Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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Man -- I am THRILLED you are this far along on this complex dark tale. There WERE people trying to give "russian dirt" to SEVERAL Trump campaign people. Here's the part you DIDN"T GET...

Remember the blow-up about "informants/spies" put INTO THE Trump Campaign? This is acknowledged. The FBI is claiming it was their action, but the clear story is emerging that these were not "listening" type spies. These were people trying to DIRTY UP several of the Trump staff. By plying them with liquor and gorgeous women and than introducing them to Australian Ambassador --- (also papadouplis AFTER the FBI date CLAIMS the spying began.) But the REAL story is the intel sting on these folks EARLIER.

The people ENTRAPPED by all this "informant/spying" have figured out the connections between all these odd random encounters with sketchy folks trying to interest them with "russian dirt" .. Your boy Mifsud is related to others that tried to ENTRAP Michael Caputo, Carter Page and others. The "intel runner" for all of this seems to be a CIA/DIA asset -- not an FBI asset --- named Stephan Halper. And all the "field ops" like Mifsud are related thru him.

It was ENTRAPMENT. Mifsud was working as an intel asset to DIRTY Papadopolous and later the gorgeous woman filled him with drink and introduced him to the Aussy Ambassador who REMINDED papadop that the russians had dirt on Hillary.

Mifsud's girlfriend is now preggers with his baby and has only sent one brief --- Do not try to contact me.

A mysterious professor who told the Trump campaign about 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton has gone off the grid

    • No one can track down Joseph Mifsud, a professor who reportedly met with George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, during the 2016 US presidential campaign.
    • Mifsud allegedly told Papadopoulos that Russia had "dirt" on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
    • Mifsud's finacé told Buzzfeed News that he cut off communication with her when his name leaked to the press last October.
Last October, Mifsud was referred to — though not by name — in a US court document, which confirmed that former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos had met with him while living in London.

The document said Papadopoulos told FBI agents about meetings with Mifsud, during which he was made aware of "dirt" on Clinton, then Trump's rival for the US presidency.

But since his name was revealed in the press, Mifsud has gone silent. His bio was removed from a university in Scotland and another institution in Italy where he previously taught. They now show '404 Not Found' error pages.

This was a STING operation by your own government. And it's GONNA come out when the "origination documents" that the FBI has been hiding are made public.

A Cambridge professor with deep ties to American and British intelligence has been outed as an agent who snooped on the Trump presidential campaign for the FBI.

Multiple media outlets have named Stefan Halper, 73, as the secret informant who met with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos starting in the summer of 2016. The American-born academic previously served in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.

The Halper revelation also shows the Obama administration’s FBI began prying into the opposing party’s presidential nominee earlier than it previously admitted.

Halper’s sit-downs with Page reportedly started in early July 2016, undermining fired FBI Director James Comey’s previous claim that the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign began at the end of that month.

Halper made his first overture when he met with Page at a British symposium. The two remained in regular contact for more than a year, meeting at Halper’s Virginia farm and in Washington, DC, as well as exchanging emails.

The professor met with Trump campaign co-chair Sam Clovis in late August, offering his services as a foreign policy adviser, the Washington Post reported Friday, without naming the academic.

Clovis did not see the conversation as suspicious, his attorney told the paper — but is now “unsettled” that “the professor” never mentioned he’d struck up a relationship with Page.

Days later, Halper contacted Papadopoulos by email. The professor offered the young and inexperienced campaign aide $3,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to London, ostensibly to write a paper about energy in the eastern Mediterranean region.
The only thing I understood was the part about gorgeous women.

Of course. I figured that. But -- you've got a great start on putting all the pieces together here. Just remember that MOST of the folks being tortured by the Special Counsel were TARGETED very early in the campaign, by spies and intel assets who are now mostly disappeared from the face of the Earth -- who are all connected to Halper and have histories working for the CIA/DIA/FBI.

They were "stung" by folks PRETENDING to be in possession of Russian Intel BEFORE the "official" FBI investigation began. In HOPES of getting them to "leave out Russian contacts" or misrepresent these whacky sketchy contacts that set them up for problems in later FBI interviews.

That's not "planting an informant". It's not even just spying. It's a full-out Intel operation to compromise folks on purpose..
How many deal with collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia? That's the topic here.

We are still finding that out.

Yet you have the Hillary campaign who's manager was representing SberBank of Russia that literally OWNS on paper 1/3 of ALL Russian assets. With ties to the Kremlin and HUNDREDS of nasty oligarchs and mafioso as bank clients. How come NO interest in that? Any one of the 100s of Russian oligarchs/mafia his firm was lobbying for could have EASILY hacked his phone and email.

Or you have Jill Stein, who's campaign for the Greens was JUICED by the Bernie screwing that the DNC did and cost Hillary 2 or maybe 3 states vote wise. SHE was sitting at an RT awards banquet DURING the campaign at Putin's table and got Pouty to hook her up with his top Kremlin foreign affairs people during the trip so she could give them "her plans for relations with Russia". She BRAGGED about it. And in turn RT gave her GLOWING coverage during the rest of HER campaign.

No one in the Russian witchhunt party is interested in that either. Why is that???
Enough that she's not President, eh?
Thanks to a cyber attack from a foreign government.

And the memes......don't forget the memes.
Here's one for you.....

No illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured personal Hillary server

- No compromised national security

- No 6 foreign entities acquiring the TOP SECRET+ DATA ON Hillary's server

- No Russian Hacking

- No one finds out the DNC is a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites

- No one finds out how Hillary rigged primaries, cheated in debates, and engaged in election fraud.

2014: Obama learns of the Russians interfering, tells them to knock it off, & orders the DOJ / CIA / NIA / FBI to make sure they do.

Obama finds out about Hillary's server & tells her to shut it down ASAP or he will....

None of this happens.

...except they did not do 'the right thing'. They betrayed the US for individual goals.
Catching Russian Intel officers doing bad things does NOT require a Special Counsel. THere's 10,000 Counter Intel people working for the govt that do this everyday. And they don't get INDICTED --- because that's a ridiculous Showboaty thing to do. They get barred from entry or other wise economically sanctioned.

Mueller NEEDED some showboating this week to ruin the Summit with Putin. That's all that was.. There is NO new news on the DNC break-in because NOBODY IN GOVT INTEL has ever laid hands or eyes on that evidence. It's just theater. Because they are desperate.

IN FACT -- Mueller has his hands full with those Russian Trolls he indicted earlier. NEVER EXPECTED them to respond to a subpoena. But they DID !!! :auiqs.jpg: And now he has to share his "evidence" with them and go thru discovery. Smart trolls. Clumsy special counsel.
A perfect example of just how STUPID wing-nut "logic" is, Donnie Dirt Bag appointees head both the DOJ and the FBI, yet somehow the Right rationalizes that the Dems control Tramp appointees. :cuckoo:
So edtheliar, some of the treason that Strzok engaged in on behalf of the democratic party, in respect to the coup your filthy criminal party is attempting. Does this mean that Jeff Sessions has control of deep state traitors? Obviously not. The fucker Strzok engaged in treason and he can't even be FIRED, much less shot as he should be.

Our government is corrupt to the core, Trump is exposing it.
IOW, hero agent Strzok, who is renowned for rooting out deep cover Russian moles, was hot on the trail of a corrupt to the core family of Russian money launderers and had to be stopped by the treasonous Republican Party before he exposed their Russian connections.
Obama cancelled America's manned space flight program and made us dependent on the Russians to do just about anything.
More scummy lies from the lying scum Right. The GOP started cutting NASA in 2004 under Rep. John Walsh, R-New York, chairman of the House Appropriations Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and independent agencies subcommittee, "I cannot commit this Congress and future Congresses to a program that is undefined," Walsh said.

NASA warns GOP on cuts to space program

GOP-backed legislation pending in Congress would thwart NASA’s push to end U.S. dependence on the Kremlin to send astronauts to the International Space Station, the agency is warning.
Not to mention Obama violated the supposed Separation of Church and State by making NASA support Muslims.
Jesus, not this Limbaugh Lie again!!!
It was St Ronnie who turned NASA into a Muslim outreach program, but you lying scum knew that already!
The FBI is claiming it was their action, but the clear story is emerging that these were not "listening" type spies. These were people trying to DIRTY UP several of the Trump staff. By plying them with liquor and gorgeous women and than introducing them to Australian Ambassador
Geeezzz, how STUPID do you have to be to swallow that Limbaugh Lie??????
Offered PapaDop $3000 to come to London for a paper and then sent Mifsud to him in London to "dirty him up" for later FBI entrapment. YOUR GOVT interfered with an election.
Only if "YOUR" government is Russia. You do know it was Russia, not the FBI who sent Mifsud to PapaD. Only America-hating scum like Limbaugh tell your version of the story.
Why do you hate America?
The FBI is claiming it was their action, but the clear story is emerging that these were not "listening" type spies. These were people trying to DIRTY UP several of the Trump staff. By plying them with liquor and gorgeous women and than introducing them to Australian Ambassador
Geeezzz, how STUPID do you have to be to swallow that Limbaugh Lie??????

Has nothing to do with Limbaugh. It's all CSpan and interviews with Page, Papadopolous, Caputo and the others being tortured by special counsel after being "stung" by spies in the campaign. They and their defense counsels all compared notes and put the picture together. Which is being CONFIRMED right now in Congressional hearings and whenever the FBI releases the notes that they are holding from the public under contempt of Congress threats.

The Inspector General ain't done. THe next report is on the Russia Investigation that the FBI started before Trump was even nominated. And there's a group of 40 DOJ investigators appointed by Sessions working on this right now in Arkansas.

You don't know much do you? Worst political domestic spy scandal in our lifetimes. You'll know eventually..
1st clue is -- neither Page, nor Papadopolous nor Caputo nor Flynn or any other of the folks that were entrapped by this Intelligence sting operation have had their sentencing. It's been delayed over and over again. Because of errors by Mueller and all this new information. My bet is -- most of this is gonna get overturned. OR -- the appeals will drop BOMBSHELLS of information that have come together since they were convicted.

Bring it on. EVENTUALLY -- even CNN will have to report it.
Offered PapaDop $3000 to come to London for a paper and then sent Mifsud to him in London to "dirty him up" for later FBI entrapment. YOUR GOVT interfered with an election.
Only if "YOUR" government is Russia. You do know it was Russia, not the FBI who sent Mifsud to PapaD. Only America-hating scum like Limbaugh tell your version of the story.
Why do you hate America?

You didn't read the links did ya? Nifsud was working for Halper. Halper BROUGHT Papadopolous to London on false pretense so that he could be "stung" with this information. And LATER -- when interrogated by the FBI make errors in representations about the timing of the meetings. That's exactly what this Intel Operation was designed to do. Dirty up a bunch of Trump people with phony Russian contacts with some of the worlds' sketchiest intel assets and then leave it to the FBI to indict these people on the flimsiest of charges. In NONE of these cases, did the person indicted and convicted do anything wrong but make ARGUABLE "false representations" about time or exact wording, etc.

Was NOT RUSSIA that contacted Papadopolous. Not at all. It was ENTRAPMENT by the spies and intel assets sent into the campaign..
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
About three years ago, to be exact.
Uh.....I can count the countries that attacked us on one hand and also point out the fact that we hammered them.
The British, Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, and so-on.

On the other hand, Democrats tend to love countries that attack Iran.
Iran has done enough over the last 30 plus years for us to declare war on them and wipe their asses out, but instead Obama gave them one of our most top secret drones and billions in cash. He also allowed the technology that the CIA developed to spy on political opponents and the American people to fall into the hands of our enemies....for absolutely nothing.

And, getting back to the point...

Russia was considered our enemy by the Right until a few days after Trump took that ride down the escalator.

After that, what Trump says, goes, no matter what.
Obama cancelled America's manned space flight program and made us dependent on the Russians to do just about anything.
More scummy lies from the lying scum Right. The GOP started cutting NASA in 2004 under Rep. John Walsh, R-New York, chairman of the House Appropriations Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and independent agencies subcommittee, "I cannot commit this Congress and future Congresses to a program that is undefined," Walsh said.

NASA warns GOP on cuts to space program

GOP-backed legislation pending in Congress would thwart NASA’s push to end U.S. dependence on the Kremlin to send astronauts to the International Space Station, the agency is warning.
That was the generic excuse Obama used for everything that went wrong. "OMG...things are falling apart..because The GOP cut funding."
What the GOP did was reign Obama in because he increased our deficit by close to a trillion dollars in his first year, and was spending so much money that our debt was going to be $24 trillion by 2018.
You see, the Devil is in the details.
You figure if part of a program is asked to cut back, that gives Obama cart blanche to gut the program completely.....then blame the GOP for cutting the program.
Right now we have to rely on Russia for our Astronauts if they want to go to the ISS.
That was not the case before Obama.
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A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
About three years ago, to be exact.
Uh.....I can count the countries that attacked us on one hand and also point out the fact that we hammered them.
The British, Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, and so-on.

On the other hand, Democrats tend to love countries that attack Iran.
Iran has done enough over the last 30 plus years for us to declare war on them and wipe their asses out, but instead Obama gave them one of our most top secret drones and billions in cash. He also allowed the technology that the CIA developed to spy on political opponents and the American people to fall into the hands of our enemies....for absolutely nothing.

And, getting back to the point...

Russia was considered our enemy by the Right until a few days after Trump took that ride down the escalator.

After that, what Trump says, goes, no matter what.
No.....I was on point.
Russia is a threat.
They have always been a threat.
But it doesn't make any sense to falsely accuse them.
Especially since Hillary made a show of pushing the reset button.

Obama and Hillary were colluding with Russia and they're currently trying to frame Trump for it.
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