Russian Assassination Units Against US Soldiers

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Trump is relying on ‘I don't know,’ ‘I haven't heard,’ ‘I haven't been briefed.’ That's just not excusable
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
Read your own post. You asked about Democrats. Did you verify them? If you haven't, why would you troll and ask?
It’s not verified,, Benghazi is what Hillary Clinton did to our men is absolutely horrible
Exactly! It's not verified. Clinton was cleared from Benghazi, and Kevin McCarthy and Trey Gowdy got caught framing Clinton over Benghazi. It's why the case was dismissed. Where the fuck have you been?
Cleared ha facts matter she ignored many security requests
Try again loser. The case was dismissed, and you lied about Democrats paying people. Get out of here with all your snake oil lies. You can't debate shit.
Hillary should be in jail
Hillary was cleared and they tried to frame her. Next?
We all know that was a joke,, she’s guilty “ it doesn’t matter”
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
How is informing Americans their President is allowing Russia to pay for murdering American military personnel harm to the USA?

The Pentagon has said the NYT story is horsecrap. Please attempt to keep up. So your idiotic question is this:

View attachment 357345

View attachment 357344
Show us the link.
somehow Obama is one of top 10 presidents in history

Can't handle that truth can you? Don't be so sour. It's actually true.

I can handle the truth...….Obama was a waste of 8 years.
My previous response stands and cannot be disputed. Take a hike, You having nothing to debate. You never do.
Here ya go:

we don’t need any special intelligence to tell us: Putin is a murderer and a thug. He hates America
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”


So as thought the above is ANOTHER 100% horsecrap made up story by The New York Slimes, they should just give up already on their pathetic Russia Conspiracy Theory horsecrap, this is getting beyond pathetic. At this point The Onion and The Babylon Bee are going to be MORE credible than The New York Slimes. TOTAL fantasyland again from The New York Slimes and their "anonymous sources" they mention are THEMSELVES.

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You can't have two different versions. Trumps own intelligence agency concluded this happened. If Trump ignored the reports, maybe the Pentagon knew nothing about it? Trump is in charge, remember? So, the fact the Pentagon knew nothing, doesn't surprise me at all. First off, someone is lying. It's either his own intelligence or Trump.

Source it son.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
I will answer that. Of course he trolls.
You shitstain Commie crickets are chirping up the wrong tree.

"To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.""
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
Read your own post. You asked about Democrats. Did you verify them? If you haven't, why would you troll and ask?
It’s not verified,, Benghazi is what Hillary Clinton did to our men is absolutely horrible
Exactly! It's not verified. Clinton was cleared from Benghazi, and Kevin McCarthy and Trey Gowdy got caught framing Clinton over Benghazi. It's why the case was dismissed. Where the fuck have you been?
Cleared ha facts matter she ignored many security requests
Try again loser. The case was dismissed, and you lied about Democrats paying people. Get out of here with all your snake oil lies. You can't debate shit.
Hillary should be in jail

The Clinton Foundation should have been investigated years ago, it probably would have been but there are too many Obama holdovers in the DOJ, the FIRST thing Trump should have done when he took office was make it the number ONE PRIORITY to remove ALL Obama appointees in the DOJ, The Pentagon and The State Department.
You shameless humpers go so far off topic. Obama. ACA. Clinton. Democrats.
The OP is about Trump. Russia. Taliban. And BOUNTIES.
Sorry this bothers you but Trump is the problem here.
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
How is informing Americans their President is allowing Russia to pay for murdering American military personnel harm to the USA?

The Pentagon has said the NYT story is horsecrap. Please attempt to keep up. So your idiotic question is this:

View attachment 357345

View attachment 357344
Show us the link.
somehow Obama is one of top 10 presidents in history

Can't handle that truth can you? Don't be so sour. It's actually true.

I can handle the truth...….Obama was a waste of 8 years.
My previous response stands and cannot be disputed. Take a hike, You having nothing to debate. You never do.
Here ya go:

No, here you go. US officials have tracked down the accounts paid to Taliban fighters from Russia, and Trump did nothing; Data on financial transfers bolstered suspicions that Russia offered bounties for killing US troops in Afghanistan
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
I will answer that. Of course he trolls.
You shitstain Commie crickets are chirping up the wrong tree.

"To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.""
His is making history, after all.
How will Trump be remembered?

Donald Trump’s legacy is truth decay

"Our country is reeling under the dual onslaught of COVID-19 and runaway unemployment, but there’s one person who’s willing to give President Trump high marks for handling the situation: Donald Trump. 'I think in a certain way, maybe our best work has been on what we’ve done with COVID-19,' he mused in an interview this week." :rolleyes:
Bolton refuses to answer whether he briefed Trump on this story. Why?
Bolton is in a bad position but Trump is in a really bad position.

Bolton reportedly told colleagues that he did brief Trump on this story.

John Bolton is a Neo-Conservative Warmonger, who given the chance would have HALF the planet bombed. So you are supporting John Bolton now? Basically EVERYONE HATES that POS.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
Read your own post. You asked about Democrats. Did you verify them? If you haven't, why would you troll and ask?
It’s not verified,, Benghazi is what Hillary Clinton did to our men is absolutely horrible
Exactly! It's not verified. Clinton was cleared from Benghazi, and Kevin McCarthy and Trey Gowdy got caught framing Clinton over Benghazi. It's why the case was dismissed. Where the fuck have you been?
Cleared ha facts matter she ignored many security requests
Try again loser. The case was dismissed, and you lied about Democrats paying people. Get out of here with all your snake oil lies. You can't debate shit.
Hillary should be in jail

The Clinton Foundation should have been investigated years ago, it probably would have been but there are too many Obama holdovers in the DOJ, the FIRST thing Trump should have done when he took office was make it the number ONE PRIORITY to remove ALL Obama appointees in the DOJ, The Pentagon and The State Department.
You shameless humpers go so far off topic. Obama. ACA. Clinton. Democrats.
The OP is about Trump. Russia. Taliban. And BOUNTIES.
Sorry this bothers you but Trump is the problem here.
I know right. They are desperate to distract aren't they? When they start that, you know they are boxed in on this argument. They know there is no outlet but Obama, Clinton, Jack the Ripper, whoever. They are so pitiful and weak.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
I will answer that. Of course he trolls.
You shitstain Commie crickets are chirping up the wrong tree.

"To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports. Regardless, we always take the safety and security of our forces in Afghanistan — and around the world — most seriously and therefore continuously adopt measures to prevent harm from potential threats.""
And then they will get the evidence and then state they have evidence. This isn't rocket surgery. dummy.
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Stop trolling it’s not verified and also America pays people in the Middle East to take out Russians.. it’s a back and forth thing. Many countries pay people to take out American soldiers.. what about democrats taking out American soldiers?
Is it "verified" or are you trolling?
Read your own post. You asked about Democrats. Did you verify them? If you haven't, why would you troll and ask?
It’s not verified,, Benghazi is what Hillary Clinton did to our men is absolutely horrible
Exactly! It's not verified. Clinton was cleared from Benghazi, and Kevin McCarthy and Trey Gowdy got caught framing Clinton over Benghazi. It's why the case was dismissed. Where the fuck have you been?

We were running arms out of Benghazi. In no scenario should that be OK. Those arms went to arm people who then turned them against our soldiers.

What would you call that?
Just keep putting a mic in this idiot's face. Give him all the rope he needs.

Now the line is that the intelligence wasn't credible, which is why Trump was not briefed. Of course, this will he contradicted by intelligence officials, when they are interviewed by Schiff. Not that trumpers will care.

What people should care about is why the NYT, Democratic Politicians and Social Media keyboard insane people, don't mind leaking intelligence and repeatedly repeating it so that it harms the USA.
Traitors all of you.

Voters will take it out on all of you.
How is informing Americans their President is allowing Russia to pay for murdering American military personnel harm to the USA?

The Pentagon has said the NYT story is horsecrap. Please attempt to keep up. So your idiotic question is this:

View attachment 357345

View attachment 357344
Show us the link.
somehow Obama is one of top 10 presidents in history

Can't handle that truth can you? Don't be so sour. It's actually true.

I can handle the truth...….Obama was a waste of 8 years.
My previous response stands and cannot be disputed. Take a hike, You having nothing to debate. You never do.
Here ya go:

No, here you go. US officials have tracked down the accounts paid to Taliban fighters from Russia, and Trump did nothing; Data on financial transfers bolstered suspicions that Russia offered bounties for killing US troops in Afghanistan
Oh the Baltimore Sun has more information than the DOD
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”


So as thought the above is ANOTHER 100% horsecrap made up story by The New York Slimes, they should just give up already on their pathetic Russia Conspiracy Theory horsecrap, this is getting beyond pathetic. At this point The Onion and The Babylon Bee are going to be MORE credible than The New York Slimes. TOTAL fantasyland again from The New York Slimes and their "anonymous sources" they mention are THEMSELVES.

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You can't have two different versions. Trumps own intelligence agency concluded this happened. If Trump ignored the reports, maybe the Pentagon knew nothing about it? Trump is in charge, remember? So, the fact the Pentagon knew nothing, doesn't surprise me at all. First off, someone is lying. It's either his own intelligence or Trump.

Source it son.

A Blog? Are you really that stupid?
His is making history, after all.
How will Trump be remembered?

Donald Trump’s legacy is truth decay

"Our country is reeling under the dual onslaught of COVID-19 and runaway unemployment, but there’s one person who’s willing to give President Trump high marks for handling the situation: Donald Trump. 'I think in a certain way, maybe our best work has been on what we’ve done with COVID-19,' he mused in an interview this week." :rolleyes:
Trump actually did the work for us with so many failures and crimes committed. Buy ha, let's talk about Hillary and Obama. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
And Trump is silent.
Why isn't Trump putting a stop to this?
Trump is owned by Putin is the headline.

"President Donald Trump was harshly criticized on Friday after a bombshell New York Times report on Russia offering bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan."

“American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan — including targeting American troops — amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there,” the newspaper reported,”

Says which unsourced leaker? Who exactly put it out there? It's bullshit. Y'all will get all hard and jizz in y'all's faces over it just like y'all did with everything else only to have it end up as bunk.
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