Russia: Too many self appointed experts


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
It was a video.....right?

Seriously, open source code is not owned by

And I have yet to see a lie from

No experts needed.....Hillary lost....
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
It was a video.....right?

Seriously, open source code is not owned by

And I have yet to see a lie from

No experts needed.....Hillary lost....

What are you talking about?
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
The intelligence services have already affirmed that Russia hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. These emails were then leaked to Wikileaks and the FBI.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
The intelligence services have already affirmed that Russia hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. These emails were then leaked to Wikileaks and the FBI.
And Seth Rich paid with his life....(a non Russian democrat staffer).....
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
It was a video.....right?

Seriously, open source code is not owned by

And I have yet to see a lie from

No experts needed.....Hillary lost....

What are you talking about?
My thoughts exactly.....
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
Thanks for your expert opinion. Asking for evidence isn't really being an expert so I can't agree it's a both sides are doing it scenario. "The intelligence community" is xontrolled by a leftist government that has politicized everything and not gulping down everything your government officials tell you is actually a quite healthy state to be in. Try it sometime! Oh, and STFU backatcha.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:

I think when the Russians successfully hack your election, and the experts failed to stop them, we don't really need to take the experts seriously anymore.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:

I think when the Russians successfully hack your election, and the experts failed to stop them, we don't really need to take the experts seriously anymore.
Proof of the Kremlin's cyberoperations are a tad difficult to detect before they happen.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:

I think when the Russians successfully hack your election, and the experts failed to stop them, we don't really need to take the experts seriously anymore.
Proof of the Kremlin's cyberoperations are a tad difficult to detect before they happen.
Now you are backing up. Go to the back room, get some cofee, sit down, and listen.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
Yep. Wingers are gonna be wingers and obediently jump to the most politically advantageous conclusions they can, immediately.

I don't know what the goal of that behavior is, because I admit I don't understand partisan politics.

The rest of us eagerly anticipate more information on this, because it's a terribly important issue.
October 13, 2016 - SpyTalk: The Russian hacking whodunnit

If Hillary Clinton were Rachel in The Girl on the Train, Vladimir Putin would end up with a corkscrew in his neck. Alas, cyber wars don’t lend themselves to the neat endings of fictional whodunnits, much less most real crimes. Four months after the security firm Crowdstrike revealed that two groups of hackers believed to be based in Russia had penetrated the Democratic National Committee, convincing evidence has yet to surface that the Kremlin is responsible—and it may never. Likewise, security experts said last summer that whoever hacked Hillary Clinton’s private email servers was “far too skilled to leave evidence of their work.”

Nevertheless, the White House, relying on the conclusion of U.S. intelligence that the latest theft of Clinton’s emails originated in Russia, vowed Wednesday to hit back with a “proportional” response that would not be “announced in advance,” in the words of spokesman Josh Earnest. Options could include economic sanctions or diplomatic rebuffs—both problematic because they would entangle allied nations—or tit-for-tat hacks aimed at discomfiting Putin with embarrassing disclosures of the kind Wikileaks has visited on the Democrats. More likely, some experts tell Newsweek on condition of anonymity, the NSA’s stealthy cyber-warriors could zap a few Russian sites with the cyber version of a hit-and-run.


The Russians, meanwhile, mocked accusations that they hacked the emails (and later the Twitter account) of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman. “It’s flattering,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “But it has nothing to be explained by the facts; we have not seen a single proof.” When Amanpour pressed, Lavrov responded like a Cheshire cat. “No, we did not deny this, they did not prove it,” he said.

Credentialed skeptics abound here, too, about the origin of the attacks. Former NSA executive William Binney maintains that U.S. officials “know how many people [beyond the Russians] could have done this but they aren’t telling us anything. All they're doing is promoting another cold war.”


And it left no trace. Investigators found no “direct evidence” that Clinton’s email account had been “successfully hacked,” FBI Director James B. Comey testified, which “both private experts and federal investigators immediately understood” to mean that “it very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work,” according to David Sanger, the New York Times cyber expert.


Dolts all around!
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
But wasn't it the intelligence community, working thru the media, that alerted the American public to the "problem". Doing so with concrete accusations. Why would they do so prematurely, seeing how "intelligence gathering is a slow process"?
I agree! This issue is far from being understood by anyone, let alone a bunch of random people on a message board. Since we will never be told the entire truth....and we are trained to be fed just enough info for us to remain mired in our partisan stupor, there is no point in even having this conversation. The only result...and I swear I don't know why this is....will be that the left will point fingers at the right and the right will point fingers at the left. Leaving all of us independent thinkers to sit in quiet reflection bordering on depression.
It's not that difficult to understand. The government lobbed unsubstantiated accusations against Russia for interfering in our election process. The people called BS, a growing number of Americans aren't accepting the government at its word. The government is now trying to put together a convincing case, and coming up short thus far.

It should be noted that this is the same scenario that played out in the case of Flight MH 17 that was shot down over Ukraine. Accusations immediately lobbed at Russia. Then a belated and weak attempt to prove their case. Then it vanished.

The USG has a credibility problem. They really need to refrain from making accusations before they have built a case.
It's not that difficult to understand. The government lobbed unsubstantiated accusations against Russia for interfering in our election process. The people called BS, a growing number of Americans aren't accepting the government at its word. The government is now trying to put together a convincing case, and coming up short thus far.

It should be noted that this is the same scenario that played out in the case of Flight MH 17 that was shot down over Ukraine. Accusations immediately lobbed at Russia. Then a belated and weak attempt to prove their case. Then it vanished.

The USG has a credibility problem. They really need to refrain from the accusations before they have built a case.

Yes. I absolutely agree. We cannot, under any circumstances, trust what the United States Government tells us. They do not want us to know the truth. In this case, it is clear that the government has nothing but politically motivated speculation and Russia is likely innocent of any wrongdoing. Putin knows this...and that is why he didn't react with sanctions of his own against us. He's seeking only peace and stronger relations with the US. He said so himself.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:

If it's a slow process, Obama sure over-reacted fast...

Could you bring the STFU to him?

We all do know that there is not much evidence presented, while the wikileaks said that the Russians aren't their source.
It's not that difficult to understand. The government lobbed unsubstantiated accusations against Russia for interfering in our election process. The people called BS, a growing number of Americans aren't accepting the government at its word. The government is now trying to put together a convincing case, and coming up short thus far.

It should be noted that this is the same scenario that played out in the case of Flight MH 17 that was shot down over Ukraine. Accusations immediately lobbed at Russia. Then a belated and weak attempt to prove their case. Then it vanished.

The USG has a credibility problem. They really need to refrain from the accusations before they have built a case.

Yes. I absolutely agree. We cannot, under any circumstances, trust what the United States Government tells us. They do not want us to know the truth. In this case, it is clear that the government has nothing but politically motivated speculation and Russia is likely innocent of any wrongdoing. Putin knows this...and that is why he didn't react with sanctions of his own against us. He's seeking only peace and stronger relations with the US. He said so himself.
Your sarcasm noted, we should absolutely be skeptical of what the government says. There can be seen a connection between all of our actions in and around the ME and our actions related to Russia. And it is not over. It would be negligent to ignore them or pretend the USG will be forthright with the American people.

Does anyone still believe the US objective in the ME is fighting terrorism and not another regime change? We are acting in the region based on an outdated congressional authorization written with the objective of combating the perpetrators of 9/11. That is not what we are doing there. This should be the focus of American's attention. If we have cyber security issues then they should be promptly addressed, not made a public spectacle.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Something ain't quite right. Senator John McCain is chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee and a member of the Homeland Security committee. If the Russians were hacking into American cyber security where the hell was he and why didn't he take some responsibility? McCain never said a word about it until the election was over and all of a sudden he pops up with a rant against Russia while everyone is focused on the U.S. sanctions against Israel. Sometimes I think McCain is an agent of the Obama administration.

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