Russia will go all out now !!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Russia has failed miserably in normal war
Next up .the Russians will go for rentless carpet bombing and obliterate anything

Putin is trapped between a wall and a hard place

the Russian economy has lost over a trillion
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I hear people constantly saying the Russians are doing poorly in the war with Ukraine.
This is pure nonsense.
The war has only been going for 12 days and Ukraine is a very large country, the 2nd largest in Europe.
Heck, it took Hitler almost 2 months to conquer France at the start of WWll, and France is a much smaller country than Ukraine.
Putin has been planning this invasion for a long time.
He had the men, equipment, weapons, staged on the border, and ready for action for months.
There is no way Putin is going to lose this war.
He will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to win.
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I hear people constantly saying the Russia is doing poorly in the war with Ukraine.
This is pure nonsense.
The war has only been going for 12 days and Ukraine is a very large country, the 2nd largest in Europe.
Putin has been planning this invasion for a long time. He had the men, equipment, weapons, staged on the border, and ready for action for months.
There is no way Putin is going to lose this war.
He will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to win.
Winning this war might be a losing proposition in my mind…
Cold War II either way. On the plus side, go long on US gas and oil stocks,
I hear people constantly saying the Russians are doing poorly in the war with Ukraine.
This is pure nonsense.
The war has only been going for 12 days and Ukraine is a very large country, the 2nd largest in Europe.
Heck, it took Hitler almost 2 months to conquer France at the start of WWll, and France is a much smaller country than Ukraine.
Putin has been planning this invasion for a long time.
He had the men, equipment, weapons, staged on the border, and ready for action for months.
There is no way Putin is going to lose this war.
He will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to win.

So you are now admitting that Putin lied to the world when he said he wasn’t going to invade.
The Russians already control more than 40% of Ukrainian territory. And they are still acting in the white gloves.

Really. A cease fire to allow Civilians to leave the area was broken twice by Russia, after they agreed. What is your definition of taking the gloves off?
I hear people constantly saying the Russians are doing poorly in the war with Ukraine.
This is pure nonsense.
The war has only been going for 12 days and Ukraine is a very large country, the 2nd largest in Europe.
Heck, it took Hitler almost 2 months to conquer France at the start of WWll, and France is a much smaller country than Ukraine.
Putin has been planning this invasion for a long time.
He had the men, equipment, weapons, staged on the border, and ready for action for months.
There is no way Putin is going to lose this war.
He will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to win.
Tiny Ukraine against Big Russia and Russia still hasn't conquered them. The War is going badly for Putin.
Really. A cease fire to allow Civilians to leave the area was broken twice by Russia, after they agreed. What is your definition of taking the gloves off?
The Russians blame Ukrainians in this. And what is even more important - some Ukrainian officials confirm it.

The Russian definition of taking the gloves off includes wide usage of artillery, heavy flamethrowers, indiscriminative carpet bombing and, may be, even chemical weapon.

What's nice - they didn't face any kind of "significant resistance" (in their understanding).

It's not even a war, it's a "special operation".
The Russians blame Ukrainians in this. And what is even more important - some Ukrainian officials confirm it.
View attachment 612399

The Russian definition of taking the gloves off includes wide usage of artillery, heavy flamethrowers, indiscriminative carpet bombing and, may be, even chemical weapon.

What's nice - they didn't face any kind of "significant resistance" (in their understanding).

It's not even a war, it's a "special operation".

You do understand that Chemical Weapons are banned by Treaty, of which Russia is a signatory.
Russia has failed miserably in normal war
Next up .the Russians will go for rentless carpet bombing and obliterate anything
No, Russia has not even started a "normal war", two tank armies are standing in the vicinity of Kharkov and are bored.
And no, Russia will not fight in the аmerican style in Ukraine, like the US in the Middle East, at least because the United States sets an example of how to lose the war. Who needs that?!
In general, now is a very good opportunity to study how a real army performs its task. The Pentagon should be grateful to Russia for this invaluable opportunity. This experience will come in handy, when China takes Taiwan.
Yes, I do. But do the Russians really care about it? I'm not sure.

Ok. The Russian Economy is already bad and getting worse. Even if the West does not directly respond to the use of such weapons. Can you imagine a future where Russia rejoins the international community and doesn’t live ostracized?
Can you imagine a future where Russia rejoins the international community and doesn’t live ostracized?
The western European nations have treated Russia with nothing but contempt for centuries, and I doubt that will ever change. They are still wrapped up in the geopolitics of what is historically known as the, "The Great Game".
The Russians blame Ukrainians in this. And what is even more important - some Ukrainian officials confirm it.
View attachment 612399

The Russian definition of taking the gloves off includes wide usage of artillery, heavy flamethrowers, indiscriminative carpet bombing and, may be, even chemical weapon.

What's nice - they didn't face any kind of "significant resistance" (in their understanding).

It's not even a war, it's a "special operation".

Regarding your ability to translate Ukrainian: your anal retention is showing.
The western European nations have treated Russia with nothing but contempt for centuries, and I doubt that will ever change. They are still wrapped up in the geopolitics of what is historically known as the, "The Great Game".

Preposterous. Western European nations helped get Russia’s airline industry up to standards to allow them to fly international routes. Aeroflot leases 515 planes. Almost all are from European Companies.

This is but one example. When the collapse happened we helped teach the Russians how we trained and fought. I know. I was one of those demonstrating for Russian Paratroopers. We were told withhold nothing. Share freely.

The United States was astounded at the quality of Russian Rocket engines and began buying them. These engines were used for more than 20 years on the Delta class heavy lift rockets.

These engines were more powerful than any similar sized or even larger American designs.

We wanted Russia to share in the world economy. We wanted them in and they were members of the G-8 for a long time. Putin. Suffering the insecurity common to Impotent Men wanted an empire. He wanted the fear he commanded as a KGB Officer.

The truth is Putins sense of inadequacy is what led us here. And like all weak impotent men he needs to be feared.
Ok. The Russian Economy is already bad and getting worse. Even if the West does not directly respond to the use of such weapons. Can you imagine a future where Russia rejoins the international community and doesn’t live ostracized?
You see... The main problem is that some Western "idealists" (or, may be, just "idiots") believe in some sort of "post Cold War order" or something. They don't want accept Russia's concerns, they don't want to talk about Russian rights (even basic human rights) and ready to justify any sort of crime if it is a crime against Russians. The only role they see for Russia in "international community" - is the role of dinner. Of course, most of Russians do not agree with such preposition and, obviously, they won't "rejoin" that part of the international community (NATO+some allies) and are joining and integating another part of it (for example - Shanghai Pact). And it will be a serious problem, or, may be, even a catastrophe.
And there was a bright politician here in the US, who predicted this situation in 1997. What's a pity, that he was ruined by Alzheimer later.
Preposterous. Western European nations helped get Russia’s airline industry up to standards to allow them to fly international routes. Aeroflot leases 515 planes. Almost all are from European Companies.

This is but one example. When the collapse happened we helped teach the Russians how we trained and fought. I know. I was one of those demonstrating for Russian Paratroopers. We were told withhold nothing. Share freely.

The United States was astounded at the quality of Russian Rocket engines and began buying them. These engines were used for more than 20 years on the Delta class heavy lift rockets.

These engines were more powerful than any similar sized or even larger American designs.

We wanted Russia to share in the world economy. We wanted them in and they were members of the G-8 for a long time. Putin. Suffering the insecurity common to Impotent Men wanted an empire. He wanted the fear he commanded as a KGB Officer.

The truth is Putins sense of inadequacy is what led us here. And like all weak impotent men he needs to be feared.
That's what I'm talking about. For the Russian people in Donbass, shelled by NATO-supported Ukrainian nationalists (and open Nazi) weekly or, sometimes, daily - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Russian people in Baltic states, who were officially discriminated - the question of insecure was pretty real. For the Serbs who were bombed by NATO forces and murdered by Albanian terrorists in Kosovo - the question of insecure was pretty real. For Syrian people who were attacked by NATO-supported Islamic terrorists - the question of insecure was pretty real, too.

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