Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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Did you not know Russia was not our friend either until this?

Someone tell Trump because he clearly doesn't get that
Oh hell no, you commie asshat! Nice try, but no. Fuck you!
Only anti-American around is people like you!
You should be hanged for as much of a traitor as you are.
Hanged by the neck until dead. Yessir!
For being a traitor POS.
You fuckin lapdog. Supporting our troops is now "being a traitor"?

To who...Mother Russia?
I remember how things were on this board back in 2010 not one word did the board leftists say against obama when he did nothing towards iran because of the bounty they placed on US Soldiers

Leftists support Islamic Terrorism, this is why when there is an Islamic Terrorist attack they invade threads and are ALL across Nosebook and Shitter DEFLECTING away from their Islamist pets, Leftists also support Hamas and Hizbollah and they support China, actually Leftists support ANYTHING and ANYONE who HATES and would like to destroy Western Civilisation.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”


So as thought the above is ANOTHER 100% horsecrap made up story by The New York Slimes, they should just give up already on their pathetic Russia Conspiracy Theory horsecrap, this is getting beyond pathetic. At this point The Onion and The Babylon Bee are going to be MORE credible than The New York Slimes. TOTAL fantasyland again from The New York Slimes and their "anonymous sources" they mention are THEMSELVES.

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An Austrian Nazi supporting Putin,,,

I'm "shocked"
You just proved yourself to be an absolute dumbass because Germans and Austrians hate Russians.

Yes we do and for good reasons.
I have total confidence that the gop senators and Cheney's daughter will back up the troops, if it's proven that the Russians were connected to service deaths. (And pigs fly)
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.

What are you wanting him to do? Start a war with Russia?

We did the same towards Russia. Should Russia have attacked the US?
Trump should at the very least not be pulling troops from Germany and weakening NATO, campaigning for Russia's re-entry into G-7, and re-install sanctions he has eliminated. He has a long list of options if he would stand up and stop being a Putin ass kisser.

We should be pulling troops from everywhere or are you suggesting Russia do the same and if not, why not?
We are the world superpower. We earned it. We use our military for protecting our commercial interests all over the world. If you wish to change 85 years of American policy, go for it, but you will have to earn it.

It's coming.
This story about Russia paying for dead American troops is likely a CIA false flag. The story is bogus bull shit. Per Max Blumenthal...A dubious story about Russia paying bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan appeared in the New York Times. It was sourced entirely to "American intelligence officials."

These stupid fucking loser leftists are so Anti-America that they will fall for every hoax, that they can get their hands on.
Pathetic really.

Leftist are anti Americans? Dude you got to that backwards. You are saying that you support the Russians killing US soldiers. Right? Prove to us that this is a hoax.

We are protecting US interest. Idiots like you protecting Russians interest against Americans. Get your facts straight.

Trump believed Putin more than his own intelligence head that he hired against Putin raping our 2016 election. Trump support, promoted or blamed Ukrainians did it saving his master Putin.

You are a fucking moron
Probably operating out of China

How many Americans have been killed by the taliban under this imaginary program?

Why does it matter where people are operating? But it does matter if a member like me protecting US interest? Called patriotism.

Based on how you post and react. YOU..... You are in Moscow protecting Russians interest. Are you even an American?

You are asking me how many Americans have been killed? Means you don’t know anything it just plain ignorant.

Whats the number?
You anti American piece of shit.


Again. Why am I an anti American when I’m protecting my country USA interest against foreigners or traitor like you?

You are here protecting Russians interest. You are not an American. Truth hurts isn’t it.

Your writing does not even have the rhythm of a native Born American.
You are protecting anti American interests
Nah! Means nothing. compared to your post anti American.

Do you even realize how silly you are? You are here protecting Russians interest.

Russia told us it would be a mistake to attack Syria. It was a mistake.

Why in the world anyone will listen to Putin?? Except Trump his puppy. Since when Putin input has any credibility?

We did not invade Syria. We were only there to fight the ISIS with help of the Kurds.. If we have to invade any country it will take hundred of thousands US soldiers. So no it was not a mistake.

Bite me.

Boots On The Ground: U.S. Forces In Syria

Oh little poor thing.
Again. US military was there to fight ISIS with the help of the Kurds. All those howitzers are pointed to ISIS territories. Nothing more. Your link proved what I’m talking. But that has nothing to do with what you are blabbering US invade Syria. If US wants to invade Syria meaning against Assad. Assad regime will fall with in a week. Did US and coalitions bomb Damascus?

The entire purpose of Barack Hussein arming up ISIL was to fight a proxy war against Assad, have you been in a coma?

You may want to update yourself. Arming ISIL? Do you have any proof of what you are babbling about?

The arms we were running out of Libya went to "isis".

Said who? You? Another Russian lover.
You claimed you are not a Trump supporter. But you are here posting pro Trump and Russia’s interest. You are LIAR.

Refresh and read the link.

Oh! Boy. PAY ATTENTION. Read the thread coming from your buddy billyjeen ( Barrack Hussein arming up ISIL). Then you followed up with your link.
Do you even read your link? Where does it say in your link that Barrack Hussein PURPOSELY giving arms to ISIL? Where?

I debunked your previous link and I debunked this one again....

The purpose of arming the rebels against Assad because Assad Sr and junior been slaughtering his people for years. To help stop the atrocities and influx of refugees fleeing Syria to Europe and US. Just imagine if great Obama didn’t do anything to protect these people.

Obama was the only reason and only reason ISIS was defeated in Syria with the help of the Kurds totaling over 11,000 casualties. Then they were abandoned by your coward, lousy and incompetent Trump.

There are two options. He did it intentionally or he was completely incompetent as this is what always happens.

And then you have to ask yourself, what in the world were we running arms out of another country for in the first place?

And then ask yourself how that turned out for us.

And ISIS hasn't been defeated. ISIS isn't something you can defeat.
ISIS obama's JV team
back in 2010 there wasn't a peep out of the USMB leftists when Iran had a bounty of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan not even obama

Not a peep out of Democrats. "leftists" didn't want us there.
that maybe so yet they were silent when obama did nothing

The "left" almost got Obama not to go into Syria. They did speak up. In part it is why Hillary lost to the weakest opponent ever to run.
the weakest opponent beat 17 republicans and a weak democrat opponent

It's sad that this country had the choice between Trump and Hillary. Equally sad that it's going to be between two senile old men.
It's sad that America needed President Trump but here he is

He is failing.
actually no he's not

3 miles of new wall. Obamacare is still the law of the land. Losing over and over in the courts. He never lived up to his promise to round up illegals. How much further do you want me to go?
your miles are way low this is just from the military

Last year, the Pentagon diverted $6 billion of its budget to build barriers in California, Arizona and New Mexico. As of Jan. 13, according to Army Corps of Engineers figures, about $3 billion of that has been awarded for contracts to build 200 miles of barriers.

“I can’t give you any information on any future budget decisions," Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman told reporters Thursday, in response to reports of internal White House documents showing a plan to siphon another $7.2 billion from DoD accounts this year. "I’m not privy to what those decisions have been at this point.”

The mandate is gone that's a win but you can thank McCain for Obamacare not being gone

As for rounding up illegal many are being rounded up but democrats are helping illegals to hide from ICE
Dude you need to wake up and smell the coffee

3 new miles of wall. It doesn't matter what was spent. There are three new miles of wall.
And if a portion needs to be replaced the same stand NEW BORDER WALL

That was approved and funded years ago.
so new border wall isn't new border wall¿

You know perfectly well what the argument is. If Trump loses you end up with a measly three miles of new wall.
So in you TDS mind something being replaced isn't new? We replace a president every 4 to 8 years is the replacement new or the same person?

Lately it's pretty much been the same person.
Your sidestep is noted and surrender accepted

I was asked a question. I answered it. By answering a question isn't sidestepping anything. If you don't want a question answered, don't ask it.
be you answered with a sidestep
So you're saying Trump is Obama?

Pretty much. Both love to hear themselves talk and neither lived up to their promises.
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.
Indeed, with all of the sanctions that Trump has placed on Russia in the last 3 plus years,
I just can't believe how buddy-buddy they are according to the NY Times.
Then you aren't paying attention. The pattern of behavior is there.
Reality is biting you in the ass, facts are facts
Only deluded and ignorant minds see everything in black and white party partisan terms.
Only the demented and unhinged minds see EVERYTHING in Trump Derangement Syndrome terms and Russian Conspiracy Theory terms.
Your statement is only a subset of my statement, so of course I agree with it, and even gave it a thumbs up. Too bad you don’t write or think in a broader and more international and more realistic spirit, and so can’t seem to get beyond your own narrow partisanship.
Indeed, with all of the sanctions that Trump has placed on Russia in the last 3 plus years,
I just can't believe how buddy-buddy they are according to the NY Times.
Then you aren't paying attention. The pattern of behavior is there.

If The Donald was Putin's Agent then WHY would he have put ALL those new sanctions on Russia? It's okay we realise Leftists are devoid of Logical Thinking and so your response will ALWAYS be but but but Russia but but but Trump is Putin's Agent :rolleyes-41:

Only deluded and ignorant minds see everything in black and white party partisan terms.
Only the demented and unhinged minds see EVERYTHING in Trump Derangement Syndrome terms and Russian Conspiracy Theory terms.
Your statement is only a subset of my statement, so of course I agree with it, and even gave it a thumbs up. Too bad you don’t write or think in a broader and more international and more realistic spirit, and so can’t seem to get beyond your own narrow partisanship.

Sorry I misread your comment, I just gave your comment above a thumbs up. I am not ALWAYS Partisan I am completely open for discussion with Independents and actual Liberals, note that Liberals are NOT Leftists there is NOTHING Liberal about Leftists who are now basically just full-on Neo-Communists.
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
Lol.. the deflection would be hilarious if it were not so sad.

Yes, Obama ordered US troops to kill hundreds of Russian troops in Syria when they started encroaching on US territory.

Oh wait. That was Trump. Obama did nothing. That's right. I forgot.
What US territory?

Territory that US troops are patrolling as part of the multinational attempted peacekeeping.
Even when we catch Russians paying to murder Americans and Trump doing nothing about it, sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics will defend fellow traitor Liar in Chief Trump.
Disgusting anti-Americans who support a traitor. Vote all these cowardly traitors out of office.

Yes, we need to vote all of these Democrats out of office. They have repeatedly shown that they are traitors to the people of the USA.
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.
But Bolton briefed Trump on this.
Why would Bolton do that if wasnt credible?

Indeed, with all of the sanctions that Trump has placed on Russia in the last 3 plus years,
I just can't believe how buddy-buddy they are according to the NY Times.
Then you aren't paying attention. The pattern of behavior is there.
Reality is biting you in the ass, facts are facts

Leftists aka Neo-Communists do not live in Reality they live in the Fantasy Bubble of TDS and Russian Conspiracy Theories.

BTW Leftists WORLDWIDE LOVED Russia when it was The Soviet Union and WAS actually full-on Communist, they also LOVED Russia when that alcoholic Boris Yeltsin was selling off Russian Industry to the highest Big Nosed International Globalist bidders, but since Putin put a STOP to the raping of Russia by Big Nosed International Globalists the Leftists WORLDWIDE have been 24/7 trashing Russia and are TOTALLY FANATICAL about destroying Russia and basically wiping it off the map.

So according to Leftists and their Big Nosed International Globalist Masters:

Communist Soviet Union with mass graves and Gulags = GREAT.

Russia get raped by Big Nosed International Globalists under the alcoholic Boris Yeltsin = GREAT.

Russia being PROUD of being Russian and once again CHRISTIAN under Putin = EVIL AND MUST BE DESTROYED.
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
How is informing Americans their President is allowing Russia to pay for murdering American military personnel harm to the USA?
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
How is informing Americans their President is allowing Russia to pay for murdering American military personnel harm to the USA?

The Pentagon has said the NYT story is horsecrap. Please attempt to keep up. So your idiotic question is this:


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