Russia wants to remove beef and apples from the list of affordable foods, because they are not in the diet of the poor anyway


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
287 rich thieves around Putin and his cronies posses more as 95% of Russia, almost anyone is a dollar billionaire
Their families live mostly in the West and posses often citizenship of western countries
Caviar for Putin & Co bread for ordinary Russians

Russia has proposed to remove beef and apples from the list of affordable socially important essential foods, which, according to the law, are sold in our stores with a minimum markup.
This list was invented by the government so that the poorest people could be fully fed.
The other day experts from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) suggested removing beef and apples from the list of affordable food, because they consider their presence on this list pointless.
What is the point of keeping expensive meat on the social list and limiting its price, - the experts argue, - if it is not in the diet of the poor anyway, and producers suffer and receive less profit.
As for apples, it was said that they are imported in our country for the most part, which means that it is impossible to regulate the purchasing prices of foreign producers. One cannot sell apples to the store at a loss.
The logic must be frankly, a little twisted.
It turns out that if the product is unaffordable for the poor, because his income is small, it means that this product can be screwed to the ceiling.
Because of its absurdity, this proposal is very similar to a trial balloon thrown in through the media (the information was published by the newspaper RBC).
They say that if the process is successfully launched, the entire list of social products can be "edited.
Social products (picture from open sources)
Academicians" making such conclusions are well aware that the list of socially important products is based not so much on the "richness" of the dinner table, as on the amount of necessary microelements for the human body to maintain its vitality.
By the way, this notorious list also includes frozen fish, which the poor have not eaten for a long time because of price inaccessibility.
There is pork and lamb, and butter - also things not cheap.
It means, proceeding from the logic of scientists, it is possible to throw out from the list of social products everything which the poor man has not enough money for, leaving him millet with potatoes and "pasta".

This means that our poor, who number in the millions, are deprived of even a chance to have a decent meal and, more importantly, to be healthy. And not for lack of appetite, but for lack of money. Seems a bit cynical, doesn't it?

Translated from:

Guess you get as muddled as Litwin but the apple news is garbage .

Russians cannot easily grow apples commercially because growers are only supported/ subsidised around 15% , whereas Polish apple growers receive around 75% support .
Moscow wants to find a way of halting Polish imports which suits most Russians who hate the Poles .And vice versa .
Now Moscow will suddenly but quietly introduce apple imports from Belarus which will keep everybody happy and , mixing metaphors, leave you with egg dribbling all over your face .

But you can at least commiserate with Litwin as this state is permanent with him .

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