Russia: Too many self appointed experts

Neither one of us knows whether they also tried phishing with the GOP but were unsuccessful.

I think you miss the point. it's not what information they were able to get, it's what they did with the information they had.

They leaked and distorted information specifically to embarrass Mrs. Clinton. And the first thing Trump does is appoint a guy whose company has made shitloads of money dealing with Russia as secretary of state.

Even a dunce like you can connect the dots, Mac. But you don't want to because you think electing the racist repudiates PC.

Or perhaps they couldn't get anything from the GOP, so they went with what they had so that they could disrupt.

But you don't want to believe anything that is contrary to your worldview. And of course, you have to insult.

Okie dokie, don't care.
Neither one of us knows whether they also tried phishing with the GOP but were unsuccessful.

I think you miss the point. it's not what information they were able to get, it's what they did with the information they had.

They leaked and distorted information specifically to embarrass Mrs. Clinton. And the first thing Trump does is appoint a guy whose company has made shitloads of money dealing with Russia as secretary of state.

Even a dunce like you can connect the dots, Mac. But you don't want to because you think electing the racist repudiates PC.
What information that was released from Hillary's unprotected server was distorted?

So what if the Russians did it? You and your ilk have no problem flooding CA with illegals then letting them vote to distort the popular vote. But Russia releasing information the the America people should know you have a problem, if in fact they did it.

Besides, the emails made no difference, Hillary was going to lose regardless she couldn't even beat a pussy grabbing orange faced clown. Too funny that now you try and say it was bigger than the American people being fed up with the establishment.

Russia had nothing to do with Hillary losing, she did.
Neither one of us knows whether they also tried phishing with the GOP but were unsuccessful.

I think you miss the point. it's not what information they were able to get, it's what they did with the information they had.

They leaked and distorted information specifically to embarrass Mrs. Clinton. And the first thing Trump does is appoint a guy whose company has made shitloads of money dealing with Russia as secretary of state.

Even a dunce like you can connect the dots, Mac. But you don't want to because you think electing the racist repudiates PC.

Or perhaps they couldn't get anything from the GOP, so they went with what they had so that they could disrupt.

But you don't want to believe anything that is contrary to your worldview. And of course, you have to insult.

Okie dokie, don't care.
they just can't stand rejection especially on this scale.
Or perhaps they couldn't get anything from the GOP, so they went with what they had so that they could disrupt.

Unlikely. You see, the problem with your theory is that there weren't people who would have made the same kind of Cyber-Security mistakes at the GOP that the DNC had.

The other problem with your theory is that they were doing it just for fun, and didn't have a pretty specific goal in mind. YOu know, getting a US President who was more compliant and would lift sanctions that are crippling their economy.

What information that was released from Hillary's unprotected server was distorted?

You mean other than things taken out of context of the comments of low level flunkies expanded on?

So what if the Russians did it? You and your ilk have no problem flooding CA with illegals then letting them vote to distort the popular vote. But Russia releasing information the the America people should know you have a problem, if in fact they did it.

Well, first, you guys have been making these claims about illegals since the last time you stole an election in 2000, and haven't proven it. IN fact, the guy who stole the election tried to give those people amnesty until the bigots in your party said no.

More to the point, if a country that has hundreds of nukes pointed at us is trying to influence our election in a certain way, that's something that sensible people SHOULD be worried about.

Besides, the emails made no difference, Hillary was going to lose regardless she couldn't even beat a pussy grabbing orange faced clown. Too funny that now you try and say it was bigger than the American people being fed up with the establishment.

First, I think the Russians did a lot more than drop some emails. I find it hard to believe that not one poll had Trump winning WI, MI or PA, and he won them anyway?

Second, The American People didn't vote for Trump, they voted against him.
Or perhaps they couldn't get anything from the GOP, so they went with what they had so that they could disrupt.

Unlikely. You see, the problem with your theory is that there weren't people who would have made the same kind of Cyber-Security mistakes at the GOP that the DNC had.

The other problem with your theory is that they were doing it just for fun, and didn't have a pretty specific goal in mind. YOu know, getting a US President who was more compliant and would lift sanctions that are crippling their economy.

What information that was released from Hillary's unprotected server was distorted?

You mean other than things taken out of context of the comments of low level flunkies expanded on?

So what if the Russians did it? You and your ilk have no problem flooding CA with illegals then letting them vote to distort the popular vote. But Russia releasing information the the America people should know you have a problem, if in fact they did it.

Well, first, you guys have been making these claims about illegals since the last time you stole an election in 2000, and haven't proven it. IN fact, the guy who stole the election tried to give those people amnesty until the bigots in your party said no.

More to the point, if a country that has hundreds of nukes pointed at us is trying to influence our election in a certain way, that's something that sensible people SHOULD be worried about.

Besides, the emails made no difference, Hillary was going to lose regardless she couldn't even beat a pussy grabbing orange faced clown. Too funny that now you try and say it was bigger than the American people being fed up with the establishment.

First, I think the Russians did a lot more than drop some emails. I find it hard to believe that not one poll had Trump winning WI, MI or PA, and he won them anyway?

Second, The American People didn't vote for Trump, they voted against him.
I said that "they were just doing it for fun"? I did? Where, Joe?

You would think what I actually said - "to disrupt" - would be pretty serious stuff on its own.

That was one of your weaker lies, among many.

Joe, your posts on virtually all topics are so completely over-the-top ridiculous that I think you're either just trolling or really, really damaged.

In either case, I'm just not interested.
Stop lying to people you piece of shit.

Hey, guy, not my fault you all conspired with our enemies to subvert an election.

rump won because people are sick of you and your bullshit identity politics. They didn't want another term of Obama policy.

Uh, guy. Hillary got more votes. Trump didn't "win" the people. He won the electoral college after the Russians did god know what.

Well, we know what Russians supposedly did... they hacked DNC emails and revealed the sleazy underbelly of your party for everyone to see. They did not change the outcome of the election, we know that for a fact.... but as usual, you rely on the really stupid to believe over-hyped rhetoric instead of being honest. No one "conspired with the enemy" unless you want to count Hillary accepting $25 million from Saudi Muslims.

And Hillary won California by nearly 4 million votes... so Hillary won California, where Trump didn't bother campaigning. She didn't "win the popular vote" because there's nothing to win there... we elect a president by electoral vote and she lost.
I said that "they were just doing it for fun"? I did? Where, Joe?

You would think what I actually said - "to disrupt" - would be pretty serious stuff on its own.

Again, you said it in a way to indicate they were doing it for the hell of it, like this was some idea they got after a night of wild vodka drinking at the Kremlin...

"You know what would be funny, Yuri? If we hacked some American Political parties and put their emails on Wikileaks!"

So let's look at what really happened. Russia invaded Ukraine. Obama imposed sanctions that have crippled Russia's economy. Hillary said that she'd continue those sanctions, Trump said he'd lift them.

Hmmmmm..... Now which party do you think the Russians would actually WANT to win?

Joe, your posts on virtually all topics are so completely over-the-top ridiculous that I think you're either just trolling or really, really damaged.

Your posts on every topic show that you are kind of a whiny pussy... but I enjoy reading them anyway.
Well, we know what Russians supposedly did... they hacked DNC emails and revealed the sleazy underbelly of your party for everyone to see. They did not change the outcome of the election, we know that for a fact.... but as usual, you rely on the really stupid to believe over-hyped rhetoric instead of being honest. No one "conspired with the enemy" unless you want to count Hillary accepting $25 million from Saudi Muslims.

Last time i checked, the Saudis were our allies...

We know the outcome of the election. Hillary won by 3 million votes. But the Russians hacked the rust belt states and we got the mess we've got.
Neither one of us knows whether they also tried phishing with the GOP but were unsuccessful.

I think you miss the point. it's not what information they were able to get, it's what they did with the information they had.

They leaked and distorted information specifically to embarrass Mrs. Clinton. And the first thing Trump does is appoint a guy whose company has made shitloads of money dealing with Russia as secretary of state.

Even a dunce like you can connect the dots, Mac. But you don't want to because you think electing the racist repudiates PC.
These are bizarre assertions. Nothing in the Wikileaks emails did anything to damage Clinton's campaign among voters. They did, however, damage the leadership of the Democratic Party by revealing that it worked to prevent Sanders from winning the nomination. This means the only thing the Wikileaks emails accomplished was outing the DNC leadership, thus benefiting Sanders supporters, and forcing Debbie Wasserman-Schulz to step down. It is bizarre to think the Russian intelligence establishment was so interested in internecine struggles withing the Democratic Party. There is no proof the Russians were even involved in the leaks, but even if they were, these leaks clearly had no effect on the election, so why is Obama using this as a pretext to drag us into another Cold War with Russia?
These are bizarre assertions. Nothing in the Wikileaks emails did anything to damage Clinton's campaign among voters. They did, however, damage the leadership of the Democratic Party by revealing that it worked to prevent Sanders from winning the nomination. This means the only thing the Wikileaks emails accomplished was outing the DNC leadership, thus benefiting Sanders supporters, and forcing Debbie Wasserman-Schulz to step down. It is bizarre to think the Russian intelligence establishment was so interested in internecine struggles withing the Democratic Party. There is no proof the Russians were even involved in the leaks, but even if they were, these leaks clearly had no effect on the election, so why is Obama using this as a pretext to drag us into another Cold War with Russia?

A lot of Sanders supporters backed Stein and Johnson because they couldn't get behind Hillary after these leaks. (And they thought she was going to win anyway, so they had the luxury of a protest vote.)

It's not bizarre to understand what Russian intelligence is up to.

Hillary would continue sanction.

Trump will lift them.

Kind of easy to understand what they were up to.
These are bizarre assertions. Nothing in the Wikileaks emails did anything to damage Clinton's campaign among voters. They did, however, damage the leadership of the Democratic Party by revealing that it worked to prevent Sanders from winning the nomination. This means the only thing the Wikileaks emails accomplished was outing the DNC leadership, thus benefiting Sanders supporters, and forcing Debbie Wasserman-Schulz to step down. It is bizarre to think the Russian intelligence establishment was so interested in internecine struggles withing the Democratic Party. There is no proof the Russians were even involved in the leaks, but even if they were, these leaks clearly had no effect on the election, so why is Obama using this as a pretext to drag us into another Cold War with Russia?

A lot of Sanders supporters backed Stein and Johnson because they couldn't get behind Hillary after these leaks. (And they thought she was going to win anyway, so they had the luxury of a protest vote.)

It's not bizarre to understand what Russian intelligence is up to.

Hillary would continue sanction.

Trump will lift them.

Kind of easy to understand what they were up to.
Sanders supporters already knew what the leaks proved, so there was o effect on their voting, but it did change the status of things within the Party, moving it to the left. The most likely scenario is that the leaks came from Sanders supporters with access to the DNC computers since they were the only people who benefited from the leaks.
Sanders supporters already knew what the leaks proved, so there was o effect on their voting, but it did change the status of things within the Party, moving it to the left. The most likely scenario is that the leaks came from Sanders supporters with access to the DNC computers since they were the only people who benefited from the leaks.

I think that's a bit fanciful... but you go with that.

I'll go with what 19 Intelligence agencies say- it was the Russians.
Sanders supporters already knew what the leaks proved, so there was o effect on their voting, but it did change the status of things within the Party, moving it to the left. The most likely scenario is that the leaks came from Sanders supporters with access to the DNC computers since they were the only people who benefited from the leaks.

I think that's a bit fanciful... but you go with that.

I'll go with what 19 Intelligence agencies say- it was the Russians.
Well, why not blame the incompetent people with the private servers, a 12-year-old could've hacked their unsecured servers.
Hildabeast and the DNC we're not only stupid enough to have unsecured servers, they put harmful things to themselves on those unsecured servers… Their fuck up was their own doing. Fact
Sanders supporters already knew what the leaks proved, so there was o effect on their voting, but it did change the status of things within the Party, moving it to the left. The most likely scenario is that the leaks came from Sanders supporters with access to the DNC computers since they were the only people who benefited from the leaks.

I think that's a bit fanciful... but you go with that.

I'll go with what 19 Intelligence agencies say- it was the Russians.
It's 17 intelligence agencies and what they said is that some of the code used in hacking the DNC and Podesta's email was the same as code used by Russian hackers in the past, nothing more. All the rest is speculation. Private security firms have said that is very weak evidence this hack was by Russians.

Of course the Russians, among others, are always spying on us just as we are always spying on them, and high profile politicians both here and in Russia are probably prime targets, but since none of the emails that were leaked could not have conceivably influenced the election, if the Russians did these hacks, there is no reason to believe they would have had reason to give them to Wikileaks. The emails did, however, prove what Sanders supporters had been claiming all along about how the leadership of the Party tried to rig the primaries to prevent Sanders from winning, so they would have had strong reasons to give this information to Wikileaks. Add to this the fact that Assange has said the emails came from some one within the Democratic Party, and all the evidence points to disgruntled Sanders supporters trying to get the truth out about how they were screwed by the Party leadership.
Guy, your denial is working overtime.

so let's review.

Obama puts sanctions on Russia.
Russia hacks our election
Trump give Russia what it wants.

Last time I checked, that's called "Treason".

Benedict Donald, the Siberian Candidate.
Well, we know what Russians supposedly did... they hacked DNC emails and revealed the sleazy underbelly of your party for everyone to see. They did not change the outcome of the election, we know that for a fact.... but as usual, you rely on the really stupid to believe over-hyped rhetoric instead of being honest. No one "conspired with the enemy" unless you want to count Hillary accepting $25 million from Saudi Muslims.

Last time i checked, the Saudis were our allies...

We know the outcome of the election. Hillary won by 3 million votes. But the Russians hacked the rust belt states and we got the mess we've got.

No, Hillary didn't win by 3 million votes. Hillary lost by 77 electoral votes, which is how we elect a president.

The Russians didn't "hack the rust belt states" and that is a bald-faced LIE. In fact, there is no way to "hack" elections in the US because there is nothing online. You can keep on lying about this if you please, but there will be plenty of us out there setting the record straight and pointing out how you are attempting to subvert the election process. And if you continue to do this, we can have the Trump Justice Department look into possible treason charges.

And Saudi Arabia is the home of radical Islamic terrorism.
Guy, your denial is working overtime.

so let's review.

Obama puts sanctions on Russia.
Russia hacks our election
Trump give Russia what it wants.

Last time I checked, that's called "Treason".

Benedict Donald, the Siberian Candidate.
Of course the claim, "Russia hacks our election" is not supported by any facts, so the question is, is Obama using this claim as a pretext to drag us and the whole world into another Cold War treason? A strong case can be made that Obama has betrayed the interests of America to score some political points against Republicans: treason.
No, Hillary didn't win by 3 million votes. Hillary lost by 77 electoral votes, which is how we elect a president.

again, what the people said was different. Your guy was not elected by the people, but by a mechanism that was devised to keep slave owners happy.

The Russians didn't "hack the rust belt states" and that is a bald-faced LIE. In fact, there is no way to "hack" elections in the US because there is nothing online. You can keep on lying about this if you please, but there will be plenty of us out there setting the record straight and pointing out how you are attempting to subvert the election process. And if you continue to do this, we can have the Trump Justice Department look into possible treason charges.

I'm sure Trump would love to start charging his political opponents with crimes... because that's what authoritarians do... Please, please, please, start doing that, Trump.

But the Siberian Candidate got help from his Russian pals. We should probably look into that.

And Saudi Arabia is the home of radical Islamic terrorism.

shh.... nobody Tell that to George W. Bush.

again, what the people said was different. Your guy was not elected by the people, but by a mechanism that was devised to keep slave owners happy.

Well, I disagree on your supposition but be that as it may, it's still how we elect presidents. Your gal lost and was not elected by the people. She won California (where Trump didn't campaign) by more votes than her difference in the national totals and she won their 55 electoral votes.
I'm sure Trump would love to start charging his political opponents with crimes... because that's what authoritarians do... Please, please, please, start doing that, Trump.

Well here's the deal on that... piss ants like you on obscure message boards and blogs can say whatever the hell you like... unless you threaten the life of the president, you're pretty much safe. But if and when a national prominent Democrat figure begins implying that Russians hacked the elections, Trump is within his authority to have them brought up on charges of treason. It's not about authoritarians... it's about protecting the integrity of our election system.

I wrote a thread the other day warning of this. The left is going to try and push this narrative by using little semantics tricks to IMPLY that our system was hacked. Our system wasn't hacked. This country cannot afford to have the people lose faith in the election system or it's game over... we're no longer a civil nation. So you wanna tiptoe around that rabbit hole, that's fine... you better beware. This is serious and it will be taken seriously.

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