Russia: Too many self appointed experts

Well, I disagree on your supposition but be that as it may, it's still how we elect presidents. Your gal lost and was not elected by the people. She won California (where Trump didn't campaign) by more votes than her difference in the national totals and she won their 55 electoral votes.

Yawn, guy, you can keep pretending that the Siberian Candidate won the people, but he didn't.

He's going to be the first president entering office with a negative approval rating,a nd nowhere to go but down.
Well here's the deal on that... piss ants like you on obscure message boards and blogs can say whatever the hell you like... unless you threaten the life of the president, you're pretty much safe. But if and when a national prominent Democrat figure begins implying that Russians hacked the elections, Trump is within his authority to have them brought up on charges of treason. It's not about authoritarians... it's about protecting the integrity of our election system.

I promise you, by June, when Trump's approval ratings are below 30%, Republicans will be calling him "The Siberian Candidate".

I wrote a thread the other day warning of this. The left is going to try and push this narrative by using little semantics tricks to IMPLY that our system was hacked. Our system wasn't hacked. This country cannot afford to have the people lose faith in the election system or it's game over... we're no longer a civil nation. So you wanna tiptoe around that rabbit hole, that's fine... you better beware. This is serious and it will be taken seriously.

Guy, I've lost all faith in our electoral system. So have a lot of people. I'd estimate about 54% of them.

What we can't afford is a reality TV Rodeo Clown making awful mistakes because he lacked the character, experience and temperment to be president.

The thing was, you were totally against Trump up until the point he won. Now you are jumping on the bandwagon hoping that in the short space between his innaguration and before the public turns on him, you can get a few truly regressive things passed.

That's why people lost faith in the system. Everyone knew this was a bad idea, but they went along with it anyway, because the Russians hacked our system and we couldnt' stand up to them.

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