some articles about the unmanned stealth bombers that we are building. Even in a conventional war with NATO, Russia would be relentlessly pummeled until they begged for mercy.

No. They aren't. And NATO knows it.
Yes they are.

Shill elsewhere. Russia isn't listening...
Russia doesn't have to listen. All they have to do is scream and die when we launch our nukes at them.
Don't worry. I am.

When I get time I'll post some articles about the unmanned stealth bombers that we are building. Even in a conventional war with NATO, Russia would be relentlessly pummeled until they begged for mercy.


Yes they are.

Russia doesn't have to listen. All they have to do is scream and die when we launch our nukes at them.
Anyone who believes it can be won is avnut job
I believe that our nukes are capable of eradicating Russia from the face of the planet.

I don't care if someone calls that winning, or not.

They would do the same to us. But keep being what you are. Stupid
What would do USA if the Warsaw Pact wouldn't be dissolved and Russian nukes gonna be placed at the US border directly in Canada and Mexico?
Or Russians are idiots who must accept any BS coming from the West?
A bully says to you. “Do what I say or I will hurt you and your family.”

Putin is saying “Do what I say or I may decide to nuke you and kill millions of people in London, Paris And Berlin.“
A bully says to you. “Do what I say or I will hurt you and your family.”

Putin is saying “Do what I say or I may decide to nuke you and kill millions of people in London, Paris And Berlin.“
Russia just isn't that important to the West.

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