Russia: Too many self appointed experts

Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
You are missing the point: nothing in the hacks of the DNC or Podesta could conceivably have influenced the election, so why is Obama trying to drag us into a new Cold War over this nonsense?
There are two quite distinctively different narratives happening here at the same time. Let me demonstrate what I mean....

The intelligence services have already affirmed that Russia hacked the emails of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. These emails were then leaked to Wikileaks and the FBI.

I think when the Russians successfully hack your election, and the experts failed to stop them, we don't really need to take the experts seriously anymore.

Do you see the subtle difference? In one instance, the Russians hacked emails... in the other, they hacked the elections.

Now, we in the general public have no information to support the allegation that "Russians" hacked emails. That's the allegation but so far, there has been no evidence released to support this allegation. It may very well be true. But hacking emails then leaking them to someone is NOT hacking the election. These are two concisely different things.

But this is exactly what SOME on the left want to do... they want to take the allegation that Russians may have hacked emails and leaked their findings and MORPH that allegation into a wild conspiracy theory they actually hacked into voting machines and changed Hillary votes to Trump votes.

Now.... this is a disturbing and dangerous prospect because, if it's true, then we have no integrity in our election system and we can never trust the outcome of elections. When the populace can no longer have faith in the fairness of elections, they have no other recourse than rebellion, revolution, armed and violent revolt and overthrow of government. And it almost seems as if some on the left actually WANT that to happen in America.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Libertarian.... you need to stand in unison to REJECT this nonsense right now! Russians, or nobody else, could have possibly tampered with the results of our elections. Sure, there are always isolated incidents of fraudulent voting. We're never going to catch it all, it's just something we have to live with but it's generally never enough of a factor to change the outcome of an election, especially one across the entire nation in every state. But the idea that some foreign agent can somehow tap into our electronic voting machines and "hack the election" is just complete ignorance of how our system operates. First and foremost, no voting machine in America is connected to the internet. If the election is not online, how can it be hacked?

Did information contained in the hacked emails which were released in the closing days have some influence on the election? Possibly... but let's conduct a test... can any of you name something that was revealed about Hillary Clinton in those leaks that wasn't already known? If you answer yes, then... yes, it was possible this information influenced votes. Now let's also ask, did the revealing of a tape recording of Donald Trump's candid conversation to Billy Bush show something that wasn't already known about Trump? If you answer yes, then yes... that too possibly had an influence on voters. To take it a step further, did the debates reveal information about the candidates we didn't previously know? If yes, then they probably influenced some voters. You see, all kinds of things can have an influence on voters. That's basically what elections are all about.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
Something ain't quite right. Senator John McCain is chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee and a member of the Homeland Security committee. If the Russians were hacking into American cyber security where the hell was he and why didn't he take some responsibility? McCain never said a word about it until the election was over and all of a sudden he pops up with a rant against Russia while everyone is focused on the U.S. sanctions against Israel. Sometimes I think McCain is an agent of the Obama administration.
I think he's pissed Hillary didn't win.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.

Ugh! You are probably right. I was being too optimistic thinking that Trump would actually take the olive branch from Putin. He's just the same as the rest.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.

Ugh! You are probably right. I was being too optimistic thinking that Trump would actually take the olive branch from Putin. He's just the same as the rest.
I'm sure you have heard this before. You're a dick.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:

I think when the Russians successfully hack your election, and the experts failed to stop them, we don't really need to take the experts seriously anymore.
What did they hack
You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.

Ugh! You are probably right. I was being too optimistic thinking that Trump would actually take the olive branch from Putin. He's just the same as the rest.
I'm sure you have heard this before. You're a dick.

Yeah. When I'm not being called a mindless drone, that is.
Oh....absolutely. The US government is not interested in bringing about a peaceful resolution to the myriad of issues in the ME. No president...not Reagan, Carter, either Bush, Slick Willy nor the current occupant has any intention of permitting peace to take hold there. If that happened, how would they frighten us into submission?

And yes...this cyber attack BS is likely just our government trolling us with a shiny object to draw our attention away from our true designs in the ME.

Makes perfect sense.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.
Conciliation with Russia hasn't worked for Obama because Obama never asked the question, what does Putin want? Putin has been clear about what he wants but no one in the Obama WH seems to have heard him or cared.

Trump prides himself on being a negotiator and the first things you have to know when entering a negotiation are what exactly you want and what exactly does the other person want. Putin has been clear that he wants two things: Russia's naval base on the Mediterranean and a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. Bush41 had promised Gorbachev the buffer zone if Russia would liberate its satellite states, but Bill Clinton reneged on that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. Trump will have to try to reestablish the trust that existed between Bush41 and Gorbachev and which has been largely destroyed by our last three presidents in order to arrive at an arrangement that will satisfy Putin's concerns and ours.
Pretty close. I would say the cyber attack BS is less a shiny object used as a diversion and more a social engineering trick designed to convince Americans that Russia is an enemy.

If you are interested, here is a paper that discusses what the US objective is in the ME.

You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.
Conciliation with Russia hasn't worked for Obama because Obama never asked the question, what does Putin want? Putin has been clear about what he wants but no one in the Obama WH seems to have heard him or cared.

Trump prides himself on being a negotiator and the first things you have to know when entering a negotiation are what exactly you want and what exactly does the other person want. Putin has been clear that he wants two things: Russia's naval base on the Mediterranean and a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. Bush41 had promised Gorbachev the buffer zone if Russia would liberate its satellite states, but Bill Clinton reneged on that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. Trump will have to try to reestablish the trust that existed between Bush41 and Gorbachev and which has been largely destroyed by our last three presidents in order to arrive at an arrangement that will satisfy Putin's concerns and ours.

Cool! What do we want?
Conciliation with Russia hasn't worked for Obama because Obama never asked the question, what does Putin want? Putin has been clear about what he wants but no one in the Obama WH seems to have heard him or cared.

Trump prides himself on being a negotiator and the first things you have to know when entering a negotiation are what exactly you want and what exactly does the other person want. Putin has been clear that he wants two things: Russia's naval base on the Mediterranean and a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. Bush41 had promised Gorbachev the buffer zone if Russia would liberate its satellite states, but Bill Clinton reneged on that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. Trump will have to try to reestablish the trust that existed between Bush41 and Gorbachev and which has been largely destroyed by our last three presidents in order to arrive at an arrangement that will satisfy Putin's concerns and ours.
Obama never cared, I agree. US Syrian policy, put in play by Bush and carried out by Obama, led to the probability of hostilities with Russia. There was a concerted effort to put pressure on Russia to try and limit Russia's response to the Syrian situation. I think Trump is going to have to change course on Syria and I'm not sure he can do it.
You bet. Russia is definitely not an enemy. Putin wants to join forces with us to bring in an era of world peace.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.
Conciliation with Russia hasn't worked for Obama because Obama never asked the question, what does Putin want? Putin has been clear about what he wants but no one in the Obama WH seems to have heard him or cared.

Trump prides himself on being a negotiator and the first things you have to know when entering a negotiation are what exactly you want and what exactly does the other person want. Putin has been clear that he wants two things: Russia's naval base on the Mediterranean and a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. Bush41 had promised Gorbachev the buffer zone if Russia would liberate its satellite states, but Bill Clinton reneged on that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. Trump will have to try to reestablish the trust that existed between Bush41 and Gorbachev and which has been largely destroyed by our last three presidents in order to arrive at an arrangement that will satisfy Putin's concerns and ours.

Cool! What do we want?
We want Russia's cooperation in getting Assad to leave Syria and to stabilize the the nation after he has left. We want to find some sort of agreement that will satisfy Russia's security concerns about NATO in order to end the fighting in eastern Europe. Additionally, we want Russian cooperation in preventing Iran from continuing to spread the Sunni - Shia war across the ME.
I understand you are being a smug ass but why wouldn't Putin desire cooperation with the US? He can't compete. I think the only reason the USG hasn't obtained regime change in Syria as of yet is because of its public relations issues.

Right. Putin is content to follow our lead. He know he can't beat us, so he has decided to join us. Why wouldn't he? Trump obviously recognizes this acquiescence on Putin's part and he's going to negotiate us into a better position. I am eager to see what a new global partnership with Russia looks like.
I'm no fan of Trump. I would think his administration will deal with Russia much the way Obama's did. Make overtures of conciliation to Russia and then act in direct opposition to those overtures. I am keenly interested to see it play out as well.
Conciliation with Russia hasn't worked for Obama because Obama never asked the question, what does Putin want? Putin has been clear about what he wants but no one in the Obama WH seems to have heard him or cared.

Trump prides himself on being a negotiator and the first things you have to know when entering a negotiation are what exactly you want and what exactly does the other person want. Putin has been clear that he wants two things: Russia's naval base on the Mediterranean and a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. Bush41 had promised Gorbachev the buffer zone if Russia would liberate its satellite states, but Bill Clinton reneged on that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. Trump will have to try to reestablish the trust that existed between Bush41 and Gorbachev and which has been largely destroyed by our last three presidents in order to arrive at an arrangement that will satisfy Putin's concerns and ours.

Cool! What do we want?
We want Russia's cooperation in getting Assad to leave Syria and to stabilize the the nation after he has left. We want to find some sort of agreement that will satisfy Russia's security concerns about NATO in order to end the fighting in eastern Europe. Additionally, we want Russian cooperation in preventing Iran from continuing to spread the Sunni - Shia war across the ME.
The question is, who is we? Are you a policy maker? What makes you think those who helped spread the salafist movement want to now end it? Do you think it sprang up by accident?
I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you

You don't? You better go find your turnip truck. What other national leader actually wanted to see Trump win? Did you read the JAR report? It was released three days ago.
And the only piece of information it gave us was that a few lines of code used in the hack of the DNC were consistent with some code that had previously been used in Russian hacks. It really doesn't matter if the Russians did it or some one else used that code to hack the DNC since none of the emails on Wikileaks could have conceivably influence the election. The only casualty of those emails was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the only people who wanted to see her go were Sanders supporters, so if you ask who gained from those emails, the answer is not Trump and not Putin but Sanders supporters, who should have been the prime suspects from the beginning.
As Liberals and Conservatives jockey for political advantage over Russia's possible involvement in the election of 2016, I would point out to both sides, there is a mountain of classified and top secret information on this subject that most voters will never see. With this in mind I would ask the "self appointed experts" here on both sides of the partisan fence to STFU on this subject for awhile. Investigations and intelligence gathering is a slow process, and no one here has all the facts. I have no idea if Russia was hacking American computers, and neither do any of you, so maybe we should let the intelligence community do their jobs...that's why we pay them.:bye1:
Thanks for your expert opinion. Asking for evidence isn't really being an expert so I can't agree it's a both sides are doing it scenario. "The intelligence community" is xontrolled by a leftist government that has politicized everything and not gulping down everything your government officials tell you is actually a quite healthy state to be in. Try it sometime! Oh, and STFU backatcha.

I hope that the Americans can just wait until we have all of the information

I hate those commentators on TV who are just getting face time on the news, and they don't know shit yet.

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