Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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There were several reasons why Hillary lost the election, but a cyber attack from a foreign gov't is not one of them. There is no evidence whatsoever that whatever hacking took place made a difference in the election results. NONE.

If there was no evidence, then why did 12 Russians just get indicted?

The Justice Department announced charges Friday against 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein held a news conference earlier in the day to discuss the charges, which stem from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

"Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result," the White House said. "This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

Those indictments mean that the 12 accused Russians allegedly hacked into the DNC, DCC, and the Clinton campaign computer systems. But that does NOT mean that whatever they did affected the election results. The Democrats would dearly love to blame someone else, hell anyone else, but the simple truth is that they lost because of a bad candidate who ran a poor campaign.
There were several reasons why Hillary lost the election, but a cyber attack from a foreign gov't is not one of them. There is no evidence whatsoever that whatever hacking took place made a difference in the election results. NONE.

If there was no evidence, then why did 12 Russians just get indicted?

The Justice Department announced charges Friday against 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein held a news conference earlier in the day to discuss the charges, which stem from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

"Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result," the White House said. "This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

Those indictments mean that the 12 accused Russians allegedly hacked into the DNC, DCC, and the Clinton campaign computer systems. But that does NOT mean that whatever they did affected the election results. The Democrats would dearly love to blame someone else, hell anyone else, but the simple truth is that they lost because of a bad candidate who ran a poor campaign.
And game over but libbies don’t keep score so they don’t know
Here's one for you.....

I like how you fuckers think its okay for a baker not to bake a cake for a gay couple, but then you have a cow when Sanders is refused service at the Red Hen.

Fucking hypocrites!
Not really.
The Gay couple picked that bakery and targeted them for harassment.
The bakery gave them addresses for other bakeries that would help them, but they chose to sue them instead.
In the Red Hen's case, the bitch owner not only told her to leave, but followed her, like an asshole, and harassed her when she tried to go somewhere else.
Hey, great deflection.

Deflection from what? You telling me what I know and don't know?
There were several reasons why Hillary lost the election, but a cyber attack from a foreign gov't is not one of them. There is no evidence whatsoever that whatever hacking took place made a difference in the election results. NONE.

If there was no evidence, then why did 12 Russians just get indicted?

The Justice Department announced charges Friday against 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein held a news conference earlier in the day to discuss the charges, which stem from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

"Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result," the White House said. "This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

Those indictments mean that the 12 accused Russians allegedly hacked into the DNC, DCC, and the Clinton campaign computer systems. But that does NOT mean that whatever they did affected the election results. The Democrats would dearly love to blame someone else, hell anyone else, but the simple truth is that they lost because of a bad candidate who ran a poor campaign.
And game over but libbies don’t keep score so they don’t know

Oh, I think they keep score and I think they do know what the truth is, but they will never admit it. Look at Billo's attempts at deflection, skillfully done but nobody is buying it. Hillary was a piss-poor candidate and she ran a piss-poor campaign and she narrowly lost in too many swing states. And that is it, finito.
Hey, great deflection.

Deflection from what? You telling me what I know and don't know?
There were several reasons why Hillary lost the election, but a cyber attack from a foreign gov't is not one of them. There is no evidence whatsoever that whatever hacking took place made a difference in the election results. NONE.

If there was no evidence, then why did 12 Russians just get indicted?

The Justice Department announced charges Friday against 12 Russian intelligence officers for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein held a news conference earlier in the day to discuss the charges, which stem from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into potential coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election.

"Today’s charges include no allegations of knowing involvement by anyone on the campaign and no allegations that the alleged hacking affected the election result," the White House said. "This is consistent with what we have been saying all along.”

Those indictments mean that the 12 accused Russians allegedly hacked into the DNC, DCC, and the Clinton campaign computer systems. But that does NOT mean that whatever they did affected the election results. The Democrats would dearly love to blame someone else, hell anyone else, but the simple truth is that they lost because of a bad candidate who ran a poor campaign.
And game over but libbies don’t keep score so they don’t know

Oh, I think they keep score and I think they do know what the truth is, but they will never admit it. Look at Billo's attempts at deflection, skillfully done but nobody is buying it. Hillary was a piss-poor candidate and she ran a piss-poor campaign and she narrowly lost in too many swing states. And that is it, finito.
But but but...Russians
No...wait...that’s been dismissed

New fantasy-Trump works for Putin
Yet you have the Hillary campaign who's manager was representing SberBank of Russia that literally OWNS on paper 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. With ties to the Kremlin and HUNDREDS of nasty oligarchs and mafioso as bank clients. How come NO interest in that? Any one of the 100s of Russian oligarchs/mafia his firm was lobbying for could have EASILY hacked his phone and email.

Or you have Jill Stein, who's campaign for the Greens was JUICED by the Bernie screwing that the DNC did and cost Hillary 2 or maybe 3 states vote wise. SHE was sitting at an RT awards banquet DURING the campaign at Putin's table and got Pouty to hook her up with his top Kremlin foreign affairs people during the trip so she could give them "her plans for relations with Russia". She BRAGGED about it. And in turn RT gave her GLOWING coverage during the rest of HER campaign.

No one in the Russian witchhunt party is interested in that either. Why is that???
After 25 indictments and 4 convictions, it is definitely not a witch hunt.
And yet NOT A SINGLE one is accused of collusion. Go figure.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.

I'm not convinced that allegedly hacking a private organization and then telling the truth about what they find is an attack
Man with their “Russians made Trump win” fantasy dashed, they very quickly replaced that emotional void with “Trump works for Putin”
It must be Exhausting conjuring up witch hunts, have that emotional investment dashed, and immediately move on to an even more ridiculous proposition.
Man with their Russians made Trump won fantasy dashed the very quickly replaced that emotional void with “Trump works for Putin”
It must be Exhausting conjuring up witch hunts, have that emotional investment dashed, and immediately move on to an even more ridiculous scenario

Desperate times call for desperate measures.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked the country.
This shit happens in every single election. It only became a 4 alarm fire because Trump won.

Russias goal is to sow distrust among the American people with regard to our political system.
THEY SUCCEEDED in large part because of people like you.

Espionage is not new to the Trump presidency and suggesting it is now suddenly a problem when little has changed is hysterical

that what is so ridiculous. Russia was screwing with both sides to create chaos. These guys are doing exactly what Putin wanted them to do
Dotr are you just one more apologizing for Putins attack on our election system? that it's all Obamas fault not Putins

how does allegedly hacking the DNC and releasing accurate information about Hillary Clinton attack our election system?
Yet you have the Hillary campaign who's manager was representing SberBank of Russia that literally OWNS on paper 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. With ties to the Kremlin and HUNDREDS of nasty oligarchs and mafioso as bank clients. How come NO interest in that? Any one of the 100s of Russian oligarchs/mafia his firm was lobbying for could have EASILY hacked his phone and email.

Or you have Jill Stein, who's campaign for the Greens was JUICED by the Bernie screwing that the DNC did and cost Hillary 2 or maybe 3 states vote wise. SHE was sitting at an RT awards banquet DURING the campaign at Putin's table and got Pouty to hook her up with his top Kremlin foreign affairs people during the trip so she could give them "her plans for relations with Russia". She BRAGGED about it. And in turn RT gave her GLOWING coverage during the rest of HER campaign.

No one in the Russian witchhunt party is interested in that either. Why is that???
After 25 indictments and 4 convictions, it is definitely not a witch hunt.

You including the 8 russian trolls who spent less than $50K? Or the many verdicts that are held up in sentencing because of the hinkinest in how the govt ENTRAPPED many Trump campaign people?

Good for Mueller. He got the big fish Manafort. On something that happened WAAAY before the campaign. You ought feel that good when Podesta or Jill Stein get indicted on "colluding with the Russians". The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.

But -- you're not interested in ANY of those 3 things apparently.

BTW -- the funnest part is when those russian trolls appear voluntarily for Mueller evidence and discovery. THAT is worth the price of the whole "collusion" witch hunt.

WE did this to ourselves. WE did more damage to the credibility of our govt and our elections that Putin could EVER dream of doing. And Putin thanks you for helping.

Yet you have the Hillary campaign who's manager was representing SberBank of Russia that literally OWNS on paper 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. With ties to the Kremlin and HUNDREDS of nasty oligarchs and mafioso as bank clients. How come NO interest in that? Any one of the 100s of Russian oligarchs/mafia his firm was lobbying for could have EASILY hacked his phone and email.

Or you have Jill Stein, who's campaign for the Greens was JUICED by the Bernie screwing that the DNC did and cost Hillary 2 or maybe 3 states vote wise. SHE was sitting at an RT awards banquet DURING the campaign at Putin's table and got Pouty to hook her up with his top Kremlin foreign affairs people during the trip so she could give them "her plans for relations with Russia". She BRAGGED about it. And in turn RT gave her GLOWING coverage during the rest of HER campaign.

No one in the Russian witchhunt party is interested in that either. Why is that???
After 25 indictments and 4 convictions, it is definitely not a witch hunt.

You including the 8 russian trolls who spent less than $50K? Or the many verdicts that are held up in sentencing because of the hinkinest in how the govt ENTRAPPED many Trump campaign people?

Good for Mueller. He got the big fish Manafort. On something that happened WAAAY before the campaign. You ought feel that good when Podesta or Jill Stein get indicted on "colluding with the Russians". The MAJOR "colluding with the Russians" occurred when the Clinton campaign FINANCED a phony as shit "Russian dossier" based on the fantasies of several REAL RUSSIAN SPIES. Now THAT -- is colluding with the Russians.

But -- you're not interested in ANY of those 3 things apparently.

BTW -- the funnest part is when those russian trolls appear voluntarily for Mueller evidence and discovery. THAT is worth the price of the whole "collusion" witch hunt.

WE did this to ourselves. WE did more damage to the credibility of our govt and our elections that Putin could EVER dream of doing. And Putin thanks you for helping.

Get this Mr Mod
Sen. John McCain says Trump at Putin summer gave 'One of the most disgraceful performances by an American president' at Putin summit
  • Sen. John McCain said President Donald Trump, appearing with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference following their summit in Helsinki, had "abased himself ... abjectly before a tyrant."
  • "The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naivete, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate," the Republican senator from Arizona said in a prepared statement.
  • McCain's blistering take came hours after the press conference, in which Trump refused to criticize Putin for what U.S. intelligence agencies have said was a concerted effort by Russians to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
Dan Mangan | @_DanMangan
Published 7 Hours Ago Updated 5 Hours

Alexei Nikolsky | Kremlin | Reuters
Russia's President Vladimir Putin (R) and U.S. President Donald Trump attend a meeting in Helsinki, Finland July 16, 2018.
Sen. John McCain called President Donald Trump's joint appearance with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Tuesday "one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory," and said Trump had "abased himself ... abjectly before a tyrant."

"The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naivete, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate," said McCain, the Arizona Republican, in a prepared statement. "But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake."

"President Trump proved not only unable, but unwilling to stand up to Putin," said McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee and current chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
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