Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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Only deluded and ignorant minds see everything in black and white party partisan terms.
Only the demented and unhinged minds see EVERYTHING in Trump Derangement Syndrome terms and Russian Conspiracy Theory terms.
Your statement is only a subset of my statement, so of course I agree with it, and even gave it a thumbs up. Too bad you don’t write or think in a broader and more international and more realistic spirit, and so can’t seem to get beyond your own narrow partisanship.
Sorry I misread your comment, I just gave your comment above a thumbs up. I am not ALWAYS Partisan I am completely open for discussion with Independents and actual Liberals, note that Liberals are NOT Leftists there is NOTHING Liberal about Leftists who are now basically just full-on Neo-Communists.
Well, thanks for the thumbs up and kind words. But I cannot approve of this comment of yours, nor of #958. You see I am myself a man of the left like George Orwell was — and so find your views extremely narrow minded and inaccurate. Do you think all “leftists,” or all “conservatives,” “liberals,” “libertarians” for that matter ... are the same?

"But I cannot approve of this comment of yours"

I do not give a FUCK what you approve of OR disapprove of. You don't like it, tough, put on your Big Boy Pants and grow up.
There is absolutely zero proof this ever happened.

What do we know for sure?

1. An illegal leak of classified information made it, yet again, to the New York slimes.
2. A large stash of american cash was found in a taliban hideout.
3. Trump was not told about this because they had zero evidence it was true.

Let's look at this situation:

1. Russia doesn't have gobs of cash laying around. They're struggling to pay their own bills.
2. Russia hates the Taliban as much as we do.
3. Trump has been talking about pulling out of the middle east and has pulled numerous troops out already. Why would Russia interfere with this if they wanted Americans out?
More news comes out. Better keep up with your denials. It's truly amazing how Trump never knew any of this. Truly amazing.

"American officials intercepted data that supported their conclusion that Russia had secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces for killing U.S. and coalition forces."

"Three officials familiar with the intelligence told the New York Times that intercepted electronic data showed large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to an account linked to the Taliban."

I remember that I was amazed endlessly every time Obama said -
I am learning about this at the same time as you,
I knew nothing of this before it hit the news.
What concerns me the most about this information isn't about Russia at all, it's about the illegal leaking of classified information to the media. Thats a much bigger risk to national security than anything else.
Russia already knew. If it was doing it. There was no harm to US security … unless Trump failed to act to protect the troops. We made a bargain after Vietnam not to throw lives away for political gain.

who did?
There is absolutely zero proof this ever happened.

What do we know for sure?

1. An illegal leak of classified information made it, yet again, to the New York slimes.
2. A large stash of american cash was found in a taliban hideout.
3. Trump was not told about this because they had zero evidence it was true.

Let's look at this situation:

1. Russia doesn't have gobs of cash laying around. They're struggling to pay their own bills.
2. Russia hates the Taliban as much as we do.
3. Trump has been talking about pulling out of the middle east and has pulled numerous troops out already. Why would Russia interfere with this if they wanted Americans out?
More news comes out. Better keep up with your denials. It's truly amazing how Trump never knew any of this. Truly amazing.

"American officials intercepted data that supported their conclusion that Russia had secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces for killing U.S. and coalition forces."

"Three officials familiar with the intelligence told the New York Times that intercepted electronic data showed large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to an account linked to the Taliban."

Pretty soon Trump is gonna have to talk with the troops about this.

"The White House and national security council declined to comment on the new revelations, as did director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe, who is expected to meet privately Wednesday with the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee."
Trump is never going to talk to the troops about this.

That's because there is NOTHING to talk about.

Literally the 2 groups that know that President Trump has their back, the most.

Law enforcement
The Military.
There is absolutely zero proof this ever happened.

What do we know for sure?

1. An illegal leak of classified information made it, yet again, to the New York slimes.
2. A large stash of american cash was found in a taliban hideout.
3. Trump was not told about this because they had zero evidence it was true.

Let's look at this situation:

1. Russia doesn't have gobs of cash laying around. They're struggling to pay their own bills.
2. Russia hates the Taliban as much as we do.
3. Trump has been talking about pulling out of the middle east and has pulled numerous troops out already. Why would Russia interfere with this if they wanted Americans out?
More news comes out. Better keep up with your denials. It's truly amazing how Trump never knew any of this. Truly amazing.

"American officials intercepted data that supported their conclusion that Russia had secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces for killing U.S. and coalition forces."

"Three officials familiar with the intelligence told the New York Times that intercepted electronic data showed large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to an account linked to the Taliban."

So who are these "three officials?" They should be arrested as they are leaking classified information.

And Russia is allowed to pay the Taliban. Doesn't mean Americans heads are tied to that money. So I said it before and I'll say it again, there is absolutely no proof that Russia ever paid the taliban to kill Americans.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

There is absolutely zero proof this ever happened.

What do we know for sure?

1. An illegal leak of classified information made it, yet again, to the New York slimes.
2. A large stash of american cash was found in a taliban hideout.
3. Trump was not told about this because they had zero evidence it was true.

Let's look at this situation:

1. Russia doesn't have gobs of cash laying around. They're struggling to pay their own bills.
2. Russia hates the Taliban as much as we do.
3. Trump has been talking about pulling out of the middle east and has pulled numerous troops out already. Why would Russia interfere with this if they wanted Americans out?
More news comes out. Better keep up with your denials. It's truly amazing how Trump never knew any of this. Truly amazing.

"American officials intercepted data that supported their conclusion that Russia had secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces for killing U.S. and coalition forces."

"Three officials familiar with the intelligence told the New York Times that intercepted electronic data showed large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to an account linked to the Taliban."

So who are these "three officials?" They should be arrested as they are leaking classified information.

And Russia is allowed to pay the Taliban. Doesn't mean Americans heads are tied to that money.

Is it Larry, Moe and Curly?
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

^^^^ Now the above HORSECRAP has been debunked by The Pentagon, The New York Slimes will just make up ANOTHER story.

The solution to the problem, this:

And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

View attachment 357366View attachment 357367

You have got to get out of mommies basement a little more often.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

View attachment 357366View attachment 357367

^^^^ This:

And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

View attachment 357366View attachment 357367

You have got to get out of mommies basement a little more often.

Yes and it should also take this:

Response to Lucy Hamilton:

“Leftists aka Neo-Communists do not live in Reality they live in the Fantasy Bubble of TDS and Russian Conspiracy Theories.”
— REAL LEFTISTS attack the crony capitalism of both “Liberal” DNC Democrats and Donald Trump Republicans.

“Leftists WORLDWIDE LOVED Russia when it was The Soviet Union and WAS actually full-on Communist, they also LOVED Russia when that alcoholic Boris Yeltsin was selling off Russian Industry to the highest Big Nosed International Globalist bidders, but since Putin put a STOP to the raping of Russia by Big Nosed International Globalists the Leftists WORLDWIDE have been 24/7 trashing Russia and are TOTALLY FANATICAL about destroying Russia and basically wiping it off the map.”
— ONLY rightwing fanatics, Russian ultra-nationalists and anti-Semites lie like this. Yeltsin’s coup and government were supported by U.S. capitalism. Leftists like George Orwell, and most leaders and members in Labour Parties, Socialist and Social-Democratic Parties opposed Stalinism. Some even worked with the CIA during the Cold War.

“So according to Leftists and their Big Nosed International Globalist Masters:”
— More anti-Semitism.

“Communist Soviet Union with mass graves and Gulags = GREAT.”
— More Lies. No real leftist says or thinks Russian Gulags were great. Nor, to the best of my knowledge, do Zionists or Jews.

“Russia get raped by Big Nosed International Globalists under the alcoholic Boris Yeltsin = GREAT.”
— More stupidity and anti-Semitism.

“Russia being PROUD of being Russian and once again CHRISTIAN under Putin = EVIL AND MUST BE DESTROYED”
— Still more stupidity, as it is U.S. imperialism that seeks to crush Russia and subordinate it completely to Wall Street’s world empire.
Last edited:
This “story” — whether it is completely made up or whether there is an ounce of truth to it — takes place in Afghanistan, where U.S troops have been for 18 years. When we went in after 9-11 our efforts had the support of the Russians, Russian logistics and Russian influence in ex-Soviet Republics in Central Asia. U.S. military and military contractor deaths over all these years at the hands of the Taliban were in no way financed by the Russians, or the Iranians, who themselves almost went to war against the Taliban.

This is a fake issue, pushed now by the MIC and among U.S. geo-political strategists who want to maintain a U.S. presence not just in Afghanistan but in all the Muslim/Turkic ex-Soviet Republics. Of course liberal Democratic imperialists push it, and try to make it into a big deal, because they hate everything the reactionary and incompetent Trump Administration represents.

Trump genuinely admires Putin, is jealous of him, but he admired XiJinping too. Doesn’t mean he is in their pocket or is a reliable ally of either of them. Hell, he is loyal to nothing and nobody but himself.
Great post.

The Problem we have today as a nation, is a large segment HATES Don so much that they are easily duped into believing the Trump/Putin narrative pushed by the MSM.

After all many of these Americans believe the Russia collusion story, that clearly is a hoax and has been proven so.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”


So as thought the above is ANOTHER 100% horsecrap made up story by The New York Slimes, they should just give up already on their pathetic Russia Conspiracy Theory horsecrap, this is getting beyond pathetic. At this point The Onion and The Babylon Bee are going to be MORE credible than The New York Slimes. TOTAL fantasyland again from The New York Slimes and their "anonymous sources" they mention are THEMSELVES.

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An Austrian Nazi supporting Putin,,,

I'm "shocked"
You just proved yourself to be an absolute dumbass because Germans and Austrians hate Russians.

Yes we do and for good reasons.
Germans/Austrians/Nazis have been "politically expedient" with the Russians before...or maybe you forgot Poland
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

View attachment 357366View attachment 357367

You have got to get out of mommies basement a little more often.

Yes and it should also take this:

View attachment 357374
Ya gotta love the fact that Austrian Nazis support Trump
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Another day, another act of treason by trump, now his allegiance to Putin costing american troops lives...

View attachment 357348

I keep asking all you all -
No one seems to be able to answer.
How many were killed?
What covert countermeasures did we take?

Trump is the one that needs to prove he took appropriate action, but he can't cause he is a scumbag traitor...

View attachment 357366View attachment 357367
Yeah, whatever, Gumbo. :rolleyes-41:
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.
But Bolton briefed Trump on this.
Why would Bolton do that if wasnt credible?

Trump is attempting to hide behind some nonexistent burden of proof necessary before intelligence reports be brought to his attention. First it's a lie to say Trump was not briefed. He was. He may have chosen to ignore or disbelieve it. That's his prerogative as Com in Chief, but if he's wrong, then the question is why he is wrong. (Where were those pesky WOMD?) Second is intelligence is predictive of what facts can show. (It was not proven Osama was in the that house until the Seals killed him.)

If facts show he failed to protect troops by making the consequence to Russia of it likely encouraging casualties way more painful than any possible benefit, that would be worse than anything less than ignoring a possible attack on the US itself. And the question would be why.


How can we tell if the Taliban killed Americans because they hate America and Americans and want us to leave Afghanistan or if they killed Americans because they hate America and Americans and want us to leave Afghanistan plus they were getting Russian cash?
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.
But Bolton briefed Trump on this.
Why would Bolton do that if wasnt credible?

Trump is attempting to hide behind some nonexistent burden of proof necessary before intelligence reports be brought to his attention. First it's a lie to say Trump was not briefed. He was. He may have chosen to ignore or disbelieve it. That's his prerogative as Com in Chief, but if he's wrong, then the question is why he is wrong. (Where were those pesky WOMD?) Second is intelligence is predictive of what facts can show. (It was not proven Osama was in the that house until the Seals killed him.)

If facts show he failed to protect troops by making the consequence to Russia of it likely encouraging casualties way more painful than any possible benefit, that would be worse than anything less than ignoring a possible attack on the US itself. And the question would be why.


How can we tell if the Taliban killed Americans because they hate America and Americans and want us to leave Afghanistan or if they killed Americans because they hate America and Americans and want us to leave Afghanistan plus they were getting Russian cash?

Easy peasy
Orange man bad.
De-bunked... Hah!
The intel agencies are crying that the info was leaked. This story is kicking Trump's ass.
For all of you in denial, TRY harder.
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